what happens in my neck of the woods


I quit my job.
for no apparent reason.
recently unemployed due to preference. whatever that means to you, really.

I'm off to an exploring trip in two weeks!
to Sing then KL transit in Batam. Backpacking style, supposedly. fingers cross :D

In a month, I have a date.
(among thousands of others) with Mr. Mraz. :)
He said "live high, live mighty, live righteously takin' it easy"
oh yes darling, i took it literally. Takin' it easy! all of it. *lol*

I'm taking chances that way. my own way...

I've lived too comfortably long enough to not wanting any feel of suffering.
HA! snob.

I've been rejected by Mr. A and Z; as well as Mr. A C, btw.
Yay for me!


About Me

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A Blank Canvas, Ready to be painted. Contemplation at its best. A personal Journey...
