harry bid farewell

The launch of JK's final installment of harry potter, Federation Square and Borders Melbourne are packed with wicked wizardry costumes. In this foggy winter morning (7 AM to be exact!!!) people crowd FedSq and Borders just to be part of Harry's extravagant and final adventure. Sponsored by Borders Bookstore, the magic bus also brought to the city of Melbourne for a quick ride for Potter's aficionados.

Sadly to say, I missed all of those.
I have work, believe it or not, from morning til afternoon!
There will be nomore harry potter launching frenzy, ever again!
today was the last one, and i frickin' missed it. GAH!

I'm really excited with this final release, but sad altogether.
This means, there will be nomore harry potter to be expected in the near future. :(
What JK has made for its ending, and that'll be it.

I so wanna know what will happen to harry at the end, but also don't wanna the story to end. Pretty twisted, innit?

oh well, its just a story.
It has to end sometime.

I'm quite stuck with harry for these past, er, 7-8 years?
It's time for a final closure.

anyone else so harry frenzy this month?


M I J U N G 10:24 AM  

me, me, me!

ive read half way to the end, by now.

dreading towards the end, but excited at the same time, youre right.

hhhh buku yang aneh.

schizilly 3:54 PM  

i know u so harry frenzy. u told me like gazillion times :P

i still have exactly 400 page more. gw bacanya pelan2 banget nih. menikmati. gak mo rushing. its the last book anyway, might as well enjoy reading word by word. hehehe..

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