On stuff.

I hate that word. It obviously dictates the difference between the haves and have-nots. You said charity, you hear the Ritz: all black attire. Wine glasses clinks, faux laughters, and oh-have-you-seen-my-enormous-jewels extravaganza. That's charity.

This doesnt count for everyone, I know that. I realised that. I do.
Then again, can't we just omit the word charity? It really is insignificant word to be included in any occasion, really.

I said it to myself last night.. you know what, it didn't sound right. At that moment, I felt like a do-gooders snob. Hating it. Can't we just do something good without havin' everyone else highly praise on us? Like Agent Jay on MIIB said, "Have you ever heard James Edwards? He saved the lives of people on the subway tonight. No one knows he exists".

Social conscience dont always have to be visible. It's more likely valuable when invisible. Maybe I'm naive, Maybe I'm ignorant. Maybe I'm just a stoopid girl.

Oh well.


ps: I can't concentrate. I have a disturbing thought that I have a tumor or virus whatever inside my brain which failed me to focus on what I have read. HA! Idiotic. *Astaghfirullah Jangan sampe deh, kebanyakan nonton House gini deh! :( *


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