somewhat familiar?

On that night in mid-June 2004, this is what he wrote:

"kadang gw ngerasa kalo gw tuh gak cukup dewasa. tapi di suatu saat yang lain gw ngerasa kalo gw over my age. kadang gw ga tau apa yang gw lakuin itu salah hingga gw tau itu salah. gw bingung ama diri gw sendiri. gw ga tau apa gw punya dunia lain dalam kepala gw. ato semua ini hanya bentuk dari khayalan gw belaka. tapi apa yang gw tau adalah kadang gw ngerasa bahwa gw engga pernah bisa untuk berhenti lari dari kenyataan."

at some level, adolescents in their early 20s experience the same phobia. The fear of taking a step forward to maturity. Sometimes, fear took control and running away seems to be right answer. Is it just him and me?
Looking back to all entries -his, mine, her; among others' hidden journals- maybe it's not just me. Maybe we're all just trying on which shoes that best fit to our feet and hence walk out the shop with a big smile on our face. Am I that peculiar to have these thoughts?

Yes, we do love our privacy. I don't want to confront anyone. Let us just be strangers and not knowing each other's reality. Just random people walk free in this cyber world. Hope you don't mind me borrowed your words from your 'peculiar' entry in your 'peculiar' journal.


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A Blank Canvas, Ready to be painted. Contemplation at its best. A personal Journey...
