spiderpig big-screen debut.

The Simpsons family made their first step out of the house couch to cinema seats. First comment after Homer's final big-screen D'oh was it's very American. the whole "inconvenient truth" agenda, Homer having "epiphany" hence saves the day, and even the typical Simpsons dysfunctional family shebang. The jokes are too very American *i think*. The "between rock and a hard place" phrase is so American, isnt it?

I still enjoy it alot thou. I love the naked skateboarding scene. There's a part where it's so crayon sinchan! ::hehehe::

I have nothing much to say but -amerika banget deh.

Having said that, I have no regret whatsoever watching the Simpsons' Movie. After all, Homer's still the D'oh Master. You cannot not love him.

He did compose a -surprisingly- very catchy jingle for his Hollywood debut.

"Spiderpig, Spiderpig! Does whatever Spiderpig does!
Look out! Here is Spiderpig!"

I mean, who else but Homer could've pulled this off, eh?


Anonymous 1:45 PM  

yaaaa, bakal kecewa dong? spiderman alike gitu?
ah, amrike..amrike..gak jauh-jauh deh.
oia, yutubnya manteb banget!! ahahahah....homer emang kaga ada matinye!!!

schizilly 10:21 PM  

nggak sih bok. nothing like spiderman, bener deh. itu cuma lagu doank yg dibikin mirip2, other than that, gak spiderman kokk.
nonton aja deh, gak bakalan kecewa.

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