good friend, great friend

Do you ever think that at this age you had enough of branching around to find friends that you trully comfortable to be with? They said at this age it's the perfect timing to gain as much experience you could get. Reach the top of the world if you would. Befriended with whomever crosses path.. don't narrow judgments and just open-minded. At the end of the day perhaps you'd get the whole world in your grasp.

End of theories, come in moi. Don't know what's gotten into me these past year, everything seems different cos things changed, people moved on. But there I am.. stood still like one clueless statue with no one and nothing to forgo. Suddenly I realized that I left all despair and misery miles and miles away to find a drop of happiness. I did found it, just a tad.. but surely made my days a lot better than I could ever imagined. However, at those times, I was satisfied rather quickly. I only wanders to those surround me and I'm at peace merely because I've found my comfort zone. Years gone by without noticing that the universe keeps moving forward and it stroke me deep to realized that I've lost it. That one tad of happiness, 2 cups of laughter and smiles, and 1/2 spoon of bitterness sweet. Again, the world becomes another jungle and I'm lost to nowhere arrow.

I've said too many times to just lift up these big butts and get a life. But do you know how exhausted I am to explore the jungle once more to find another comfort zone? I'm so tired of faux laughter and all those insignificant small talk. I'm not me when I'm around unknown others.

Yet I know that it's not how we meant to survive. We are human beings with necessity to interact with the others. However tough this might be, we ought to fight it and give life a chance once more. I know what I should and shouldn't do but to interpret them into action is a long bridge I cannot walk through.

I am clueless this way.
People say c'est la vie.. I say, Fuck la vie.


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A Blank Canvas, Ready to be painted. Contemplation at its best. A personal Journey...
