lady lara croft

lagi nonton lara croft's tomb raider. i used to think it's quite a good movie.
now, seeing it again, i take it as a junk.
well, not entirely. the Cambodia tombs are delightful for the eyes.

the dislike began from the very first scene of the movie.

im sure the boys have noticed them too.
yes. yes.
its them boobies of Jolies.
i cant help but wonder,
most of the camera have precise angles to focus on Jolie's precious assets. when you look at the scenes, you cant help but to notice them there, staring at ya!! those damn tight tees really pop 'em out, don't they? heck, even a loose pajamas have to be unbuttoned up to the chest. Good Jolly good.

silly of me to think the movie's just about adventures and actions. so naive of me.
of course it wouldnt be so with them boobilicious Ange Jolie's there.

and of course, how do see 'em in those huge cinema screens?

ahh. filmnya rusak deh.


Anonymous 11:41 AM  

ahahhah, dari fotonya aja gue udah bisa ngebayangin gimana annoyingnya tu boobies sepanjang pelmnya. ihihih....

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