Myspace.We own them. We have account on each of them.
from an innocent "networking" to invasion of privacy.
Myspace and facebook have already made their debut in primetime news and a day in court. (well, more than a day)
but we still own and cherish them accordingly.
heck, I have account on all of them!
Each of 'em have their own specific target market. I still can't figure out why Facebook and Myspace are more widespread than the other two (MP and FS). Here, people barely know about Friendster, let alone Multiply.
We Asians here always say, "buleys go to myspace, Indos (and other asians, not ABCs) go to Friendster. It's just common knowledge". So!! if you wanna stalk someone online, check his/her race first. Buleys? go to myspace. *Wink* LOL Myspace has a better method for stalking online. That, if the person intentionally put their full name on the account. Voila! Their life updates are for these eyes to read! ;)
On this page you see a different side of this person. Same goes for Friendster, facebook and Multiply. To the outside world we often behave to what society sees appropriate, however, the networking tools as such allows our private life made open for public. Intinya, jaim lo ilang di mata publik! =D with exception to those who really are nice inside out --personality-wise. (there are nice people out there, ya know!)
It's a good networking tool, yes true. You'd find some old friends (and flings) coming out of the blue. Thats more precious than say.. stalking online or dating online. But bear in mind, things said publicly may get back at ya later.
having said that, my own things are published online as well.
The Internet isn't a safe playground.
Not that have I dealt with sickos online before, but stories are pretty much around and they're disturbing enough.
To me, it's full of crap!
Myspace, OK you got music out of it.
Friendster? well, networking only.
Multiply... talent show-off is included.
Facebook? if you have lotsa spare times to kill, log on. You'll numb your brains out.
All in all, these four pretty much alike.
They're started from a simple social networking tool.
Believe it or not, the root is of a dating site such as
That's what I've heard.
So, the purpose of these networking sites is first for dating. Ergo, gak salah dong if people "misuse" them for stalking online? The extreme part of dating.
The creators of these sites must get rich instantly. Oh how I envy them --the rich part, not getting sued. =D
when new social networking site coming up, count me in! ^^
trick is, be safe not to publish everything honestly, online!
only been a day, another site is found.
It's like a post-it. Make notes in a few words as you can.
Short messages. Short postings. can add photos, quote, video, and all that jazz.
At least it's better than friendster blog.
like always, made mine already! *tee hee*
yet, i praise people who upload music on multiply. we, as public, get the free download!!
gue sampe saat ini masih mendukung multiply deh mak. semua lagu yang gue cari, dari indo jadoel sampe londo yg aneh2 aja ada!!
masuk sorga deh tu orang-orang yang berbaik hati naro lagu di multiplynya.
kalo friendster..BORING. seriusan deh mak. myspace? hmmm, as u sed, update info2 untuk band2 terkenal *maroon5, etc* bolehlah...
temen gue bilang, facebook itu untuk college student ke atas. bukannya justru abege. yg abege justru friendster. nah, featurenya juga lebih banyak facebook. ntahlah, gue pun belom pernah liat facebook. friendster aja gak segitunya gue urusin, facebook lagi.hehehe...
tapi iya, facebook lagi HIP *HAPPENING ABISSSS...bahasa gaulnya* banget disini...
and FYI, yg bikin facebook itu DOan dari harvard. hahahaah!!!
ps: sorry yak, komen kepanjangan :P
o ya facebook buat college keatas? kok bisa ya? isinya tuh beneran ga penting deh, serius.
sinting ya, DO-an aja bisa canggih gitu. well, mgkn dia DO krn mikirin bikin facebook kali ga? HAHA!
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