what your songs say about you?

You know what I just discovered today...
the songs you're familiar with can somewhat shows your actual age!

hehehe.. not that it matter.

there was this song airing on the radio..
very mellowed tune.

I know this song too well.

anyone knows the song Loving You by Minnie Riperton?
something that sounds like this

it's kind of an oldie, innit?
musiknya mellow banget and everytime i hear this song, i always get the image of 'when harry met sally'.
i don't recall the song being in the soundtrack at all, though.

an acquaintance and I heard the song and our short conversation went along like this

dia: "this song is very mellowed, makes me sleepy".
saya: "i've always have the image of autumn when hearing this song. this kinda very old tune".
dia: "i've just heard of this song now."
saya: "eh, really?" --- diam seribu bahasaahahaha mikir "gile! gue setua itu kah!??!"

dari percakapan singkat ini saya jadi nyadar

lagu menentukan umur!!

eh tapi minnie riperton's loving you lagu tahun 70an... and i wasn't even born then, thank you very much. but i do know the song.

This reminds me when going to a concert with a friend, and she didn't quite enjoy it because I chose the band.
she chose backstreet boys, while I nouvelle vague.
Votes were heavy on nouvelle so it's decided.
Mind you, the friend is few years younger than me.
so, yeah... we have really different taste of music.
termasuk si acquaintance ini tadi.

waaaaaaah susah susah susah.
sukanya lagu jadul jadinya gak ada yg nemenin deh.
ato emang kudu maennya sama anak seumuran kali ya?
refuse to grow older jadi mainnya sama anak muda mulu! wakakaka... *iya kali sih!*

i'm past that 'noise' music called hip-hop.
new age and trip-hop are welcome.
yang lainnya? yang normal2 aja.
I don't need much noise after all the real noise of life deh.

if anyone knows minnie riperton.. then you're about the same age or older than mine. welcome to the club.

udah ah.


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A Blank Canvas, Ready to be painted. Contemplation at its best. A personal Journey...
