Alesan knapa ganti si kulit schizilly ini lagi?

yah, same ol' same ol'.
saya bosan, titik.

alesan lain knapa kali ini temanya sungguh sangat bertolak belakang dengan yang sebelumnya. dari gelap menyeramkan dan sekarang penuh dengan warna.

collage yang gue bikin dengan sangat amatirnya ini sbnrnya ada artinya. baru diajarin sama guest lecturer dari TNS. The theme is about "your perfect holiday" and the collage is about MY Perfect Holiday. Apart from it, you can actually see right through me using these visuals.

After mixing all pics together, I found out that the perfect holiday dont necessarily be constant option. A mix of outdoorsy, sporty and solitude is more than you could ask for. two elements necessary though, laughter and a relax ambiance. Although I prefer places with alot of green grasses around, bright blue sky, historical towns, or back to the simplest nature.. the isolated village. saking isolatednya, i miss my grandparents hometown..

pedesaan kecil 30km dari kota Solo. saking terpencilnya, mau telpon harus ke wartel, atau pake hape mesti mojok2 deket antena. saking isolatednya, kadang harus nyebrang kali ato jalan di pematang sawah untuk nyekar ke eyang2ku.

gak nyangka, gue bakalan kangen ama desa kecil itu. i spent all my childhood holidays in that village. Uhh, aku kangennn... sepinya tempat itu. tenangnya tempat itu. keramahan penduduk tempat itu. aku kangeennn...

Bungee, canoeing dan other once-in-a-lifetime aktifitas juga gak jadi pengecualian. Hey, it's a holiday! time to not think things and just go for it! away the fear.

Tapi, pendukung terpenting di kala liburanku.. TEMAN.
liburan sendiri? blom pernah ngalamin.. tp i'd think i wont enjoy as much. theyre the must haves for holiday.

Liburan gak harus pergi keluar kota, keluar negri kan?

Thats what I love about this city.
I can just go out of my apartment and enjoy the weather while walking alone in the park. Just sit there watching people pass by and take some interesting pictures with my mobile cam.

last but not least, there's always the option of sleeping!
tidur sepuas2nya. bermalas2an under your warm doona. dreaming for the better days.

hm, know me better yet?
so.. what's your perfect holiday?


About Me

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A Blank Canvas, Ready to be painted. Contemplation at its best. A personal Journey...
