
udah denger beritanya for a while now. but i always thot this free hugs campaign thing was originally from NYC!! dunno why, i always thot it was made by some dude in the chaotic city life in NYC. but NO! it's an original downunder! made in sydney, pitt street mall to be exact! hmm, like bourke mall but with loads more crowds? :p

Thanks to youtube, what was once a simple innocent act of free hugs.. it now becomes a worldwide campaign.

He said

Everyone has problems and for sure mine haven't compared. But to see someone who was once frowning, smile even for a moment, is worth it every time.

From then on, the freehugging became inspirational to people all over the world!
In this age of social disconnectivity and lack of human contact, the effects of the Free Hugs campaign became phenomenal.

Suddenly, I remembered the movie "Pay It Forward" starring Haley Joel Osment, Kevin Spacey, Helen Hunt. "Sometimes The Simplest Idea Can Make The Biggest Difference"

After watching the free hugs campaign in youtube, i kept wondering... apa mungkin ini bisa dilakuin di Jakarta?? Kota yang penuh curiga satu dengan yg lain. Since kita gak punya public space sperti sydney punya pitt street, mungkin gak di mall2 gitu ada orang di jakarta yang put a massive sign that sez "FREE HUGS" (or translated: PELUK GRATIS? hmm kok agak2 gimana gitu ya? LOL). Mungkin gak ada orang yg nyamperin dia and actually give sincere hugs. not to rob his/her pocket. ato worse, "grepe2" gak jelas? Duh! moral moraaall! tapi MUNGKIN gak sih ada orang yg beneran give sincere hugs to whoever yg pasang sign itu? say, di sembarang mall di indo. Be it PS, PIM, ato sampe Metropolitan Bekasi?

Gue ngebayanginnya,
first, people stare at him/her constantly. mikir, ni orang gila apa ya? ih mo ngapain sih?
kedua! "nyehehehe, peluk ahh.. -ganteng/cantik? -dompetnya tebel?"
ketiga, klo pun sukses dan beneran massive crowds appreciate the initial intention of freehugging, gue yakin.. gak berapa lama bakalan masuk tivi dan protes sana sini bakalan berkicau. *maaf* tapi pasti ada protes dari pihak religi2 yang mungkin kurang sreg dengan hugging bukan sesama muhrim. *skali lagi maaf*

Tapi it'd be surprising if someone can actually pull this off di jakarta.
It's gonna be shocking for sure. hehe..
I love the original idea though.
hmff terlalu komersil. Karena si "Juan Mann" udah terlalu terkenal, tapi hopefully his sincerity still in place just as he first started 2 years ago.

----- hugssss


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