first entry on the month August.
It's already august. G-damn. time moving fast without me knowin'.
An update.
Ain't a cold sore, instead a virus. hm.
An update.
relieved on the referees thing. Approved.
An update.
big brother 06 finally ended. Jamie the headband dude is the winner. No shock.
An update.
voice becomes husky2 sexy gak jelas. hm, yeah.
An update.
Lack shifts at the supermarket. apply somewhere else?
An update.
blocked nose is still killin' me.
An update.
confuse in choosing sony vaio 14", fujitsu P7010, sony 15", or the grandad of all.. toshiba?
An update.
internet hub finally broke down. the reason behind all incompatibilities yesterday. all fixed.
An update.
spent more than 50 for meds.
note to self, get doc's prescription so less cash spent on generic meds.
An update.
sickness makes me lose balance. feel not walking straight or able to keep the eyes focused. dreadful.
An update.
this is boring, don't you think?
an update
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Labels: The damsel in distress
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