The Simpsons family made their first step out of the house couch to cinema seats. First comment after Homer's final big-screen D'oh was it's very American. the whole "inconvenient truth" agenda, Homer having "epiphany" hence saves the day, and even the typical Simpsons dysfunctional family shebang. The jokes are too very American *i think*. The "between rock and a hard place" phrase is so American, isnt it?
I still enjoy it alot thou. I love the naked skateboarding scene. There's a part where it's so crayon sinchan! ::hehehe::
I have nothing much to say but -amerika banget deh.
Having said that, I have no regret whatsoever watching the Simpsons' Movie. After all, Homer's still the D'oh Master. You cannot not love him.
He did compose a -surprisingly- very catchy jingle for his Hollywood debut.
"Spiderpig, Spiderpig! Does whatever Spiderpig does!
Look out! Here is Spiderpig!"
I mean, who else but Homer could've pulled this off, eh?
spiderpig big-screen debut.
Labels: Moving feast
lady lara croft
lagi nonton lara croft's tomb raider. i used to think it's quite a good movie.
now, seeing it again, i take it as a junk.
well, not entirely. the Cambodia tombs are delightful for the eyes.
the dislike began from the very first scene of the movie.
im sure the boys have noticed them too.
yes. yes.
its them boobies of Jolies.
i cant help but wonder,
most of the camera have precise angles to focus on Jolie's precious assets. when you look at the scenes, you cant help but to notice them there, staring at ya!! those damn tight tees really pop 'em out, don't they? heck, even a loose pajamas have to be unbuttoned up to the chest. Good Jolly good.
silly of me to think the movie's just about adventures and actions. so naive of me.
of course it wouldnt be so with them boobilicious Ange Jolie's there.
and of course, how do see 'em in those huge cinema screens?
ahh. filmnya rusak deh.
Labels: Moving feast
I used to think I had, thick skin it took a while to peel it down and let u in
When I did I told u secrets
You held my fears
Took away as I lay my head down
It's time to begin (to begin)
Let the sun (sun) shine (shine) back (back) in here
It's time to begin (to begin)
Claim the sun (sun), lay (lay) out (out) your heart
It's time to begin
So when it was time to start
But then I fell to come forward
And my new skin
Now I need to sew the old and the new
When a black bug hidden in a door
You came and turned the volume down
Now I need to find the balance between light and sound
It's time to begin (to begin)
Let the sun (sun) shine (shine) back (back) in here
It's time to begin (to begin)
Claim the sun (sun) lay (lay) out (out) your heart
It's time to begin (to begin)
Let the sun (sun) shine (shine) again (again) please again
It's time to begin
The journey has been long, my friend
You held my hand
Without a word I know you understand
Katie Noonan and her folksy voice. don't you just love her?
Labels: media junque
kiss of death
tau friendster? tau donk. the ultimate networking site itu. although, weird enuf kalo indonesians go to friendster and those buleys go to myspace. biar gw punya 22nya tetep yang kesentuh cuma friendster. mysapi cuma buat iseng cari lagu dan update-an band. so gak penting judulnya.
tapi lately i began to feel, friendster juga sama sampahnya. kayaknya itu2 aja. gak ada yg menarik hati lagi. tapi itu cara ampuh juga buat contact sama temen2 yang jarang di contact, if u get what i mean. sometimes, those kinda friends you don't know their mobile ataupun emailnya. jadi friendster lah yang menjadi juru penyelamat. aside from that, its a crappy thing to own.
biar ampe sekarang juga im still its loyal patron. imma friendsterwhorrre! :P
it'll be good if friendster have this "IM ME" function. so we can chat with other friendsterians. dari dulu its been a fixed program ryte. lebih seru kalo bikin smacem live online thing. ugh, gimana ya jelasinnya.
oh whattheheck lah.
I saw a rainbow today. shone its colors brightly on the afternoon sky, across southbank. i looked up and smiled. i've stopped chasing rainbows but its good to see em up there. brought back memories. melankoli skali ya? well, i have a dramatic mood-swings disorder. its the hormone thing, seriously.
on a different note,
you know mark philopoussis (spell?) guy. hes a tennis player, aussie i think. not very good one tapinya. well, hes on a reality tv show called age of love. sorta like the bachelor but the ladies are a mixed of twenties and forties of age. when i saw the show last night, i dont see mark as the main lead. instead, the ladies are the show.
interesting to see how women of a very different age gap run for their love interest. older women know where they stand. I see their confidence intimidate mark's behavior. his body language speaks for him. he's a child when faced with these forties women. but when hes with the twenties girls, you can see from his face all light-up and flirty. dasar lelaki! :p
i feel respect for the women in their forties though. they don't need a guy like mark. just go on with the show, have some fun, relax, and get the prize money.
ahh. im gonna start the whinge-fest again this year.
havent done that much this year, have I?
i'll whinge 'till my head explode, how bout that?
and anehnya lagi, suddenly i want victoria secret.
thats the drawback living downunder.
most american brands are not avail here!
Labels: Rambling nonsense
imma potter freak with capital F.
and proud of it.
ive been thinking.
kalo abis baca buku lalu semua feeling tumpah ruah di dalam diri lo, does that mean the book is that good?
does that the definition of a good book?
tetep gw masih blom accepting that Deathly Hallows adalah buku yang bagus.
and i dont mean, the storys have to be all lovey dovey with cliche ending to be a good book.
ah entahlah.
im still horrified on what happened that night at hogwarts.
its like im still slowly taking the pain out
but my mind keeps on flashing vivid images, scene by scene, of harry. of fred. of hogwarts.
the words "all was well" tetep terngiang.
then when he said the name "albus severus".
dan why slytherin ~ "hes the bravest man ive ever met"
naasnya, that kid michael jackson singing innocently dengan iTunes gw.
dengan santainya bilang
Never can say goodbye
No no no no, I
Never can say goodbye
Even though the pain and heartache
Seems to follow me wherever I go
Though I try and try to hide my feelings
They always seem to show
Then you try to say you're leaving me
And I always have to say no...
Tell me why
Is it so
Labels: Harry Potter
Harry Potter Spoilers
As Said above, it is spoilers. don't read if you wudnt want to know the story.
I have to get this out of me. my heart's pounding so fast, my minds filled with mixed emotions.
I might be biased. rage with emotions could not bear.
It finally ended. truly has ended.
the story of harry potter.
finally reached its final edge.
of course yeah, evil voldie oldie died. that we always thought of.
the tragic to come to that, was hard to bear.
too many deaths brought in one book. for one final closure.
We're still in shock for Dumbledore's death.
But The early chapter we've seen death of the beloved. Hedwig.
and more to come that were more painful.
Mad-Eye was lost during the first battle.
But the most painful loss was of Fred (huwaa Freddieeeeee!!!!!!), dobby, Lupin, Tonks and Snape's Deaths.
Yes, shockingly as it was said, Snape's death was really a painful one, indeed.
as others aficionados of HP has had predicted from previous books that snape might have a good side on him after all. Indeed, they were right. Snape was part of the Order of Phoenix because he was one of the most that loved Harry Potter. Much as Sirius loved Harry. Just because, Snape loved Lily too much.
and Harry knew of this, much too late. =(( =((
I feel for Snape.
To know of these deaths, I couldnt help but to feel ache myself.
I felt like crying and screaming to God knows what. All emotion brought upon us through the journey of Harry Potter's final saga. The truth behind all the secrets.
Rowling really made the end of Harry Potter, ends.
The wizardry world is back to its peaceful state. Harry, Ron, Hermione... the trio and their own little troublemakers.
Harry can finally live. without the major horror of Tom Riddle haunting every move since the day Harry was born.
He is now free.
but with much scars buried within his past.
Although, the ending somewhat left me hanging. Especially about George. With Fred's now gone, what happened to George? None was said about him 'til the end. Even Percy was mentioned at the very end. Why not George? And on epilogue it said, Teddy Lupin snogging Victoire. Who's Victoire???? Potter's cousin, definitely from Weasley's side of the family. But whose kid? Rowling left us totally hanging. Story's complete about Harry, but not really for the rest of the sidekicks.
Honestly, the book really gave me too much pain.
But a fair closure.
I still couldnt tell whether I like or loath it.
or prefer lay flat.
as someone told me few times now.
it's dreadful.
btw, i had this funny feeling when portraying Harry as grown up. Having family and all that.
it's as if, we're watching closely throughout his life.
that adorable bespectacled eleven year old boy.
to this, matured-with-too-much-scars thirty six year old man.
But as i said,
what JK Rowling has present us with Harry Potter and deathly hallows,
is a fair closure.
Bye Harry.
Labels: Harry Potter
agony, rapture, despair
by the end of chapter 30.
i began to despise JK Rowling.
its too much. too much for a kids tale.
shyytss! this blog's now public pulak.
maap2 it'll be spoiler.
for those who don't want to know the HARRY POTTER AND DEATHLY HALLOWS story, dont read beyond this.
contain spoiler.
the starting point chapter 31 was bloody.
the one i just started to fond of was ghostly rigid.
::sob hysterically::
that despicable Rowling. Even tolkien made tragic journeys so inspiring and mood-lifting.
Rowling, you. You. You. You. Evil you! ><
I hate you.
Labels: Harry Potter
potter dilemma
deathly hallows udah sampe page 461, chapter twenty nine.
flippping pages constantly, gak nyadar only few pages left before it ends for good.
aaah! i dont want it to end.
tapi aku penasaraan..
i grew fondness of fred weasley since last night.
reference page 359. He can really cheer you up when things go berserk.
gashdarnit! dont want potter to end.. :((
have few hundred pages to go.
sinting gila, baca buku ampe bikin dada gw deg2an.
i put way much feeling into it.
if I say JK Rowling's potter had quite a bit resemblance with Tolkine's Lord of the Ring, would anyone start flying knifes at me? ::hehe::
not the whole story, 'course. and bukan cara penulisan.
tapi somehow when you read the whole content of the book, you'll notice slight similarity. sperti konsepnya mungkin? tapi pastinya, penulisan Tolkien lebih njelimet secara doi lumayan dewanya di genre ini. Btw, genre harry potter dan LOTR apa ya? not so much of a kids book, more to adventure/folklore?
aahh.. im posting this cuma untuk ngulur waktu nyelesein potter. I wanna read slowly, but I cant! When im flipping those pages, I couldnt stop. I read like mad. thats how it got me to this page now in 2 nights. When I wanted to finish it in a bloody frickin week?! :(
im just too weird, thats what i am.
gaah! I have potter inside my head.
Labels: Harry Potter
harry bid farewell
The launch of JK's final installment of harry potter, Federation Square and Borders Melbourne are packed with wicked wizardry costumes. In this foggy winter morning (7 AM to be exact!!!) people crowd FedSq and Borders just to be part of Harry's extravagant and final adventure. Sponsored by Borders Bookstore, the magic bus also brought to the city of Melbourne for a quick ride for Potter's aficionados.
Sadly to say, I missed all of those.
I have work, believe it or not, from morning til afternoon!
There will be nomore harry potter launching frenzy, ever again!
today was the last one, and i frickin' missed it. GAH!
I'm really excited with this final release, but sad altogether.
This means, there will be nomore harry potter to be expected in the near future. :(
What JK has made for its ending, and that'll be it.
I so wanna know what will happen to harry at the end, but also don't wanna the story to end. Pretty twisted, innit?
oh well, its just a story.
It has to end sometime.
I'm quite stuck with harry for these past, er, 7-8 years?
It's time for a final closure.
anyone else so harry frenzy this month?
Labels: Harry Potter , the city
Chopin: Etude In C Minor
Gue suka duduk dalam kegelapan, di kamar gw sndiri tentunya.
Blinds jendela ditarik keatas, yg terlihat hanya kegelapan malam sekitar Southbank. Eh, mau tau gak? I've noticed it for a while now, there are two lil stars twinkling brightly every night. Its fun to notice them there. Its quite unsual since not much around with the sparkling metro lights covering the night sky. So, these two are.. uhm, special? hehe. well, theyre just unsual.
lately, gue suka banget di ninabobo-in pake lagu klasik. none particular masterpiece or no particular maestro. tapi malem ini lagi pengen denger chopin. entah knapa. mungkin paling bisa di denger ketimbang yg lain? ah, nggak. Gue gak sok2an act pretentious dengan sok2an lagu klasik. Lagian gue yg bodoh begini mungkin dengan dengerin lagu klasik sambil mo tidur, mungkin bangun tidur jadi pinter? yah, a girl can dream cant she? -- LOL
Dimaafkan lah ya.
Gw klo dengerin musik yg lain, be it smooth jazz dave koz ato norah jones dan kawan2.. yg cukup mellow untuk set sleep mode, tetep aja otak gw kerja dengan meratiin lirik2 dari si penyanyi2 kondang itu. oh wait, dave koz dont have lyrics.. well, pengecualian untuk dia krn musiknya catchy berat dan membawa hasrat2 menye. jadi dame desu!
dengan klasik, i dont need to hear my own thoughts.
if you know my thoughts, you'd get headache too. Theyre super annoying, seriously.
on a cheery note,
Harry Potter is coming! His final farewell, how will it be how will it be.
DegDeg-an. takut si Rowling dengan ego nya untuk bikin karya handal "mengharuskan" untuk ngilangin salah satu karakter kesayangan. Smoga bukan salah satu dari si trio kwek kwek tercinta itu deh. Everyone will be devastated dan eventually memboikot Rowling? ::hehehe::
one more,
Can't wait for Nodame Cantabile SP on 2008! set off in Paris.
damn. masih lama.
oh well.
Labels: Rambling nonsense
danny boy
Watched Harry Potter and the order of phoenix on Monday. Yes, its movie day on Nova. The movie is rather grim for kids to watch. Don't get me wrong, film's good.. for those who don't read the book. Although its been a while since I last read it, but shouldnt the story mostly about "the order of the phoenix". The movie paid too much detail on the evil Mrs. Umbridge and Harry being "substitute" teacher for dark-arts. As far as I can remember, the house-elf of Sirius Black's house had quite a bit of sneaky part for being the leak of the Order's gathering. Must read the book again.
Yes, there are flaws. the movie, that is. However, it's rather well-presented compared to the first few.
But that aint the important bits.
whats sooo great is that, my oh my have the kids grown!
Danny boy looking oh so greatly ::hoohoo::
Rupert always have this very british grunge musician look.
Emma, well, shes grown pretti-er and become young lady herself. Although at her age, being extremely famous, she still havent lost her innocent-look. Unlike those tinseltown's young citizens we saw on Entertainment Tonight.
what shocking is that danny boy really wanna loose his boyish harry potter charm.
He made a major breakthrough late last year by posing nude for a theater play in London called "Equus". I read the story online, apparently its quite a disturbing play. Totally opposite of the kiddy Harry Potter. It's as if Dan wanna show to the world that he aint this 10 year old boy playing wizardry and magic.
Well, he proved us nicely.Really, what can you see here but the man Daniel Radcliffe and not kiddish young potter?
Mate, you sure are grown very very very... er, mature. ;)
my my. you're hot for an underage kid, Danny boy. Hope tinseltown won't break you.
Danny boy, Strip please..
Labels: celebyu mosh-pit , Harry Potter , Moving feast
time of the year
gak suka deh sakiiitt!!
pala pusing, batuk2 rejan, mata perih. nganggu!! blech
Labels: shittyshittybangbang
pieces of paper
looking at these smudged papers i realize that from today onwards, things will be different.
the numbers show it. times changing... people too.
i guess, time's moving on.
and my mind kept shouting, they're just pieces of paper. why take it too deep.
as if the answers are easily verbalize.
Labels: Lilkaay
the dandy newman - saturday blues
its been months that I long for Saturdays than any other days of the week. The clock on the wall ticking slowly to reach the big three.
tick tock tick tock.
When it hits the number three. The happy hour starts!
that was any other Saturdays.
Today's a different story.
Its time for the glum Saturday blues.
the lead actor dandy newman is out of the picture.
The tall slender curly swishy has vanished.
you'd think the door will open wide and someone greets you with a warm hello. The door will always slides open... people walk in and out thousands of times. but none is you're expecting.
It is and will be Saturday blues.
It's similar to Mika's tune. It's the dandy newman...
welcoming the wintery blues.
Took a right to the end of the line
Where no one ever goes.
Ended up on a broken train with nobody I know.
But the pain and the (longings) the same.
(Where the dying
Now I’m lost and I’m screaming for help.)
mika - relax take it easy
Labels: Lilkaay
hey, whats up?
hff, the regular. how mundane.
thou the words have been said, tetep aja the respond aint that exciting. ~dari pihak seberang.
kalo gak deket juga, why bother say whats hidden inside. heck i do that too.
biar dipanggil juga, my minds blank. end up saying bye bye bye. ~not in the nsync way. :P
asking questions sounds like a nosy bitch. or maybe its part of the how u doin segment?
aggh. apa sih!
Do you ever have that dream
where you're walking naked down the street
and everyone just stares
Do you ever feel so deep
that you speak your mind
to put others straight to sleep
You wonder if anybody cares
Sometimes I think I'm the only one
whose day turned out unlike it had begun
*JLH - barenaked
Labels: shittyshittybangbang
Clean Clean Clean.. Neat & Tidy. This is My Cinderella Story
man, i sure have a lot of junk in my room. did house cleaning the whole day today, and only end up cleaning my room. how bout that?
sorta re-decorate the bedroom, but turns out more like a dump than before. i just have to much shyts lying around. no surprise since my last house cleaning was about, ermm, 2-3 years ago? hehe. serious.
do you know how many boxes full of old clothes I have? 5! yes five. and theyre packed! hmph, imagine how stuffy my closet is. you know, i still have papers from my year 1 bache. i kept those things althou never ever open them again. not once. theyre just for keepsake. silly, really. but junk, obviously.
today, i switched the bed and the pc, and basically everything in my room. since i no longer need to sit long hours, doing research, so why bother having a chair and desk. planning to dump the rotten chair tomorrow. the desk is still much needed, but instead of the usual decorations (ie. academia books and all that jazz), I placed the telly, speakers, and stack of CDs.
still, I feel like im living in a dump! to get all these stuff organized, I can never find a way! aah.
oh. ryte. tomorrow is inspection day. jolly that.
ergo, the massive house cleaning.
im not that clean-freak kinda girl. If the moods there, I clean. I mean, really clean. if laziness breaks in, which is almost everyday, i'd just clean the surface. you know, clean whatever things people can see and hide all the mess?
my room is a freakin mess. my apartment is a freakin mess!!!
on a different topic. bye bye birdie was properly played on Tuesday. It came with the usual, heartbreak memento, sad little miss. kitty, a defensive au revoir comment, and a light tap on the shoulder. thats all there is to it, Adieu mon ami.
its late and im covered in dusts. sorta speak.
better hit the showers.
and that. is. all.
oh well, no good for mourning period anyway.
Labels: Rambling nonsense , The damsel in distress
For one reason, its a must-see movie.
and for that one reason, only two people know what it is.
check closely.
you'll see.
Labels: Moving feast
demon of the night
Dont you ever just stare up the dark ceiling and browse through the aisles of thoughts? Hear the sound of ticking clock so loud in your ear, it almost drives you insane.
Tick tock tick tock
saying its three oclock.
Emilie singing the lullaby. The trick to get some shut eyes.
When the sun awakes, this Sunday has ended.
And suddenly I remember,
A farewell that was sadly forgotten...
Cry in deep sleep till your heart's content.
A proper bye and missing-you-hug are just hollow gestures.
Then I fell asleep,
silently whispers goodbye to you...
it's the demon of the night
the darkness and you.
Labels: Lilkaay
un, deux,trois
Sipping cocoa just after midnight. I remember the men with purple faces were in awe watching the girls dance. Nouvelle Vague has brought a lil french sound into Hamer Hall tonight. It was magnifique, as the French said. To me, it was beyond magical. ~its more english. =D
I wanna say, they are so french. but then again, what is too french?
A double encore was performed tonight. Love will tear us apart sung in two different time slots. People dance like there was no tomorrow. Is it too french when you say the F word casually? The entire hall room was cursing to God-knows-what. Well, to our excuse, the girls told us to. ;)
The night started with the sound of plush water as percussion, a piano, and other sound effects that you'd not imagine. Thats, Emilie Simon. I have NEVER seen any music with sound effects like hers. amazing.
The threeworld mentioned her as the French Bjork. Well, I can only say, I dont quite like Bjork's music (thou I do applaud her odd sense in fashion), but Emilie prolly is the softer side of Bjork's quirkiness. Too quirky... is too scary, I would say. =D
My Friday night was sooo chic frenchy.
gotta get me more new tricks for my french soon, other than merci beaucoup, un deux trois, and of course, merde! ;)
Labels: the city
spoiler A-Hole!
you know how u love and hate movie reviews? stupid people sometimes just dont how to differ reviews and effin spoilers!!!
when you said "i hate when the girl died" It's called SPOILER, people! stupid A-hole!
reviews is about the story plots, the hideous acts of the casts, the stinkin' productions, blah blah blah like that.
Not tellin' us about the ending.
bloody idiot!
Labels: Moving feast
I heart
Mark's mum said Justin's too "swishy". He sorta is, but totally addictive.
new york and baltimore owe him. cos of him, im listening to the original songs. lol.
Justin can go for Jay Rodriguez's youngself or brother. Theyre a match. but not in a pedophile kinda sense. 1234 Feist is here. I knew ZB always have great taste in music. no wonder he picked Feist. She sounds similar to George. Oh! Speaking of george,
Special ones and still real are always intoxicating as ever. The days will never be boring with Katie and Tyrone Noonan next to you. trust me.Don't you just heart Maksim. He's hawt! Nostradamus, a current fave. Bought 2 CDs in Japan. Kinda a silly purchase isnt it? I mean you went there and not buy a single JPop CD, instead got yourself a foreign CD -wait, make that TWO CDs!. Was it worth the papers? I guess it is. Google also seems in favor about Maksim's Elektrik sold only in Japan. Ah wha-ever!
Been watching SATC all day yesterday, so pardon the wordly postings.
hm, Carrie Bradshaw..
the woman knows how to picked-out words to say-slash-write.
so much for me to pull off a carrie bradshaw. She's witty and I dont have the vocabulary.
Ergo, bye bye wordplay.
Labels: media junque
Frogs are fine.
how often you say "we shud have coffee, and you know, catch up."
its a good small talk when you accidentally bump into people you havent met for a while. "Let's catch up"
the aftermath?
well, its always a phone call away. but catch up, turns to ketchup.
all is just sweet talk, baby.
Labels: Rambling nonsense , shittyshittybangbang