Birds of prey.

siang yang menyebalkan.
kemarin liat dengan mata kepala sendiri kalo tram officers are racists!!
they're targeting foreigners (ie. with characteristics: orientals, darker skin, awkward speech) for valid ticket inspection.
majority target is students.

my lecturer (who is very local and australian) confirmed this when we had a discussion about culture.

ok, maybe some will say that locals are very aware of the consequences of not getting tickets when travelling by trams/trains, ergo they always buy tickets.

You, Suits! shut up.

I see it too many times how locals are taking the easy way out by talking. by words. by communicating.

Trouble with foreigners (highlight on awkward speech) made the officers wouldn't want to understand or give a chance for reasoning. If we ever do, they'll talk back and corner us 'til none left to say. Maybe the word is, Intimidation?

I witnessed myself, twice (!), these officers let go those who are locals but violate the same incident as we, foreigners, did.

Incident 1. on a train, dude made a stupid excuse that he just got in the train a stop before and intend to get the tix on the next station cos he's going to change train anyway.
You know what the officer did?
YES! He or she (can't remember) believed him and let him go with that ridiculous excuse! blah. try foreigners sayin the same explanation as that?! You kidding me might be the response.
The officers got off the train and so did that local dude. I watched him walked pass the ticket machine and hopped on to the opposite train! WITHOUT TICKET!
nice going, officers! you just missed a prey.

Incident 2. on a crowded tram, officers came in without uniforms and started to ask for tickets.
Inside, there were alot of students (my tram route passes a university). Some of them were on alert and started to get the purses out of the bag and queueing for tickets. WHILE OFFICERS ON BOARD! you know what those officers did? Nothing. I observe, there were none foreigners on that queue. Some who had tickets in the bag started to validate them on board. This usually is not valid since tix have to be validated (and/or bought) once you've stepped into the tram. I know because I once saw someone still got fined because the officer saw them validate the ticket only when the officers are on board. This someone, is not local.

'Cause of yesterday's incident, I'm more certain on how connex and yarra trams are targeting their prey.

I once got fined cos I didn't want to buy tix just for few stops away. Gave an excuse that I was busy fixing my iPod. You know what he said?
"is your iPod much more important?"

oh my dear officer, OF COURSE IT IS!!!
I wish i said it out loud to him though.


Anonymous 4:24 PM  

shud take a bus...
bbrp bus driver di melbourne ada yg bae juga... kyk misalnye gue naek dari crown ke dudley (kan lumayan tuh ada brp stop), tapi sama drivernya waktu itu dibilang udah ga usah byr.. free aja,, cmn deket ini :P

i guess bus drivers are more friendly.

schizilly 4:29 PM  

mungkin krn face to face gi. tapi bus kan gak banyak.. dan lagian jalur gue enakan ngetrem kali gii! emang situ di dudley.. :P

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