imma potter freak with capital F.

and proud of it.

ive been thinking.

kalo abis baca buku lalu semua feeling tumpah ruah di dalam diri lo, does that mean the book is that good?
does that the definition of a good book?

tetep gw masih blom accepting that Deathly Hallows adalah buku yang bagus.
and i dont mean, the storys have to be all lovey dovey with cliche ending to be a good book.
ah entahlah.

im still horrified on what happened that night at hogwarts.

its like im still slowly taking the pain out
but my mind keeps on flashing vivid images, scene by scene, of harry. of fred. of hogwarts.

the words "all was well" tetep terngiang.
then when he said the name "albus severus".
dan why slytherin ~ "hes the bravest man ive ever met"

naasnya, that kid michael jackson singing innocently dengan iTunes gw.
dengan santainya bilang

Never can say goodbye
No no no no, I
Never can say goodbye

Even though the pain and heartache
Seems to follow me wherever I go
Though I try and try to hide my feelings
They always seem to show
Then you try to say you're leaving me
And I always have to say no...

Tell me why
Is it so


Anonymous 10:28 AM  

kenapa gue sering gagal kalo mau komen di blog lo ya mak??
anyway, gue jugaaa!!! gue potter freak with capital F and proud of it. gue bilang ke temen2 gue kalo gue sempet nangis gitu (berkaca-kaca laah) baca buku ini..hahahah, mempermalukan diri sendiri gini yaa..

hiks, udah lebih dari 24 jam gini setelah menyelesaikan harry. tapi gue gak bisa berenti mikirin fred..gue ngerti sih, alasan dibalik kematian fred. seperti yg lo bilang, supaya bikin kita devastated. supaya kita gak cuma bilang: yasudah lah yaa...

cuma! HARUSKAH DIA BIKIN KITA DEVASTATED UNTUK HAL YANG SATU ITU??? emang dia gak bisa bikin kita bilang: yasudah laaah yaaa... bukannya banyak hal2 devastated lainnya?

you kno, kematian hedwig, mad-eye, dobby (!!!), lupin, even when george has lost his ear!! di buku2 yg dulu udah banyak kan mati..gue udah cukup setengah gila juga dulu waktu sirius mati. masa sekarang fred????

Coba ya, even Tolkien, pas perang, orang-orang yg udah sering muncul mah ngga pada mati, kok. Luka iya tapi ngga mati... Ini?!?!?!?!

and oh, i forgot to tell you (dan lupa juga gue taro di blog). Ada oliver wood walopun cuma sekelebataaaan!!! moga2 di pelmnye diliatin deh..;p

and oh, ini gue kutip dari salah satu email ttg review dan spoiler Harry:

"Yang paling menyakitkan hati, si FRed....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tewas di bagian akhir-akhir. Duuh, padahal dia selalu bikin ketawa, barengan GEorge (klo dia kehilangan sebelah kuping di awal crita). Dia tewas selagi ngeluarin komentar lucu tentang Percy (Yg akhirnya menyadari kebodohannya). Sampai akhir pun dia tetep becanda!
Selama ini, diantara si kembar, Fred emang lebih menonjol, ya. Fred and George Weasley. Fred yang selalu komentar duluan, klo ada apa-apa..."

gue gak sadar loooh hal itu..gue gak tau dia selalu ngebanyol duluan..huhuhu..freddie.....

schizilly 11:09 AM  

gue gak nyadar klo yg slalu mbanyol pertama tuh si fred. abis di buku2 sblom perbedaan mreka gak terlalu di liatin. maxute, gak jelas banget di liatin kyk di buku trakhir ini. jadi klo qta gak meratiin banget, wont realize it.

tetep neng, gw penasaran what happen to george after nineteen years without fred?? huhu.. rowling left us wondering there. :(( *hateful.

gue donk, udah 48 hours stlh slese HP. tetep aja loh.. few words i can still quote dan few images still flashing in my mind. it's getting quite disturbing, spertinya.

kmaren ada distraction sdikit sih. if you get the drift. hehe. tapi cuma beberapa menit doank. and that too screwed up my work after. bah.

uhh.. freddiee!!

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