cuddle party!

Yes people. it may become the new trend of the century.
It's a cuddle party.

is "a structured, safe workshop on boundaries, communication, intimacy and affection. A drug and alcohol-free way to meet fascinating people in a relaxing environment. A laboratory where you can experiment with what makes you feel safe and feel good." (

I'm thinking it all started from the 'free hug campaign'. Remember that?
the juan mann's first attempt to find sincere affection after arriving to his homeland, sydney, from years abroad?

A cuddle party is a mass collection of 'free hugs'.

It first spread in the United States (surprise, surprise)... then apparently, according to Richard Watson of the herald sun, it's starting to create massive rave here in Australia. Entah dimana, saya nggak tau. He said "they're also perhaps an early indication of the fact that an increasing number of people, many of whom now live alone, crave the sensation of being physically held and touched."

heh, aren't we the emotionally detached generations of the millenium.

Watson also relates this to social networking sites that have been causing huge attention to the cyber world for the past couple of years. He said "These are superficial friends and we are confusing familiarity with intimacy. Hence our growing need for physical contact."

Talking online may seem the great escape to all the trouble talking face-to-face. You don't like the other person on the other end of communication, heck block them! ignore. delete.
easy as.

Does it mean we, as individual, have a little control to the people we like or dislike? without having to care what that other person may or may not feel towards us, as a consequence. does loss of physical human contact also directly loosing the emotional attachment? alias, berdarah dingin?

dang. i watched too much crime series! =D

Ironic how technology have rule our civilizations almost entirely.
maybe have a cuddle party isn't such a bad idea after all.
Although the term they use for the party could somewhat mislead people who aren't quite familiar to the purpose of it. I mean c'mon, my first impression, it sorta a dating matchmaking group thing.... which then might lead to... sex party. hey, the word says itself. Don't blame the interpreter. --brain.

I look up the website. the party calendar only have 1 country listed, and yes, it's united states. Not all states are listed there as well. Meaning, this is all just started.

The headline on herald sun was not really true then? It may start already in Australia, but not entirely an official connection from the one at the states. Ergo, having it made to the media (ie. newspaper) means to widespread the 'event' and hence, trying to make it a 'trend'. What he's actually doing is marketing it to people in Australia so that it'll become the 'it' event of the year.

Heck It's the herald sun. I know people read the sun more than other newspapers. Some friends say, it's very Pos Kota. and I don't quite believe them, 'til just recently. Although not as extreme as Pos Kota (extreme in terms of sampahnya), but it's not highly informative either.

It brings into two opposite results.
1. Many locals read the Sun everyday for their daily reads (exclude MX). Ergo, those who read about the article by Watson could take up on the idea and actually act on it. Meaning, spread cuddle party throughout the nation. Media publications succeed.
2. Though many people read the Sun, but knowingly it's much like Pos Kota so no one would actually bother to pursue whatever Ideas published on it. Think, gak penting. So, Cuddle party would then just be a glimpse of fad and not at all matter to brought up to discussion and case closed.

Well it's up to you to decide.
Whether it's a for or against.

Free hugs, I say ok.

Cuddle party.... hmm..
YOU!, I know i did say i need pelampiasan physical. tapii.. mikir dua kali kali yaa untuk iniii... hahaha (inside joke, sorry).

cuddle yuukk??? YUK! =D


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