I'm on ecstasy .. Flying high from the so-called reality.
I'm intoxicated.
9 hours.
It's over midnite now. but I'm still so chirpie and fully awake.
Aneh.After the first 3.5 hours.. I keep thinking about the energizer bunny.
Not sure if other countries have the same commercial for that energizer batteries.
But it's a bunny loaded with energizer batteries that wont stop running. It goes Whooozaa!
.. and aint stopping.
Instead of injecting me with the energizer batteries. I feed my mind with only one thought. Yes. That is the only Whoooza! for me today. My own version of energizer bunny - wrapped in a blue-black uniform. *tee hee*
My energy aint worn off yet. My eyes are still wide awake.
I'm on ecstasy.
I'm so high.
It's so bizarre.
Maybe Naoko Takeuchi had a similar thought when created her "Usagi Tsukino" alter-ego.
Remember Usagi Tsukino?
Yah, maybe her trademark phrase really seal the deal.
"Dengan kekuatan Cinta akan mendukungmu!"
OK. It's official.
Sakit Jiwa!
Ah sudahlah.
Like Bryan Adams said "I'm up on cloud number nine!"
It's beyond logical thinking.
Hey, It Is cloud number NINE!?
*grinning sperti orang bodoh.
***pesan moral: diatas hanya sepatah, dua patah, beberapa patah - kata yang sangat beyond realitas dari seorang yang kewarasannya saat ini sangat diragukan. Pikiran2 bodoh diantara gelapnya malam, sunyi rintik2 hujan di kemarau panjang ostrali, chopin dengan klasiknya Mazurka In B Flat dan suara mematikan Chris Martin dengan Fix You keparat itu. Indah.
Jangan pake logika deh.
up on cloud number nine.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Labels: Lilkaay
loe skrg rajin banget ngeblog yah. biasanya ga buka seminggu jg belom tentu ada 1 yg baru tapi ini baru 2-3 hari uda berentet gituh..
tapi, tapi kok g ga ngerti si apaan tu ada sailor moon?? what ecstasy?? pardon me kalo ga nyambung soalnya ini uda 1.35am..
as usual, uda ngantuk tapi maksa2in jadinya gitu deh
HAHAHA! I cant help u there. Thot it'd be ezy to understand when u already know most of my story. Tell u later on YM lah.
"My own version of energizer bunny - wrapped in a blue-black uniform"
you are in extacy neng..beneran deh.. i feel like looking back at the 2nd year of my college time. persis banget. lama-lama lo bisa terserang virus : mentionitis*. hehehehe
* see bridget jones diary
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