that bitch!

Hate when people bosses me around. If she's my superior at work that'd be forgiven. But she's nobody! just a mate, a uni mate!! Goshdarnit lady you pushed me buttons! I hate you bossing me around all the year. HATE YOU HATE YOU HATE YOUU!!!

I wish my bitching-buddy is still in a group with me. She'd know how to push her off to sideway. I think I'm a pushover. Gah! That crazy bitch with her obnoxious teacher attitude. Why she assigned us tasks without compromising with the group? WHO MADE HER TEAM LEADER??? NONE I tell you , NO-ONE!! whatta bitch.

I want to confront her, but just donno how. I mean what words should came outta ma mouth without having a fight with her. Well, I often fight with her, but for her those just arguments (which are fixable!). Dasar mbegoo! mbodohh! GUOBLOG!!

kancutz dah!


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