Watched Harry Potter and the order of phoenix on Monday. Yes, its movie day on Nova. The movie is rather grim for kids to watch. Don't get me wrong, film's good.. for those who don't read the book. Although its been a while since I last read it, but shouldnt the story mostly about "the order of the phoenix". The movie paid too much detail on the evil Mrs. Umbridge and Harry being "substitute" teacher for dark-arts. As far as I can remember, the house-elf of Sirius Black's house had quite a bit of sneaky part for being the leak of the Order's gathering. Must read the book again.
Yes, there are flaws. the movie, that is. However, it's rather well-presented compared to the first few.
But that aint the important bits.
whats sooo great is that, my oh my have the kids grown!
Danny boy looking oh so greatly ::hoohoo::
Rupert always have this very british grunge musician look.
Emma, well, shes grown pretti-er and become young lady herself. Although at her age, being extremely famous, she still havent lost her innocent-look. Unlike those tinseltown's young citizens we saw on Entertainment Tonight.
what shocking is that danny boy really wanna loose his boyish harry potter charm.
He made a major breakthrough late last year by posing nude for a theater play in London called "Equus". I read the story online, apparently its quite a disturbing play. Totally opposite of the kiddy Harry Potter. It's as if Dan wanna show to the world that he aint this 10 year old boy playing wizardry and magic.
Well, he proved us nicely.Really, what can you see here but the man Daniel Radcliffe and not kiddish young potter?
Mate, you sure are grown very very very... er, mature. ;)
my my. you're hot for an underage kid, Danny boy. Hope tinseltown won't break you.
Danny boy, Strip please..
danny boy
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Labels: celebyu mosh-pit , Harry Potter , Moving feast
danny boy, strip please????
mwhahahahahha!!! ini sih lebih parah dari post gue bukan??? ;D
bukannya ini blog udah lo jadiin publik???
tapi bodynya itu meeeen....huhuhuhuhu...walaupun tetep aja gue pikir gak bisa menghilangkan image bahwa dia adalah the 'boyish' harry yang imut-imut..heheee..
and oh, bener bangeeeeett!!! kreacher punya peran penting tuh sebagai tokoh yang bocorin rahasia order of phoenix ke lucius malfoy!! klo di pelm kan lucius malfoynya tau-tau udah nangkep sirius duluan kan..
but i like the dumbledore army part..lucu2 sih bow. except for the harry-cho part..pake mistletoe2an segala pula!! holiwut banget dah ah...
yet, i think this movie deserve better applause than the 3rd and 4th..(menurut gue sih)..
iseng kali gw nulis itu. for a great ending. lol *penting!* lagian he already pose nude anywayyyy?!?!?!?! hahahaha.
he posed nude already? dimaneee??
bad movie, bad movie! huhuhu
btw, antara excited dan nggak nih for the books. its a farewell edition, see. dan keluarnya kenapa pulak musti tanggal tua begini? dan harganya gw liat skitar USD 34, converted to IDR?? mahal dah pokoknya. plus i dont get to have the hedwig thing, unlike you. unfair world huhuhu.. i did pre-order, though, kabarnya sih dapet 20% disc. or 10%. or nada. oh i dont know.
huhuhuuuu tanggal tua tanggal tuaaa naasnyaaa.
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