'His Highness' reign to comeback?

"Pencalonan Tommy Soeharto sbg Ketua Umum Golkar"

The Sister claiming power, slowly?

Knowing the news, though don't make much of a fuss in media, an ignorant citizen as I am can't help but wonder...

His Highness' breeds are claiming Daddy's reign for a comeback?

Thinking if it were to come true, makes me shiver. Are we to run the circle of life? What comes down, must comes up again eventually?

Ah, ours the forsaken country. Outcry religion the loudest but powering liberty. 'Tis a try or punishment from the Almighty?

A country where garden of eden lies on earth. Since we're a tip from expulsion for being greedy and eyeing the forbidden fruit.

There are devil's breeds among us.


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