To admit to have a major crush on somebody out of my league? No no, to be exact, someone who's truly out of reach. Bedanya kita udah kayak langit dan bumi. We are apart gazillion miles away. Again, I can only admire and adore from faraway distance. This is crazy I tell ya! My mind runs like a dozen dancing mad cows. Twirling and twirling never ends. I don't even dare to admit this 'thing' inside. It's SO embarassing I do not dare to tell anyone. No one must know. Let just hoped that tomorrow's better days without any of this crazy talk every again.

Gaaah! I don't even understand you. My God I don't even know you! What the hell's happening to me? Don't answer, Don't ask. I don't need me to speak out loudly about any of this with fear that I'd acknowledge his existence and my pathetic infatuation. I don't want him to be real. Not in my reality.

Oh God. Such a torment to feel head over heels for someone you barely know. Maybe this is the hormones talking? I really do hope so for then all this idiotic crush will evaporates in approx 7 days. hfff I can't even talk about it to anyone! This is surely the hormones talking. Yes, I'm sure. Definitely sure. Positive.

.... I'm definitely sure that I'm not sure. (sigh)

Argh! Migraine!

Dia berada jauh disana dan aku ada di rumah
Memandang kagum pada dirinya dalam layar kaca
Apakah mungkin seorang biasa
Menjadi pacar seorang superstar.

tak mudah bagi diriku
Untuk ikuti gaya hidupnya
Semua orang suka padanya
Berat rasanya


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A Blank Canvas, Ready to be painted. Contemplation at its best. A personal Journey...
