"You want forgiveness, get a religion"

yang gue inget dari spiderman 3 cuma quote yang ngena banget itu dan 1 scene dimana spidey did his famour jump dengan background bendera amerika.

Yes, we know. he's the product of the united states of america. so what?
and yes, we know. your excessive "proud-tism" of your country often need to show off.
mau menunjukkan negara adikuasamu itu, ya ya aku tau.

I don't have any contradictions to any of it, actually.
I just think theyre irrelevant to be in the movie, thats all.

This includes the quote.
I mean c'mon.. When Stan Lee is just Stan Lee the God of all superheros, he wouldn't put his fictional superhero in a grey matters such as a religion case, now would he?

Looking back, Superman's world is pretty much black and white. Good, Evil, Weakness, and Love. Betul tidak?

Dan ini sebelum Amerika knows about religion.


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