The Bitches.. ROWR!

Are we women when together like backstabbing enemies? Are we cats with massive attitude? Had Eve been so selfish to passed on her 'attitude' to her descendents without any consideration? Are we yet another reason for humankind to be kicked off from a place ought to be a haven at one time? Are we, women, the bitches of the centuries?

Women are destined to embrace "keep your friend's close and your enemies closer" principle, are we not? At one point, a girl's bestfriend is your most trustworthy companion. Yet when lightning strikes, they can be your sworn enemies you'd never imagined. Beware Beware! Women are bitches. It's our natural insting, is it not? I love when we bitch. I hate when they bitch about me. Ha!

Have you ever realised when women are gathered in one room they're always in their best interest trying to please and compliment each other... excessively. Aren't we all the pompous swaggers? We say friend out loud yet our mind plays trick with its demeanor arrogance to belittle anyone, everyone. We are the queen of our own soul.

"a friend in need is a friend indeed" is a metaphor. It only exists in reality TVs. We are the air-headed chicas. Blind to the unknown social life and immensely showered with faux luxuries. We are my friend, the socialites of the new millenium.

Don't assume your girlfriend is the best friend you ever known. The 'girlfriends'.. may be your worst friends. We can be far more threatening enemies than the politicians themselves. We are the villains behind Patience Phillips's dark mask. We are intolerable misdemeanor princesses.
We took oath. We are the daughters of Eve.


ps: Had a fight with a humongous fly. I won!! *evil laughter*
Fly: 0 Me: 1


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A Blank Canvas, Ready to be painted. Contemplation at its best. A personal Journey...
