
the word has been haunting me for the past week.
It started on a blog
a question about the purpose in life "apa yang kita inginkan dalam hidup ini?"
berlanjut ke serial drama yg lagi gue tonton when the lead character asked herself this "What's My Dream?"

And today,

I read a book.
I opened the first page, and there it says "aware of our personal calling"

Yes, It's Coelho that says it.
"We don't all have the courage to confront our own dream"

dan langsung aja gue tersenyum2 sendiri realising, Gue banget! hehe

mungkin itu yang bugs me stelah kepikiran tentang smua ini.
Yah maybe the thought's been there for ages but my mind chose to locked it inside rather than saying it out loud.

Honestly, I'm no different to the blogger dude and that drama character.
The one question persists.
What do I want, what are my dreams?

As if having no dreams is like having no goal.
you're walking in zigzags without a clear destination.

when thinking hard is a must.
but all i see are only blurry smokes! not even options to cause any dilemmas.

the dreams not yet visible and time keeps on ticking.
Surely I cant stop on one spot and not moving til finding the dream now can I?
Since time keeps on going, so will life.
althou it'd be better if I see a vivid image although far ahead.

You know what, I kept telling myself that i'm a dreamer. Tapi, kok sekarang spertinya mimpi2 itu pointless ya? They seem insignificant.

Coelho juga bilang, there are obstacles.
Gue kayaknya can figure out what those are, tapi stlh dipikirin skali, dua kali, tiga kali.. they seem to be irrelevant.

Seneng kali ya those people who feel content wif their lives. Knowing what they want and what theyre good at. Prolly, theyre really living life.

nyeh. udah lah. pusing


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A Blank Canvas, Ready to be painted. Contemplation at its best. A personal Journey...
