allow me to be frank

detik-detik menuju ke tantangan yang baru dan berbeda makin dekat. tinggal menghitung jam saja!
setelah bertaun-taun hanya di selimutin sama sesama manusia-manusia akademis dan kerutinitasannya, lalu sedikit beralih ke dunia nyata yang mengenalkan berbagai ragam warna dan karakter yang biasanya gak mungkin ditemukan di tempat bermainku.

in mere hours, the playground will widen its scope and multiple species will appear. A time of another challenge and a time of another post-it on my forehead for reminder on not giving up.

I grew accustomed to current culture and just started to feel comfortable in it. But subconsciously I never allow myself to forever feel comfortable. I'm always attracted to leave my comfort zone whenever things have made me too cozy.
and it is that time.

The people have just gotten to know me.
If I leave, will things be awkward when I come back in weeks time? I want to stay. I want to snuggle in my cozy burrows.. where the people knows my name and hug me with open arms.

It's too much of a rhetorical for me.
Whilst the answer is clear in front of me.

I can't stay.
Things have to move forward.
and it is time to move forward.

Although it's difficult to leave behind of what I grew accustomed to.

Time to prepare for judgemental eyes and dreading remarks.

huhuhu I'll miss the team, the people, the routine.


About Me

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A Blank Canvas, Ready to be painted. Contemplation at its best. A personal Journey...
