
this legend has passed.
and stupid me just found out about it last week.

semua kata rindumu semakin membuatku tak berdaya
menahan rasa...ingin jumpa
percayalah padaku akupun rindu kamu ku akan pulang
melepas semua kerinduan... yang terpendam
Yup, meng-quote Chrisye.. gak berdayalah saya!
have no idea why. just came out of the blue.
what did? say you.
yah, begitulah...
it's only a text message away. although the time difference is a kill.
but confidence is hidden deep inside.
Gah! capedeeehh!

it's weird thou.
out of the blue, kangen.
what, who, how?
don't know.

it's you, Uncle sam!


InNe 12:23 PM  

bo, ABG banget lo "cape deeeh". jidatnya sambil dipegang ga tuh? hehehe

miss d 1:52 PM  

egh g malah ga tau kalo doi uda ga ada...

fool's banquet 6:58 PM  

hah? hah? sape ni? gue pikir pelangi..ternyata yang di big apple? hehehehe

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A Blank Canvas, Ready to be painted. Contemplation at its best. A personal Journey...
