Utopian Nation

It starts with a question, Why do wars have to happened?
True, aku hanya seorang perempuan who do not understand anything about everything.
Tapi pertanyaanku hanyalah sesederhana itu.
I'll bet, none of you would ever deny that at some time you've watched one or maybe several war movies. What did you feel?
All I know, your heart will pump hard til you cant breathe, was it fear or was it excitement?
Stupid moron whom chose the latter over the former state.

All you see are nothing but darkness. It surely not a pretty picture, let alone a haven. Apa kita ini tidak berharga? Bear in mind, those we saw were merely motion pictures. For all you know reality may speaks very differently. No, not a better one.

Kenapa sih dunia gak bisa hidup damai, tenang, tentram? Dunia tersenyum dimana pelangi terbentang di angkasa. Sigh.. iya, aku tau. Itu hanya dunia maya. Sebuah mimpi yang sempurna. Sebuah mimpi yang utopis. Suatu Utopian Nation. Dimana sekarang realita berkata lain.
Itu hanya sebuah mimpi. Mimpi terindah. Bukan untukku, Bukan untukmu... Tapi untuk Kita.

Aah Diam kamu.
Iya, Aku diam. Karena Aku hanya seorang anak kecil di dunia yang sudah tua ini. Apalah yang aku tau?


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A Blank Canvas, Ready to be painted. Contemplation at its best. A personal Journey...
