pointless whinging

The word don't etched in mind. It happened! Finally in black and white, the black list has been encrypted. The name's on top the list.

Feelings run amok!
All reasoning have no meaning.

The word leave is highlighted, but does it become the act of running away?
A second there, hatred embraced. To whom is not yet clear.

Ya know, when the thing you concern most is written in bold caption and for public to see, then whatchu gonna do?

Cry and weep,
angry and mourn,
pasrah and move on,
or revolt?!

My heart tells me to go, leave!
just to hell with them.

You'd say, running away again are we?
When you do realized, you're running out of space to run.

Ah! those fuckers be damned!

Is just another entry of pointless whinging.


fool's banquet 3:52 PM  

like you said, gue ngarti2 enggak sama post ini.
tapi kira-kira sih gue tau kli ya.
cuma, why is so sudden?
what pulls the trigger???

Anonymous 6:27 PM  

what triggers? the word don't di highlighted. that bitch!
ketemu dunia maya aja lah ya.. ntar ngerti deh.

M I J U N G 7:56 AM  

apa cih ndunn?? *celingak celinguk*

schizilly 8:39 PM  

njunggs: ndak terlalu penting kok jung. tentang seseorang di tempat kerja.

btw, gak suka deh lo sok imut (refer to "cih".) halah! LOL

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