potter dilemma

deathly hallows udah sampe page 461, chapter twenty nine.
flippping pages constantly, gak nyadar only few pages left before it ends for good.
aaah! i dont want it to end.
tapi aku penasaraan..

i grew fondness of fred weasley since last night.
reference page 359. He can really cheer you up when things go berserk.
gashdarnit! dont want potter to end.. :((

have few hundred pages to go.
sinting gila, baca buku ampe bikin dada gw deg2an.
i put way much feeling into it.

if I say JK Rowling's potter had quite a bit resemblance with Tolkine's Lord of the Ring, would anyone start flying knifes at me? ::hehe::

not the whole story, 'course. and bukan cara penulisan.
tapi somehow when you read the whole content of the book, you'll notice slight similarity. sperti konsepnya mungkin? tapi pastinya, penulisan Tolkien lebih njelimet secara doi lumayan dewanya di genre ini. Btw, genre harry potter dan LOTR apa ya? not so much of a kids book, more to adventure/folklore?

aahh.. im posting this cuma untuk ngulur waktu nyelesein potter. I wanna read slowly, but I cant! When im flipping those pages, I couldnt stop. I read like mad. thats how it got me to this page now in 2 nights. When I wanted to finish it in a bloody frickin week?! :(

im just too weird, thats what i am.
gaah! I have potter inside my head.


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