I don't plan on doing a recap of my 2010, but a hashtag on twitter kinda tickled me to do so.
For one, I'm blessed for 2010. The year's been great to me and I'm grateful to eternity. Alhamdulillah, this year has fulfilled my major milestones.
I finally get the job I wanted.
I don't expect a promotion in short period time, but I got it.
I never thought I could go back to Aussie this year, but I DID! full ride baby!
I'm challenged and all stressed out, but learning is a never-ending path for me.
I've got butterflies in my tummy for a while, fall out of it, in denial, and currently leaving it to faith.
Although the fallback, I'm too busy working and be with family, I forgot to travel.
Next year plan, traveling already has its places. Also, next year will be my next jump, another bigger milestone. Bismillahirohmanirrohim..
Thank you 2010. You've been great to me.
I truly am thankful.
Of course, I should know better who to send my regards to. Hats off to You.
my 2010
Labels: lifebugs , The damsel in distress
British Edward.
I met an Edward..
Waltzed into the glass door. Eurasian character, accentuate distinct British accent, but the eyes what gave him away as half Japanese. Slightly pompous personality. Very good looking. His skin is so pale white, but the eyes
He sat across my desk, I ignored.
Interesting character, but not my cuppa tea.
First impression wore off by continuing arrogant personality.
Labels: tentang seseorang
After a month
Yes, just an update for future me.
Howsa hangin' after a month in my new role at work. -- Yeah, this is basically the tagline.
well, in brief.
Sucks, but now i'm more sure that I can do this.
Now I know who ticked me off easily.
That'd be my effin HR.
She's uneducated, seriously.
At least, not as highly as I am. Yeah, I'm bragging my academic standards.
Cos that lady is just plain dumbo.
I mean, just today.
The phone at my branch broke down, she all panicky. Why? cos she's the country director's bitch that what she is. So if anything goes wrong in my branch, she needs to know and just go crazy by herself. Just go nuts, without solution. If we in this branch give solution, she'll be unhappy. Ok lady, whateva.
That lady and the other marketing dude are 2 impotent but crucial character in this company. But hey, I have no massive grudge with the dude just because I had no work related matters to do with him. Unlike the dumbo lady.
After a month,
If anything unrelated to her, I know I can do it well. I am working to achieve the company's target. At least I am trying.
The other grudge would prolly my coworker, whom I had not yet have any connection. There are only 3 of us, the other 2 have known each other from previous job. They kept YM-ing with their friends from previous company, and kept chatting about those people. At first I was quite annoyed by it, but I'm too busy to get annoyed over trivial thing. Soon they'll be outta topic of previous coworkers anyway. I don't think myself as outcast on this, because simply, I don't care. Which is good.
After a month,
I've been doing additional tasks that I may not have been doing in previous role. Though this come at costs. I didn't get included in one of the tasks I love most on my previous role. That is, networking (and free luncheons/dinners!!) with clients. Consequently, I lost my privilege to earn extra overtime due of that. This particular task will be handed down to my coworker. Lucky bastard.
After a month,
I know I can do this job.
Just keep away dumbo from my line of duty, then I'll be working emotionless.
Yeah, keep keep her far away from me. Otherwise, I might snap and kill her.
Love xx
Wake me up when SEPTEMBER comes...
I came. I surrender. I dwell. and I'm outta here!
Smell ya layta Jakarta.
I'll be outta yer way soon.
The due date is near, and I can see it clear!
Ciao, very very soon.
Labels: the city , The damsel in distress
America's Next Top Model cycle 14
OK why am I blogging about ANTM?
Because I'm currently intrigued by it.
Been following a couple of cycles, and on cable there's rerun on cycle 14.
Why do I took interest in this cycle 14?
because they had a photo-shoot in New Zealand.
It's not Australia-land, but quite close.
On this NZ episode, the models-wannabe had a challenge for multiple go-sees to NZ designers.
Alexandra, one of the model, was wearing UGG boots.
Truth be known to Aussies and Kiwis, they hate UGGS.
Of course, to Americans UGG boots are fashionable.
This is where culture/fashion-clash happened.
Yes, UGG boots to Aussies (and I guess for Kiwis too?) are hideous. I heard one of my lecturer, who is Australian, said that UGG boots are bogan's boots. LOL that just cracked me up, cos when she said so I was wearing a pair of UGGs! there were no uggs be seen in her class ever since.
So, models-wannabe, don't ever proudly wear your UGGS downunder.
No matter how comfy those boots are. Models are not supposed to wear comfy.
Or so I thought.
Labels: media junque
Here we go again.
When things get tough and I couldn't find fresh air.
I remember you.
I'm in my darkest mood, again.
I thought friends are the best companion. Start to think maybe it's family.
or maybe it's yourself?
I guess... You can't expect too much from some people. Time you spent towards them may not reflect the same amount from them to you.
Then I missed you so much. Just with you, I can be with myself and still feel content.
Am I not destined to have a life here if I'm wishing every day to go back to you?
Labels: adieu Victoria , lifebugs , The damsel in distress
November milestone
All I can say now is, Alhamdulillah.
Fear would be an understatement. I'm scared shitless!
I'll be leaving my comfort zone of 8 months to a different unknown space. Me?! This rookie noob?! In my head, only 1 question keeps repeating. Can I do it??
I guess to know my rants I have to start from the beginning..
It started a week ago. On monday.
Human resources lady asked me a question I had never expected. An opportunity for promotion, at a new branch.. A senior position. I'll be managing a branch, along with a junior staff?! A noob like me???
Of course bigger paycheck and higher position intrigue me. As for career-wise, who would decline opportunity? It doesn't ever come twice.
A week of disgruntled battle between logic and heart. Logic won. But I guess, heart didn't entirely loose either. I want this. I'm just doubting my capabilities.
To cut story short, I've accepted the offer. I guess they will make official announcement by monday. 1 November, the pinpoint that will change the rest of this year.
Then comes..
12 november, my first ever business trip. My only concern is my mood swing. I don't have good socializing skills, that I admit. A full-on week training with travel around NSW state. Visiting schools and colleges with colleagues and competitors from all countries. I wouldn't know what to and what not to say on a business trip. Aacck this is so nerve-wrecking!
November, you're killin me!!! But I'm not ungrateful. I am blessed by many great things happened and is happening this year. Alhamdulillah ya Allah.
No one knows their present from their past. Does it make sense?
I meet my challenges tomorrow morning.
This sunday is coming to an end.
Bismillahirrohmanirrohim... I'm collecting all positive energy towards me, preparing my state of mind for tomorrow and the rest of the year.
Labels: The damsel in distress , wupazz
Churros ala Me
A long overdue craving for Churros.
The same taste churros as those sold in front of Queen Victoria Market in Melbourne.
Unfortunately, mine was more like fried puff than churros.
They taste good, but not churros.
The recipe I got from the late bunda Inong.
Whenever I blog hopped to her blog, I remember the day when she passed.
I never knew her or interact with her through her blog when she was alive. What amazes me is that until know, few years after she passed, people still go to her blog. Still praying and send condolences. These strangers, including me, still feel sad that she has left.
For someone who was nobody.
When she passed, she is prayed by many. Those unknown to her.
It's something I thought would never affect me, but it does.
Thank you bunda inong, for sharing your recipes.
I'll peek into your other recipes again soon.
Practice makes perfect, I'll make another batch churros later.
Just a sneak peek of yesterday's batch.
For recipe check her blog (link above).
Labels: foodism
Ramadan Mubarak!
Ramadan is here.
After years we spent separately, eventually my mom's kids are finally back in one roof. Getting through Ramadan together.
Nothing special really.
Our family isn't what you called conservative.
We don't have special arrangement or tradition to spend Ramadan.
The way we embrace this holy month is by our own ways too. We don't make this month to get closer as family, but just doing routines at the same time. By that I meant, our eating pattern.
The feeling is completely different to Ramadan I had when I was little.
Of course situation have changed since then. That causes habits and tradition to change to.
I don't mind that.
I've just accepted this as I spent my Ramadan back in Melbourne.
We're individuals now.
The way I spend Ramadan is between me and God.
I have no complaints, but doing routines like this is kinda boring for me. I'm sorry, but it does.
Oh well, Happy Ramadan.
Hopefully Eid will come soonest than we expected. :)
Labels: lifebugs
Invisible wall
That infinity wall I built within heart
where I locked you in.
You scraping for a key
Or prison break attempt.
Breaking loose,
Torn down the wall.
and eventually oneself
Memoirs of the day
Today was my 2nd day after being relocated to South Jakarta branch.
With hesitant, I accepted the relocation. Insisting only for a week.
At the back of my mind, I know management would consider extending my stay. I have no say.
The work envo is extremely different and location if Frikken far!
If I to stay here permanently, I have to sacrifice my social life. Which I have no intention to do so atm.
Basically, the branch only have 8 people in 2 storey home-office building. Only for 2 days but the people do not speak to each other. Well, they spoke.
But not chat. not a friendly chat at least. All about work work work. That kills.
Maybe because manager and supervisor are all in one room. We don't have cubicles. Just one massive open space and chomp us all into it.
I don't mind temporarily placed there. Please not permanent.
I'd go crazy there I'm sure. I have found my comfort zone back in head office, but why you move me?
Up to this moment, I'm finding job that suits me best. That I don't need extreme adjustment in any means. At this branch, I need massive adjustment, mentally.
I grew tired for changes and adjusting. I want comfort.
GAH! lemme out lemme out.
Or you'll find me hopping places again. Which I don't particularly fond of, but if I have to --just to find that comfort-- I will hop places.
Can you meet me halfway?
Labels: lifebugs , The damsel in distress , wupazz
My Blank Canvas. Ready to be Painted..
I found those words while peeping through my past -- (through this blog).
It doesn't exactly says that. My past was rather... glum.
The exact words were 'a blank canvas and not ready to be painted'.
See what I mean?
I'm moving forward. To a better and positive mind.
Eventhough my life's a blank, but I'm ready for it to be painted.
Bring on the colors!
Labels: lifebugs , Rambling nonsense
Gay friend in Jakarta
So get this.
I've never had a gay friend before. Well, there was this one ex-colleague, but back then he didn't know I know. Top it off, we weren't that close, so he doesn't count.
This gay friend I'll be speaking of (or rather, write of) is still in-the-closet. Not so much in the closet as his behavior goes, but he hasn't dare to come out, out. Means, he doesn't say it out loud.
His daily attitude has shown that he's curious to this world. He doesn't shy showing his interest to men to our colleagues. Oh, did I say he's my current colleague? Well, he is.
He doesn't say he's gay, or we saying it to him. So to my understanding, he's borderline.
At a point where he couldn't hold his urges, but another he couldn't proudly to come out. Social and family wise. Not that he's married, but towards his parents and siblings. Often times, I just wanna say OK for him to come out. On the other side, I wouldn't want his mum to kill me if she finds out I pushed his son to come out.
I was awestruck when he texted me only to ask 'how to approach guys'.
Dude, eventhough we both after men, but you're talking to the wrong crowd. If i knew how, those straight men won't be getting married to other girls. Hmm.. maybe he and I should buy lots and lots 'How To' books.
But anyway, everytime I asked if he's serious or if he really wants to find a same-sex partner.. A jokester -I think- would instantly answer: Nah, just mucking around.
But no. his answer had me convinced.
It was like this: 'I don't dare'.
Give him few nudges, I bet he'd dare to come out and maybe then leave Indonesia. To be free of prejudice and judgment eyes.
Not that I'm judging or nosy to even blog about him here, but he's interesting in my circle. I've never had a gay friend, or those even close to the gays. Their crowd's not weird, but sometimes if you're not bestbuds with them.. you kinda have to know the mood around.
That's what I'm feeling always.
He and I aren't bestbuds. Knowing he's still in-the-closet, the comments I told him couldn't be too blunt either.
It's kinda difficult. I have to tiptoe - in supporting but not too much.
This is why my gaydar ain't working properly in Jakarta. Too many gray areas.
He is or he isn't.
Metrosexual men aren't helping either! I say if men want to be Metrosexual, there has to be law that insist them to be married first. Ergo, fading the gray areas. These men just confused us single ladies to finding the right Mister!
Are you confused too?
Labels: Rambling nonsense , wupazz
Radja Ketjil
A friend and I had a sudden lunch date this Sunday. I've always wanted to try on this restaurant called 'Radja Ketjil' (lit. means little king). They have a branch near our homes. In Tebet, to be exact.
The concept is peranakan. I'm not sure the english for it.
Basically, the food is a mixed of malay, indo and chinese.
Around 12-ish we arrived. The decor outdoor is convincing and the inside is homey, with a distinct chinese decor. The place was very quiet by the time we were there. I don't mind quiet.
It wasn't too difficult to decide what we wanted to eat. I ordered hainan chicken rice, my friend had porridge with kung pao chicken. We both were curious by Vietnamese coffee with milk, so had those too. The menu is filled with funny names. One remember most is 'Nasi goreng pengen kawen' (lit. fried rice wants to be wed).
The verdict.
My hainan chicken rice was so-so, but very much edible. I wouldn't mind a second taste.
I tried the porridge and kung pao, they tasted more divine than my food. Although I'd say the herbs aren't rich enough for Asian dish. Given the place and the food, the price is spot-on. It wasn't too pricey. The range would be around 20rb-40rb for main dishes. They have dim sum hours too! 8-11 am with only 10rb. Really cheap, I reckon. Must try for breaky there sometime.
I love the place, the food, and what's more..
it gives FREE WI-FI !!
Definitely must do a second round soon. :)
Jl. Tebet Barat Dalam Raya No. 19,
Jakarta Selatan
Tel. 021-83703227, 83703236
Louis Vuitton and Paris..... (and Indonesia)
Most of fashionistas probably have heard the relationship between the city and the high-end brand.
Louis Vuitton and Paris.
For those not in the know, here how the story goes.
LV becomes cheap in Paris.
Hm.. cheap is too strong word. I'll rephrase.
LV becomes significantly affordable for branded enthusiasts.
A friend is on a Europe trip and made a short visit to Paris. It's holiday season, and whaddaya know, LV is on sale. ON SALE!
Here is where Indonesians become important in this topic.
It's no surprise the potential shoppers are mostly Asians, with high percentage to be Indonesians. Parisians shopgirl loooves Indonesian shoppers, or so I've heard. We bought not only one, but the whole lot.
...... for bags.
Who said we're poor? ha!
Don't underestimate Indonesians. We love SALE, we worship capitalism, we're actually very generous (to retailers), and we have money (but don't tell anyone).
I mean, would you buy LV, Hermes or Chanel wholesale? We do!
Oh man, don't you just love our country.
Labels: Rambling nonsense
I had a feeling
For 4 months the feeling grew.
I fell in love.
but fall out of it soon after.
Just because...
He's too precious if he's to be out of my life.
so he doesn't need to know anything else but..
Labels: tentang seseorang , The damsel in distress
Hello Yellow Julio?
I meant, Hello July! But Julio rhymes more with yellow. not that it matters.
HELLO !!!!
Seems ages ago I've blogged here! Jakarta made me numb. I had nothing to write and can't be bothered to even think a topic. Not even my very own daily journal.
Twitter also the main reason for this hiatus.
Apparently, 140 characters is enough for my rants. Kind of makes your brain dumb for a bit since it's been idling for few months.
What's happening in my side of town?
Well... I've nailed a job I wanted. It's been going for 5 months now and I enjoyed every bits of it! The bickering, the craziness, the learning, the knowledge, the training, the excitement. Yeah, all that jazz. This is my training ground, my stepping stone. So I have to make the most of it before I could leap elsewhere.
The office only have about 20 staff, including the big boss to office boy. Quite small office when compared with my previous company. Having small environment as this could have its good and bad.
Good thing, we know each other quite well. Even me as newbie, I sort of know each personality of people at work.
This however leads to the bad.
Some staff at work seems to have rot in that boring job but too lazy to or couldn't getaway from it. Hence the work they should be doing isn't 100 percent.
The Job desk seems to overlap from one person to another.
For example, what just happened today and frustrates me to infinity was today when a senior staff told me to do HER JOB, which is not part of my job description and is not part of my department.
There's also a marketing officer.
Whom I don't think he has the SOUL to be a marketer. I've been surrounded by real marketers for years, and I don't think he even qualify to be one. From my observation, he's too introvert to be a marketer and too slow. But the big boss seems to have a very fond feeling towards him considering she kept praising him during my interview.
I often feel impatient when seeing him. When did you ever see a marketer only sits his huge butt in his office all day? Marketer should be out and about! Mingle with clients and fishing customers for sales.
I'm eyeing for his job, but after much thought... If I do ever get his job description it wouldn't be at this office!
As I said, the place is my training ground but it wouldn't be my bread and butter.
Surprisingly, in my position, there's someone who've been there for almost 10 years! Shocking.
I'm still tiptoeing at this job, but so far I've no major complaints.
I'm still eyeing for Melbourne. Hopefully, someday, this job will take me there.. :)
For now,
I'm good.
Labels: wupazz
"Say what you need to say
Have no fear for giving in
Have no fear for giving over"
Mr. John Mayer speaks those words.
In different interpretation, I gave in.
Following John's wise words, I've completely fallen into endless dark cave.
I'm a sick masochistic lioness.
Yeah, edward cullen is my brother. Ha!
Labels: somesay , tentang seseorang , The damsel in distress
A tweety byrd came by with a note
"Would it be out of line, if I said:
I miss you."
Labels: somesay , tentang seseorang , The damsel in distress
"Sometimes we put up walls. Not to keep people out but to see who cares enough to knock them down."
Egi's Friend
Labels: somesay
Leave, Get Out
"So for those who are afraid to step out of the comfort zone, start walking. You won’t regret it."
Labels: somesay
When you say nothing at all
" I'm also just a girl, standing in front of a boy. Asking him to love her. "
Anna Scott
~ Nothing Hill
Labels: somesay
Facebook on Spotlight
Facebook took its' deepening effects in Indo-land! Although they came late.
I'm sure you know what I meant.
The media has been spruiking on about children being missing because of Facebook. These children are on Facebook constantly without guidance from parents.
Having said that, I remember back when I was in Junior High (about their age), I began to explore my curiousity for the Internet. Back then, we have yet to discover Social Networking. It was basic chatrooms, messenger, and emailing. Those 3 socializing media have instantly put myself - a young teenager in Indonesia - to a world so wide, next to random strangers. Hence, I became familiar with the term 'kopdar' or 'kopi darat', which basically means 'meeting up with someone we know online'. Luckily, I have never been that brave to meet these 'online friends' by myself. I've always asked someone to tag along. Kopdar could be harmless or could not. Depends on the individuals (of course).
Worst scenarios. Such cases have raised high attention to Police and Government. The issue of Internet Crimes against children has been a major concern in the western countries, one of which is Pedophilia in the Internet. Adults who have sexual preference for children are everywhere, ANYwhere. That being said, they can easily be your next door neighbour or someone you trusts dearly to keep your kids safe. The Internet is merely keeping a mask for them, a protection from sneering public eye.
Throughout the years, Federal Police and citizen have joint arms to dispose these two-faced criminals. The support asked to citizen is to guidance their children when using Internet, especially on social networking such as Facebook.
Unfortunately in Indonesia, awareness of the issue still smells fresh to our government and citizen. Internet - especially mobile Internet - has just come to our hands since a couple years back. Indonesians are famous for being gadget-minded, emphasize on status and not tech-savvy. Therefore, middle to upper class individuals have encountered to mobile Internet, which means easy access, fast information and higher society status. The said demographic also include their children, from the primary school age up to high schoolies. Some of these parents, having the income, status and knowledge, surprisingly, aren't aware of the effects of mass information for their underage children.
Culturally speaking, Indonesians of the aforementioned society level are indulged with 'house-assistants' in their homes to help with -not only- house chores, but also raising the children. Other circumstance, parents tend to pamper their children without limits. Being raised under similar circumstance, I do understand the behaviour some of these children are experiencing. For instance, lacking guidance and understanding the word 'NO' in their daily activity.
Back in the old age, where Internet is lacking and considered luxury, parents of Generation Y didn't think Internet would be any danger to their children. They would think, what's there to worry about? The kids are at home with their family. Some of these parents have zilch experience with Internet.
Parents' zero knowledge is what keeping the pedophilias in the Internet wildly exploring their sexual needs. That happens up until now, although Internet has been delivered to our hands, with speedy access. Given today’s breaking news of missing children, the parents are left bewildered and started to blame on Facebook.
INILAH.COM, Jambi - Seorang siswa kelas 2 SMU di Kota Jambi, dilarikan wanita yang lebih tua usianya. Mulanya, kedua orang itu berkenalan lewat jejaring sosial Facebook. More....
These parents knew not of their children's "friends' on facebook (or Online). Logically, these kids also barely know who these "friends' are. Sorting the good friends from bad based on online chats isn't easy. I mean, how well you could know a person whom you only talk with your fingertips?
Indonesia is just encountered by such matters. Parents, who are Generation X and baby bloomers are made aware of the concerns of Cyber world, the world that is barely visible to them.
This being said, as silly as it is, Facebook to the western world has made entry into family disturbances. The news that made headlines was about "Facebook Divorces". In Indonesia, too, this made headlines. But the coverage wasn't as high alert as the missing children.
The cases of missing children or abused children as effect of Internet, although very alarming both in Indonesia and the west, could easily vanish in forthnight by the media. Then comes the next headlines, Facebook intervenes into marriage life.
When the cases of Facebook against missing children fade away in Indonesia (that is when the media gains no ratings from it), how soon we would hear them spruiking news of Facebook against the sanctity of marriage to appear in the news?
Such as...
a story on Britain's Telegraph website, which claimed that one in five British divorce petitions are now citing Facebook as the reason for the split. More...
In Indonesia, that could raise some serious concerns because marriage is a serious government issues. We have MUI and Department of Religion to be kept busy.
Labels: media junque
Ignorant Indonesian in Belitung
Belitung, a part of Indonesian province Bangka-Belitung.
My first ever visit to Sumatra island.
Had no expectations prior leaving Jakarta to Belitung. All i've heard was how beautiful scenery the island will present, unknowingly how much beauty it will gave me.
A friend asked of me to join the trip only five days before departure. By then, we have yet to book tickets, arrange tours and accomodation. All was done very quick. Luckily, she knew a tour provider that will arrange tours, transport and accomodation while we're in Belitung. They're called Belitungisland.com. All we have to do was just enjoy ourselves in Belitung, everything is taken care of.
9 AM, Thursday Jan 21st, the four of us took Sriwijaya flight from Soekarno-Hatta to H.AS. Hanandjoeddin airport in Belitung. Of all the airports I took flights to in Java island and Bali, this by far is the smallest I've seen. They only have 1 belt for our luggage claim.
Outside the terminal, our tour guide, whom later we called bang manca, was holding a huge sign of my friend's name. The sign was so huge, it stands out in crowds of pick-up drivers and rental cars' drivers(?)
We're on private tour, so just the four of us and bang manca throughout the 4 days tour.
According to him, in Belitung, there is no taxi. From that I gathered, those people standing outside the airport terminal was renting their cars to visitors (them as drivers too, i reckon).
Drove pass the airport to our hotel, the view of Belitung looked too bland for me. Houses are faraway from each other, and most of them surrounded by woods. Yes, Belitung is full of em, deep and wide forests. The route from airport to our Pondok Impian Hotel was crossing the main city, Tanjung Pandan. It's a small island, so is the main city. Crowds weren't much hectic as compared to small village in Java island.Our Hotel was good, liveable and clean.
It gets good view of sunset when the weather permits, given the backyard of it was the ocean. Pretty great deal for our holiday price.
All four days of our trip were packed with Beach sightseeings.
Belitung Timur has, by far, the greenest most gorgeous beaches I've ever seen.
And what makes them special is the rocks lie across the beach. Another unique finding told by locals was decreasing sea level in Belitung beaches happened on the afternoons and not in mornings as usual beaches we have in Java (and others?). The ocean has low tides and given the location of the island, it would be impossible for Belitung to be struck by Tsunamis. It really is a hidden Indonesian gem.Us four girls weren't the typical girly-girls, so walk up the rocks we went!
Tried as many rocks we could climb -- with help from our local guide of course. The view from the top was astounding! Mind you, top of rocks for us weren't really the highest top for the locals. If our highest we could reached is already this gorgeous, you could imagine how near the horizon and edge of sea looked from that highest top.
I'm awestruck when I first stepped my feet onto the white sands in Tanjung Tinggi, couldn't take my eyes away from the wide sea lies in front of me. Taking it all in and hoped memory could save it well in mind.
We took a stroll across the beach in Belitung Timur.
Sneaking in through small pathways between rocks, climbed up the rocks to get to the next path. I'm a big girl and climbing these rocks can be difficult to do at times, but not doing them would be a massive loss for tourists. That's where the fun exist when you're in Belitung!
Walking through inside these scattered rocks, could get tricky at most times. There's this one pathway where we had to slide within small gap between two big rocks. My fear was, I got stuck while sliding. We wouldnt want to get headline on the news 'Jakartan tourist stuck between rocks in Belitung' do we?
Fortunately, I slided with success. Of course, we took a different route when we went back. I won't let the rocks took that chance of me twice. :grin:
Our guide also told us that Belitung is also famous for its' thousand lakes and coffee shops (warung kopi). For the latter, we could be proud of it, for its uniqueness.
However, it's ironic if to say Belitung's thousand lakes are beauty attractions of the island. Why?
Simply because those lakes exist due to abandoned tin mines caused by the Dutch and the Japanese. If they were to continue forcing nature to fulfil human's greed, I was too scared to imagine that Belitung island would no longer be up the surface for next generations to see.
It would be devastating to even imagine.
Belitung is also surrounded by small islands. We took fisherman's wooden boat to visit these islands. One of which is called Lengkuas island (pic above). To our surprise, the island is an asset to DKI Jakarta province. Politic plays major role in this. I wouldn't look into much in this.
Oh! Belitung has this stranded island covered by white sands. Just abandoned white sands, mounted up as tiny ground. It's called Pulau Pasir (Sand Island). Pretty self-explanatory, right? We sipped our coconut drink on the island.
It's sooo Cast Away, lacking Tom Hanks. It also becomes the home for the biggest starfishes I've ever seen. They're beyond beautiful too see.
Then comes our time to bid farewell to one of Indonesian gorgeous islands.
A trip I would never forget, and got me to appreciate Indonesia tops more.
perhaps one of thousands of islands in Indonesia that is often ignored by its' own nation. It shys away from the bright lights of metroplitan that Indonesians prefer to worship upon. It doesnt snob its beauty to the nation, let alone to the world. I could say, Belitung then becomes one of Indonesia hidden beauties. The weapon to gain power to the world but being kept away from spotlight. Belitung is our Cinderella island.
It's Belitung that had me at Hello.
A God's creation is truly beyond words to say.
Andrea Hirata has drew very detail the beauty of the island in his books.. I dare not to put much wordly about the island here. His words have done well to bring his home-island up to the nation's attention.
I'm here, merely, to left a space for future me to reminisce one of my awestruck moments in Indonesia.
Trying to diminish the ignorant Indonesian tattoo on my forehead, one layer at a time.
Labels: photo muse , walking dejavu
Sang Pemimpi
Ijinkan saya meminjam 2 kata itu dari Gigi.
Sepertinya di akhir minggu ini, itulah yang terjadi pada saya. Si Pemimpi besar, yang akhirnya mendapatkan secuil dari impiannya itu.
Akhirnya si pemimpi berjalan di jalur yang benar. Alhamdulillah ya Allah, langkah kaki ini sebentar lagi akan menyentuh rute yang sesuai keinginan hati.
Semua berjalan bagaikan kilat.
Seperti mimpi.
Terimakasih ya Allah. Terimakasih..
You have given me the biggest blessing this year.
Labels: The damsel in distress , wupazz
Heart B.
Closed my eyes,
Spread my wings.
Blue sky above me,
Ocean breeze blown to my face.
Green on both right, and left.
There stood only me, and quiet.
--- Knowing this day,
A dying nation's legacy
Here lies, a serenity.
B, Jan 2010
Labels: shittyshittybangbang , The damsel in distress
YouTube and Obscenity -- Indonesian version
Don't we all praise YouTube for our home entertainment media?
when I was looking for a jazz/funk dance class in Jakarta,
I found a video that comes too close as seeing Babylon, and Justin at the front stage.
(hint: Queer as Folk)
O....kayy. *trying hard not to laugh*
To instructor (Stefan Brecard, is it?): Honey stanny, I've joined dance classes at a fitness centre before, and darling, I thought the gays are great dancers?
I'm sorry but I can only watch half of that 3 minutes video.
I mean, look at those ladies, and THOSE MUMS?! mimicking your dance moves?! I just can't.. it's way terrifying than Sadako.
If it were me, I would def want my money back.
If this were the case to find a *proper* dance class in Jakarta, then by all means, I'll forget my intention to start dance lessons. I better off find me some pirated DVDs down at Ambasador Mall and teach myself to dance. or better yet, a Wii.
I hear that those instructors at Fitness centers are freelancers. I'm just wondering, don't they get proper qualification tests to be gym/dance instructors? Ya know, just a curious mind is all.
Another obscene video found on YouTube, based on another one of my curiousities.
Started from a shocking headline on Jakarta Globe I read this morning.
(I won't put up the vid here, that's just too much exclusivity for the movie)
What caught my attention was A word that, I think, is so improper to be in the article that is not cosmopolitan's or femina's.
What's more, is that the article ISN'T about a women's that-time-of-the-month and whatnot.
It's about a Horror flick. Of course, Indonesian lah.
Who else on earth would ever made a movie that includes a women's period in its' title!?
Okay, to cut curiousity short, the movie is entitled 'Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan'.
We all know about the predecessors of lamest Indonesian flicks (especially, horror genre). This menstruating horror movie really pushing it to the toll. Skimpy clothes are one thing, but sex scenes?
Hey, KK Deeraj, is the idea of menstruating too horrific for you to apprehend, that you end up making a HORROR film of it?
However, before stopping it to screen in cinemas, why don't we compromise?
Sir, if your defense is excessive production cost. Yes, I know that making movie isn't cheap.
So hear me out, Why don't you...
Stay the fuck away from my young cousins, nieces and nephews' hangouts --- 21 cineplex and blitz cinemas. But, I know for sure, there's one cinema where your movie can def get a spot, that cinema opposite Pasar Senen. Why not make a deal with them, Sir?
You can even put big poster up there, proudly announcing Andy Soraya and Trio Macan as the casts, and You, KK Deeraj, Sir as, what, producer? writer? director?. That poster can also include the casts' boobs hanging out, or if you want, your man-boobs, by all means please.
That's what democracy is.
You won't go bust by spending $$$ for yo big ass movie, you get some income back (if that),
You could get people to watch your movie (proudly). Bottomline, you can get your exposure, which then you can put it in that resume of yours that Yo a big ass movie director. (or producer or writer, you choose).
Labels: media junque
Melbourne, again.
I miss being passionate and excited over something or everything that happens around me.
I know I've made a pact to not whinge about anything Indonesia or, Jakarta.
But I can't help it.
Every year Melbourne held Australian Open, Grand Prix, Movie festivals, Art festivals. Though I don't really know the rules of AO, or how to enjoy the race of F1, or even understand the meaning of a painting. I , however, was encouraged to see and enjoy the atmosphere experienced from the people around me. A friend said, Melburnian are passionate people. I didn't really notice that at first. Maybe because I was super apathetic when I first came downunder. Eventually, surrounded by enthusiasm has showed me keen interest to what's happening around me. Although not entirely, but I do support every annual events they have in town. although how mundane sometimes they've gotten over the years, but I do still support and brag about them to newcomers.
I am proud. Proud to have been amongts Melburnian and got the chance to experience their lifestyle into mine.
What do we have annually in Jakarta? Jiffest? Java Jazz?
Getting the tix to enjoy the events is like a race. When you got the tix, the ambiance being in the event isn't about their interest for the movies or the appetite to listen to some saxxy jazz. They are more to being hip, being cool. Half of 'em doesnt really care about anything else but being there and be seen. Even pop preludes into the Jazz to make these people go crazier (on being seen).
Everything of Jakarta is commercialism and hedonism. I don't mind them two, but I kinda do need a balance. Don't get me wrong, I love shopping, I love great deals, I enjoy clubs (used to). But what I find it irritating is making them as accessories for an individual to level-up a status --- for being cool or 'it'. Or maybe that's just me saying.
I do find something different living in Jakarta. A minority who explore its wilderness country and loving nature as their next of kin. I didn't realize I have it in me, to love nature and at awe just by looking at gorgeous beaches, aquatic life, and countryside simplicity. People are actually nice. But, I do have a but, only outside the city -- by city I meant Jakarta.
I'm in love and hate to Jakarta. As much as I hate it wholeheartedly, I cannot, however, live way far in countryside where all you see is rice fields and hear only nothingness.
Raise your hand if your head feels like exploding anytime soon?
Good God, I do.
Just by watching the people swarming around like a buncha clutz, aiming for numbers and numbers.
My mind, body and soul are not suited for big cities, I guess.
Sadly but true, I need to switch interests when I decided to stay here.
From art-houses and pop culture, I have to settle for adventure and blue sky.
From man's made to God's greatest creations.
That's a big leap for a big girl like me.
I guess being enthusiastic about something doesn't really have stop at one or two interests.
Things are evolving, and I just have to find more interests in this place I called home.
Hey, those who closest to nature are the ones to survive in the end, right?
Not money, not the clubs, definitely not the booze,
nor the police.
I will always miss Melbourne and its' vibrant life.
How can't I? It will and always be my second home.
So, those who had enough of my whinging, Let me help you
You see that small red box on the top right of your browser that has 'x' sign in it?
Hit it.
Labels: adieu Victoria , lifebugs , Rambling nonsense , The damsel in distress
Belitung, Aku dan Dia
Ijinkan aku sedikit melankoli ya..
Dengan beralaskan pasir, di pulau ini aku bertatap muka dengan air.
Langit membelakkan matanya, mengintai gerak-gerik kita.
Di puncak pulau pasir ini Aku,
Meningggalkan nama.
Biar lah, air menghapusnya --- Hilang
seperti melalap pulau disaat malam tiba.
Esok mentari mengintipnya dari Timur,
Jejakmu pun lenyap.
Putih, bersih, sendiri --- kembali semula.
dan hanya bisu Angin yang akan pernah membaca namanya.
~Belitung, Jan 2010
Labels: photo muse , tentang seseorang
“Experience: that most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn.”
C.S. Lewis
Labels: somesay
Caveman by Fira Basuki
Fira Basuki made hashtag tweets about a caveman and pria tikungan.
I didn't follow them from the beginning so not really know what they're about.
But one of her caveman posting tickled me.
It says like this:
@FiraBasuki: Maksud km apa #caveman? Abiz ketemu trus masuk goa gak keluar2 lg? Mau penampakan aja?
If caveman is to refer a real man.
Then ms. B, your caveman is somewhat similar to my caveman.
A really annoying hard to predict person.
Thank you fira basuki.
Your tweet just exactly define that person suddenly M.I.A.
As easy as 1, 2, 3
Right-click > delete this person > are you sure you want to delete? > YES.
Labels: somesay , tentang seseorang
I got this quote from a tweet...
"Home is not where you live, but where they understand you."
Christian Morgenstern
Let me try to rephrase,
If where you live is where no one understands you, then where is home?
Mr. Morgenstern, sir.. With no disrespect,
In deep shit, I am.
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Labels: adieu Victoria , lifebugs , somesay
I've just found out that my 3 years Bachelor's degree of bloody murder exams, assignments was under appreciated in Indonesia.
In Australia I earned a Bachelor's Degree, fair and square. It was only 3 years, cos they only have it for 3 years gashdarnint! The degree I took doesn't have a final thesis to complete the degree, nor a final comprehensive test like some uni have in Indonesia. It is a legit degree from a prominent university.
I do understand however that every education system in each country is different. But fuck, how can u just justify a degree by the numbers written on a piece of paper?!
OK I may not be an HD student, but I wonder how would an HD bachelor graduate feel when convert all their HDs, and only qualified for a Diploma 3????
For cryin out loud, we did MORE, we CRIED more than most of bachelors degree in the country. Give us credits will ya?!
The point of interest to convert school transcripts is to qualify to enter government position. If government officers whom reject the qualification of these skilled graduates (I'm not saying me, but my fellow Aussie graduates), then by all means, you're loosing us to the overseas corporates.
We can make them grow bigger and eat up Indonesian resources. Not only Indonesia will loose rich natural resources, but also its' human resources. Ahh, aren't we so nice to giveaway all the good things in our own country? (Again, I'm not saying me.)
To them, all qualifications are to be measured up by numbers. Well, they can't, yo dum ass!
I know degree doesn't really say it all, but please.. Your conversion ratings just disqualify overseas graduates (particularly aussie graduates) to earn a place and actually do something about and for the country. But nooooo.... You just won't allow us to do so.
Oh well, your loss.
I'll make fat those Americans or Japanese and myself.
Suck it, bitch.
Labels: lifebugs