weird me

since i've been looking for a new place to live, im having a weird obsession. lately, i dream of having a nice, fab, huge, modern contemporary townhouse somewhere in a nice suburb. pff add a white picket fence and .... Whaa! the housewife stereotype of the 70s! LOL
a girl can dream, can she not? :) the house, i mean.

Today, I was just flipping over the newspaper and saw the listing of real estate around the country. fab houses! Totally dream houses ever! tapi nyah nyah.. harganye coong! the "cheapest" is 1 million DOLLAR okee!! duit darimenonggggggg!!!!

marrying a rich dying old man is an option. but whueekk! I aint that desperate over a million dollar mansion okeee!

on another current update..

Ramadan is here.

Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin. I miss Ramadan in Indo. The feeling is never the same here.
I miss Eid Ul Fitr at my mum's hometown. I even miss having to rush for shower with on the 1st day Eid Ul Fitr. Imagine, 1 bathroom and 10 people in the house.. BLOOD BATH!

Missing you all so much. Including all the newborns in the family that I have not yet meet! :)


About Me

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A Blank Canvas, Ready to be painted. Contemplation at its best. A personal Journey...
