Oh dear Lord.

The horror just end. A sweet pain of relief I had indeed yesterday.
Consequences of my laziness has brought a mighty burden on ma shoulder this past week. I had a 4000 words report due friday evening and 2 presentations on saturday morning. Believe it or not, report was written on thursday mornin' and finished just bout 2 hours b4 due. Head on to individual presentation from 1 am to 6 am on sat mornin'. Did not have time to practice let alone make reasonable structure for it. Printed it out and began with the group presentation (mind you, the class started at 8 am that same morning!). For group presn I only need to practice since my group mate has done most of the work *tee hee*.

All's done. 7.30am Time to face those 5 dreading hours.
11 pm.
I.R: 'so who will do the talks today? I say there are two groups?'

11. 20 pm. 'okay, today's presentation is about marketeres turn to metrics to measure the impacts of their initiatives....'

--- after long discussions and several other presentations ---

1.10 pm. 'This presentation about advertising effectiveness. Uh.. Mmm.. Uhh.. Thank you. Any Question?'

Man! I suck when I'm not prepared! Hateful.
All I did were mainly 'Uhh', 'Mmm', 'Err..', *silent*.

I was so tired, damn frickin' nervous, clueless, and V. drousy! Dunno whether my pronounciation was okay too, but who de heck cares with pronounce if you don't know the hell ur talkin' about! Gaaah! Especially when there are two 'interesting' dudes sittin' there and actually listening while you do the talk but all you say was 'Uhh'? Gaaahh *pressure. pressure. pressure*

I wanna say it's all done and finished with. No need to bother cos it's the end of sem & prolly u wont see em no more, so no worries? But come to think of it, I can't just let go. That was a lousy day and prolly will haunt me for the rest of this sem, or prolly til next sem, who knows. =(

'Til 4 weeks time, I have 3 reports and 1 more presentation. None of 'em are prepared.
Dear God, help me.


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A Blank Canvas, Ready to be painted. Contemplation at its best. A personal Journey...
