I'll miss Moving Melbourne Through Art.
I'll miss cinema nova on Mondays and Super Tuesday at Village/Hoyts.
I'll miss parks on summer and brown fallen leaves on autumn .
I'll miss blue sky and starry nights.
I'll miss Zorba, gyu-tan, oriental spoon, han guuk guan, bismi, kenzan, chai lattes, sofia, teppanyaki kanpai, blufish and mart.
I'll miss Portmans, cue, kookai, sunglass hut, and Borders(!!!).
I'll miss living on my own.
I'll miss my bed.
I'll miss NGV's winter masterpieces.
I'll miss the seasonal theatre musicals.
I'll miss Rod Laver, Prince of Wales, Palais Theatre, and Forum.
I'll miss the arts centre the most.
I'll miss boxing day.
I'll miss cafes on alleyways.
I'll miss the CBD.
I'll miss southgate.
surprisingly to say, I'll miss Coles.
one thing for sure I'll miss speedy internet!!
although not sure if I should give "Time" a sunny side up or frowny face.
leaving on a jet plane...
Labels: adieu Victoria , lifebugs , The damsel in distress
Automated Customer Service -- the catch!
This is what happened today when I called a couple of Utilities customer service line.
1. The Green Energy Gas Company (for now, call itTGEGC)
"Welcome to "TGEGC", please advise that your call may be monitored for blablablabla, if you do not bla bla blabla and blabla bla" (this is the funny bit kicks in) For gas leaks emergencies please press 1 Now. (pause) For enquiry B please press 2, For bla bla blabla bla.
I wonder if real emergency do occur, with that minutes spent on listening the welcome message (plus the panic, screaming *if any*, and getting a hold of oneself), how effective would the customer service be?
2. OPTUS phone company
(Why I mentioned the name? because the service SUCKS!! now that's the power of blogging huh!)
Calling to this customer service takes a frikkin LONG TIME! Geez. transferred here and there, meanwhile theres a holding cue that takes 5-10 mins each!
One thing that confuses me though, at the beginning of call, there's a requirement to say all your account details using vocal recognition, such as what's the inquiry about, what's the product(mobile, land line, broadband, etc), the phone no you're calling about, the pin no, etc.
OK the trick bit. If you're foreigners, focus on Asians, with very different accent and pronunciation as the locals, how the machine would recognize the problem on hand????
Earlier, I couldn't say "Forgotten PIN" like the locals says it (you know aussies and their accent??). This then leads to the lady machine kept on saying "I'm sorry, I did not get that, please say your pin no or if you don't remember please say forgotten pin". The third time saying it wrong, you want to strangle the other person on the line (although you know it's only a machine!). GRMBLGRMBLGRMBL!@#$!!!
Although third time wrong they'd direct you to a person straightaway!
This is where the redundancies occur.
The customer service PERSONNEL (means a REAL person!) would ask you the question that was asked by the lady MACHINE! "please tell me the phone number?" HELLOOO!! done that?
later when I told the personnel to close the account, she put me on hold for she needs to PULL UP MY ACCOUNT DETAILS! that only take, oh, another 5-10 minutes????????? When she got the details and account history up, she needs to direct the call to another PERSONNEL in charge. KABOOOOOOOM!! meledak! MELEDAK SAYA!
I'm not a very kind customer, but if the service would take much shorter cue, I WOULDN'T COMPLAIN AS MUCH! to your face, of course.
Calling OPTUS takes my whole half hour away. Oh during the wait, I talked with my sis ON THE PHONE! that's how long the wait was. I have 2 phones on both ears. Now that's multitasking.
note to D: take this as consideration when you're coming here. DON'T GET OPTUS!! get Vodafone. then you can call home whenever with cheaper cost. Lo tau ndiri kan gue nelfon ke elo kalo lagi kebanyakan pulsa???? ;)) Don't get optus pokoknya. Don't.
and I say it again,
It's the power of blogging.
where you can trash about brands you dislike.
NO COST. NO CHARGE. NO LAWSUITS (this one depends on the content of the blog :D)
They would say Automated Customer Service is for practicality, for maximizing customer relationship management, for customers' benefits. But alas, bottomline is for COMPANIES to cut short on costs. Imagine for big companies use all live personnel for all inquiries? how many staff would they need? how much costs they need to spend for a person alone? although some may not get a balanced workload.
Yes, it is for CRM purposes, but don't take it too far as given it all to machine! Not just it irritates customers with vocal difficulties (although not disabled), but also having to repeat the details twice by the real personnel! That I called, a waste of your 5 minutes!
Labels: lifebugs , media junque
Disaat pertahanan goyah...
"AJUDAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!! Komandan kesetrumm!!!" teriak sang Komandan bak kebakaran jenggot.
*Zzrrtt Zzzrrtt*
(begitulah suara setrumannya)
disuatu sore
musuh datang menyelinap. mendekati..
tanpa komandan sadari pandangan jadi buyar, bulu kuduk berdiri, hati berdegup kencang. "Konslet".
Ajudan: "Ealah.. Komandan kok ya kemplo tenan... pantes perang kalah mulu."
Labels: shittyshittybangbang
sandiwara radio dengan kecanggihan masa kini...
Disuatu malam… terletak di dua gubuk yang terpisah oleh hutan belantara luas dan medan perang yang kacau balau. Seorang jendral dan ajudan sibuk mengatur strategi… untuk berperang melawan musuh, di keesokan pagi.
………………. dengan bantuan teknologi masa kini, si canggih ‘yahoo messenger’.
Semua bermula dari sini
Ajudan: “Gencar, Gencar! Kita sudah masuk medan perang ini, Jendral!”
Jendral: “Siapkan bedil dan bambu runcingnya, ajudan!”
Ajudan: “Lapor Komandan! musuh sempat terlihat tetapi langsung menghilang dari peredaran, apa yang harus saya lakukan?!”
Jendral beralih jadi Komandan: “Lempar bambu runcing! masa kamu kalah sama Orlando Bloom???”
Ajudan: “Bambu runcing komandan? bambu runcing apa panah cinta??”
Sekarang Komandan: “Panah cinta gak tajam! si Cupid lupa ngasah. Panggil si Pitung. mana si Pitung. Ambil bambu runcing!”
Ajudan: “Si Pitung kok bambu runcing Komandan? si Pitung mah nyilat kali? apa kita bumihanguskan saja persembunyiannya? Kita paksa dia mengaku?”
Komandan sudah mulai gelisah dengan keberadaan musuh, dan beribu pertanyaan ajudan, langsung mengeles “kamu ajudan jangan banyak tanya. sana maju medan perang. gencet musuh! siapkan bedil, clurit, bedakan jangan lupa!”
Ajudan: “Siap Laksankan! Clurit, bedil, sama bedak?? err.. mari gempur musuh! Eh, tapi kita harus tunggu lagi ‘dan! Musuh akan muncul besok pagi.”
Sang Komandan pun pasrah dan mulai bermelankoli dengan memeluk si radio butut kebanggaan hanya untuk sayup-sayup bernostalgia dengan Nicky Astria
dunia ini panggung sandiwara
ceritanya mudah berubah
kisah Mahabrata atau tragedi dari Yunani
setiap kita dapat satu peranan
yang harus kita mainkan
ada peran wajar dan ada peran berpura-pura
mengapa kita bersandiwara
mengapa kita bersandiwara
peran yang kocak bikin kita terbahak-bahak
peran bercinta bikin orang mabuk kepayang
dunia ini penuh peranan
dunia ini bagaikan jembatan kehidupan
mengapa kita bersandiwara a a a a a a aa
Nah Sodara sodara,
Kita tunggu kisah selanjutnya besok pagi…
*Credits to Almiethra and Schizilly
Labels: shittyshittybangbang
Winter Wicked With Edward!
It's coming It's coming It's coming!
Remember this??
Tickets are kept safe.
The day has finally come.
Wicked IS in town!!!!!! and I GOT TICKETS!
Regent Theatre, Vic
Thu 31 Aug 2008, 8:00 PM
The days are full of smiley face.
Ah It's a good day. a very good day.
An entrée for Wicked is Edward Scissorhand.
The Arts Centre, State Theatre, Melbourne, Vic
Thu 24 July 2008, 7:30PM
For those who've been living under a rock, Edward Scissorhand is a Tim Burton's production in the early 90s. Who's Tim Burton you asked? OK. Let's fast forward... Know Johnny Depp? The Captain Jack Sparrow? Pirates of Caribbean? If the latter clues don't give the 'aaah' respond as I expected.. then, you've been living under water inside a cave, with mermaids!
For them species, forget this.
For others, let's move on.
Edward Scissorhand is identical as the gothic side of Johnny Depp. That's how I always see it. Why? Because he is Edward Scissorhand. At least, to Tim Burton's eyes at the time of casting. Tim Burton himself have made all his productions with a touch of Gothicness. Think of it this way, Edward scissorhand has lived a glimpse of Frankenstein's life. if quote from Professor Chaos "an outcast. A shadow of any mankind who can find no companionship.No love from others.
The world isn't fair".
Let's see how they bring this Tim Burton's Edward into a theatre musical.
Eh, Hang on,
it's the reverse of Sweeney Todd the demon barber of fleet street, isn't it?
Sweeney Tood 2007 the movie was based on a musical of Sweeney Todd (1979), and is produced by Tim Burton, played by Johnny Depp.
Edward Scissorhand the musical (2008) is based on the movie Edward Scissorhand (1990) which is made by Tim Burton and Johnny Depp as lead actor.
Spot the resemblance?
This should be interesting...
Can't wait!
Reviews coming soon.
Labels: media junque , the city
crystal kay
the name doesn't really giveaway does it? You see the name and front cover, thinking it's another american RNB. not until you hear the lady sings.
(hehe nimbrung.)
The girl is (yes) a mixed of african american and korean japanese. quite a mixture, innit?
Since i'm a beginner japanese (very, very, very beginner), to my ears she sounds very native. Although her voice seems at a different level from asian RNB singers. It's... heavier? hence suits better for RNB.
Something different to see in Japanese entertainment. At least, for me, who's currently hyped of everything Nihon desu.
Labels: media junque
long they have not met each other
on a gloomy sunday
an afternoon awaits for murky showers
oknum satu bertanya: "have you just woken up?" (on a 4pm sunday afternoon!)
oknum dua terkejut!
(dan terbengong2) "what? me? kenapa gitu?????"
the much older oknum satu replied "your face..."
"my face? (thinking its blushing red cos of the heat inside the room) hooh anget banget sih disini!" answered oknum dua.
ternyata interpretasi yang sok tau dan sok kece
si oknum satu pun melanjutkan statementnya "yeah, your face, they look.. you know, swollen."
"eh?" (muka datar -----------------------------------------------------------------------) OKNUM DUA
lalu berpikir (dengan sedikit sinis), ini maksudnya a mild way to say 'have you gain weight?'
Labels: Rambling nonsense , the city , The damsel in distress
"my point.. and I do have one"
"I gaze into the abysmal void that is my soul and all that is reflected back is my own emptiness. Icanarod, Iwillarod, Iwinarod, Iditarod"
Labels: somesay
it's animal planet.
seems don't fit if iTunes present me with Belinda Carlisle. It just don't suit well with the mood.
Push rewind and turn to Katie.
Noonan, that is.
Now it's perfection..
Who says only Gemini who likes to flip-flops, twist and shout things. uncertain of things. fidgety midgety. Taurus can too. When this heart has settled, something around you would persuade to the opposite. What'd you get? an unsettling mind.
a dragon came knocking on doors.
inquest for a dialogue...
Minus the blazin' fire of course.
a prospect?
honey, let's keep it for tomorrow.
Let's celebrate.
it's a Swanny party. at our cozy burrows. all of us, you and I, the lads and ladettes.
Feels like homecoming. in the arms of familiar acquaintances.
don't get too comfortable too much.
you're not a wombat.
choose now.
do you wish the dragon stay?
or take the garuda home?
Labels: lifebugs , Rambling nonsense , The damsel in distress , wupazz
Japanese 101 vs Engrish
"He Shite Ito?"
it translates: "can I fart?"
forget the fact that NO-ONE would actually ask the question. focus on the comedy it represents.
Japanese pronounce english Hesitate as Heshiteto.
"He Shite Ito?" itself is a rather peculiar question, but to create a word link to the english hesitate, the sentence is surely spot-on.
consider this, "He shite ito?. the most brazen person in the entire world wouldn't even consider farting in public, therefore, s/he hesitates."
*rolling on the floor laughing!!*
Now thats Japanese 101 and Engrish for you! Learn something?
Thanks for the comedy, Ayukawa Misako.
Labels: Moving feast , somesay
Graffiti undisclosed
Something to read in that tiny cubicle. constipated.
The toilet graffiti.
if only these walls could talk....
oh the drama. oh the constipated contemplation.
boo hoo hoo!
Pic taken at City Library
Labels: Rambling nonsense , somesay , the city
the power of blush-on!
girl talk.dab and blend are all I know.
A crisp morning does not always bring a cheer face.
But a blush-on every morning would.
Smile to find the 'apple' of your cheek.
the trick for a perfect fix
"a little shine here, a little poof there..."
and rosy cheeks everyday.
Who ever invented blush-on is a genius!
you don't need rocket science to proof that.
I told you it's girl talk.
Labels: shittyshittybangbang
François de la Rochefoucauld
"We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others that in the end we become disguised to ourselves."
François de la Rochefoucauld
Labels: somesay
a secret between you and I.........
a secret between you and I.........
And the rest of the world!
"All secrets are deep. All secrets become dark. That's in the nature of secrets."
Cory Doctorow
Keep your secrets to your closest ones. keep them under your skin. Keep them darker than the evil within you. yeah, keep them to yourselves wont you?
I'm less a devil to obsess.
Labels: somesay , tentang seseorang
if human can be scaled.
Identify Your Career with |
I | S | T | J |
Strength of the preferences % | |||
78 | 25 | 1 | 11 |
Jung Career Indicator™ determines careers most suitable for your type from personality type standpoint. Based on your personality type, the following is a list of your most suitable occupations along with some examples of educational institutions, where you can receive a relevant degree or training. Please click institution name for more information. Invite your friends to discover most suitable for them careers. |
Career |
Management |
Management |
Administrative Management |
Accounting |
Technical |
Computer Programming |
Technology Education |
Health Care |
Physician(Surgery) |
Dentist/Dental Assistant |
Law/Enforcement |
Law |
Military Training |
Famous people of your particular type |
Herbert Hoover, Harry S. Truman, Kirk Douglas, Clint Eastwood, Greta Garbo |
Bah. I know I shudve just follow tradition. If accounting is the way to go, and accounting shall be.
Ego won't let me take that chance. Instead, rowing the opposite, with much needed sport. What's done is done. I chose to let the ego land on this path. Quit whining bitch.
Labels: shittyshittybangbang
somesay, is you
"I am happy with the status quo and take things as they come"
Realtime Research
Labels: somesay
REO Speedwagon
is it weird that I like REO Speedwagon at this time of age?
after watching the clip for the first time, my thoughts on REO is don't look at the hair, just enjoy the music. dude's sing from the hair, dean was right. *yeah, what a reference!*
I really need a radio.
It's the year 2008 baby, and I'm in my own world back in the 80s. Thats when big hair's all happening, I guess.
I cant fight this feeling any longer
And yet Im still afraid to let it flow
What started out as friendship, has grown stronger
I only wish I had the strength to let it show
I tell myself that I cant hold out forever
I said there is no reason for my fear
Cause I feel so secure when were together
You give my life direction
You make everything so clear
Labels: media junque
tango with chance
wrap-up my seven years into a pile of boxes.
sort this for salvation army and that for a journey home.
80% sure.
I'm leaving.
keeping a 10% possibilty of returning.
hopefully, future goes as planned.
Although, the past never did.
I'm going back for a while.
... to stop wasting life.
Without ever getting my fat paycheck!
oh the dream...
jgn pada kawin mulu lo pada dah.
Labels: lifebugs , The damsel in distress