ok, just a quick post.
Varekai. check
Sneakers: classics to customs. check!
Jet: Shine on tour. check check!
Just waiting for nouvelle vague and "a room with a view" on the month june.
jet was awesome!
bit dissapointed cos they din play eleanor and shiny magazine. theyre my two faves and have been playing nonstop for weeks in my ipod prior the concert. but prolly these two werent catchy enuf for the public ears.
satu lagi, im angry at rove. i know theyd be on rove last sunday. but DID NOT KNOW they would actually have a small gig right next to my door step! well, few metres away. Southgate to be exact. but i mean cmon, i walk passed through that area millions of times and never to see Jet ngamen!! LIVE! It was a challenge by Hamish and Andy - part of Rove's show.
I was in shock. It's utterly dissapointing. Brencana jadi groupie, tapi gagal total. bah.
heran gue, knapa slalu missed out on most of Jet's gigs. Dulu, they had this secret performance at yarra.. and i missed it. padahal, on exactly that day and that time, I was walking just few metres away. I SAW THE CROWDS! but ignorant me, terlalu cuek untuk ngliat whats going on. Stlh nonton berita sore, Nyesel deh! Ive joined their milis, yet im still missing out on their gigs. ah menyebalkan!
oops, kok malah misuh2?
no no im not that dissapointed. their concert at palais was awesome! gak nyangka aja suaranya Nic sama bagusnya kyk yg di album. termasuk tereak2 melengkingnya itu.. brilliant!
wudnt mind nonton for another gig. i mean, theyre still melburnian ryte? they shud go home more often. *uh, sapa juga gue??! =p*
oh and another one, I just watched Pirates Caribbean at World's end. Sampah banget tuh film! sumpa ga nyangka. too complicated hence awfully confusing. when the movie ends, I still dont know what the story is about and how it actually ended. So, Whats going on? mumettt
ah sudahlah.
a quickie
Labels: the city
So French So Chic ~ Nouvelle Vague
So Frenchy So Chic
Music - Rock and Pop
Two of France’s most successful artists, as featured on the top selling unofficial soundtrack to the French Film Festival – So Frenchy So Chic -, come together for one alluring concert... *Artscentre.com.au
The Arts Centre - Hamer Hall July 6, 2007. 8PM
Nouvelle Vague is one of the Frenchy Chic. Theyre coming downunder!!
I'm so getting the tix tomorrow.
Man, ive been spending alot for shows & concerts this season.
and yet its still winter, not summer where all the hip and happening are out!
NGV PRESENTS: Free Films Screening.
Starting June 10th.
For those artsy fartsy movie-goers, its a must-see. why? first, It's FREE! *tee hee* 2nd, yah.. well..theyre all great movies (or so ive read in reviews :p)
Love it here.
I can feel entertained without becoming one of those tinseltown clones.
You can get eccentric, quirky, educative, amusement. you name it.
heck, the even bring Dalai Lama to downunder!
how cool is that!?
My entertainment extravaganza continues..
and im lovin every bits of it! ^_^
Labels: the city
mirror mirror on the wall...who's the prettiest of them all?
its been pouring rain in the land downunder.
our driest season has fairly recovered. Yarra river flooded, which is good.
Rainbow sometimes appear to show-off its bright colors after a series of raindrops.
A rainbow managed to cloud my judgement.
and never to dissapear.
i love the rain.
and the rainbow.
but nevermore see the beauty.
the rainbow slowly fades.
i see now a clear sky.
will things be different now?
Labels: Lilkaay , Rambling nonsense
Cirque Du Soleil presents: V A R E K A I
Venue The Oval Melbourne Park Swan St.
Wednesday May 23,2007. 4PM
Deep within a forest, at the summit of a volcano, exists an extraordinary world—a world where something else is possible. A world called Varekai.
From the sky falls a solitary young man, and the story of Varekai begins. Parachuted into the shadows of a magical forest, a kaleidoscopic world populated by fantastical creatures, this young man sets off on an adventure both absurd and extraordinary. On this day at the edge of time, in this place of all possibilities, begins an inspired incantation to life rediscovered.
*source: Cirque du soleilIt's true. Women's body is God's perfect artwork. Men, no matter how cute those butts in tights, but can never replicate the exquisite beauty of woman's curves.
every curve explores a different mystique for those who see it. does it make any sense? :P
Every man adores women. It's their guilty pleasure. So they said.
A woman adores other women. It's not forbidden. It's common sense.
It's proven. Women are God's perfect artwork. The beauties in God's playground called earth. The colorful rainbow to brighten the day after a series of raindrops. The exotic butterflies as a glimpse of beauty in the musty canvas sky.
Varekai, is a mix of beauty.
"A stranger in strange land" as theblurb reviewed.
Inside the yellow tent, we enter into a mystical vibe of Varekai.
We're no longer these common fellow. We're intoxicated to these amazing acrobatics, the magical tunes, and lively skin-tight costumes.
Varekai, Wherever.
**Varekai Pictures: Theblurb
Labels: the city
yours truly may 23 1.50AM
someone once told me that most people use blogs for personal diaries. i guess it's true.
theres too many "I"s ive written here.
there were few of yous, ours or theirs.
so yeah, its my personal threads on the journey through life.
bah. life.
but since we're on me.
lets update, shall we?
as of monday may 21st, i wont two-timing coles with any other.
i had my rainbow moments for a tad second last week. haha nevermore.
im having my entertainment extravaganza this week. varekai is tomorow and jet will be shining on this friday. ecstatic!
a friend just had a birthday. Happy Birthday! youre younger than me, thats shocking!
oh! supernatural and heroes bid their farewell this week. for much needed spoiler, there will be another season coming up for the two series. im happy for that!
my manager's being bitched by her inferiors. i just love the gossip, thats all. ^_^
i gain 2k when 6k was shed while in JKT. and he said, did you lost alotta weight??? Boy, you said it too soon..
Mr. I-Am-Sam hasnt been in contact. I lost interest. Ya sudahlah..
Aunty and I are addicted to our baby kei. She lights up my grumpy days by just watching her home videos. A friend even wonder if im married and that kei's my kid? pff, shocking.
im overjoyed...
not sure why.
but my heart's content.
its good for now.
I dont need a cashflow quadrant.
Thirsty Merc has its 20 Good Reasons. Mine, is one, not to overthink things.
50 cent's so curious he had to asked 20 questions.
Mine, is one,
how have you been?
Labels: The damsel in distress
Fools corner
when youre hooked. youre hooked.
no escape. no way out.
its a curse.
bitter misery. its unreal.
rainbow always shines after the rain.
it shines, and always shines.
theres no sweet escape.
we might as well be strangers.
I'm drifting through the morning breeze
Colors blurring in my eyes.
Labels: Lilkaay
this legend has passed.
and stupid me just found out about it last week.semua kata rindumu semakin membuatku tak berdaya
Yup, meng-quote Chrisye.. gak berdayalah saya!
menahan rasa...ingin jumpa
percayalah padaku akupun rindu kamu ku akan pulang
melepas semua kerinduan... yang terpendam
have no idea why. just came out of the blue.
what did? say you.
yah, begitulah...
it's only a text message away. although the time difference is a kill.
but confidence is hidden deep inside.
Gah! capedeeehh!
it's weird thou.
out of the blue, kangen.
what, who, how?
don't know.
it's you, Uncle sam!
Labels: Lilkaay , media junque
entertainment extravaganza!
I'll be watching these!
2 tix already at hand. yes!
Finally i'll see them geelong boys' gig!
whohooo cant wait!
Labels: media junque
Whats the matter with you?
The cold and wind and rain don't know
They only seem to come and go away
Times are hard when things that have got no meaning i've
Found a key upon the floor
Maybe you and i will not believe in
The thing we find behind the door
maybe the words came out of me are just plain excuses.
"stuck on references" is just one of the regular. days gone by without notice.
six months idle with an excuse of "unemployment in disguise" on my forehead.
that new folder on the desktop filled with vacancies. good ones.
yet it's untouched.
my cover letters and resume samples are already prepared.
sit nicely in a blue folder next to my keyboard.
but here I am.
looking at my name printed in bold times roman.
i see no courage printed there.
im too frickin lazy to rewrite a proper cover letter and resume.
noel gallagher never helps, does he?
Whats the matter with you?
seriously, depressed mode's not in the agenda.
its the laziness talking.
Labels: somesay , The damsel in distress
being successful
dalam keadaan krisis pd begini yg dipertanyakan pun mule aneh2, njlimet, dan gak karuan.
hari jumat siang duduk termangu di depan tv. pencet remote, utik2 channel sana sini. mentog di channel 10, nonton OPRAH.
si wanita satu ini memang bener2 perkasa. last I know, shes still the richest lady in the entertainment business. correct me if im wrong.
dan detik itu juga gue mulai bertanya hal2 yg njlimet, gak karuan tadi itu.
knapa prempuan sperti ini kok bisa sungguh sangat sukses sejagad raya??? apa sih yg bikin dia berbeda dengan yg lain?
being officially kicked-out of Uni made me realize. The gate has open wide. Welcome to the real world, Baby!
Someone once said... It sucks, but you gonna love it!
I took an extra 2.5 years to enter this so-called real world. Definitely no way out of it again.
ergo the question on "being successful" hits me.
modal nekat!
spertinya harus.
tapi bener deh.
spertinya menarik kalo aku bisa ngubek2 di dalam pemikiran orang2 sukses itu. Mreka dan trik2 kecerdasannya itu terlihat sangat menarik.
disaat sperti ini, kayaknya enak jadi Sylar. pop the skull dgn sekejap mata dan bam! you see and you have it. you know, the knowledge hence the power.
rambling nonsense!
cuman pertanyaanku tetep sama...
whats the recipe on being successful?
Labels: The damsel in distress
"You want forgiveness, get a religion"
yang gue inget dari spiderman 3 cuma quote yang ngena banget itu dan 1 scene dimana spidey did his famour jump dengan background bendera amerika.
Yes, we know. he's the product of the united states of america. so what?
and yes, we know. your excessive "proud-tism" of your country often need to show off.
mau menunjukkan negara adikuasamu itu, ya ya aku tau.
I don't have any contradictions to any of it, actually.
I just think theyre irrelevant to be in the movie, thats all.
This includes the quote.
I mean c'mon.. When Stan Lee is just Stan Lee the God of all superheros, he wouldn't put his fictional superhero in a grey matters such as a religion case, now would he?
Looking back, Superman's world is pretty much black and white. Good, Evil, Weakness, and Love. Betul tidak?
Dan ini sebelum Amerika knows about religion.
Labels: media junque , Moving feast
my bedroom window
the view outside used to be very warm, friendly, and safe.
now I can only see strangers. cold and unknown.
those lights used to be very comforting.
now, they mean nothing.
it's too dark out.
the warmth has disappeared..
do i need to move away from the chill?
Labels: The damsel in distress
it's been too long!
let see, my last post was a month ago. been too lazy to log on blogger from jakarta. Yep, I went home.
2 months away from daily routines in melby. It. Was. Awesome!
I dont even wanna be back here yet. trust me.
the past couple of months
.I met heaps of old friends, new friends, my new niece and nephew, long-lost cousins and other relatives.
.I went to see places, learn many cultures, speak different language and accents.
.I become more independent and more vocal about whats in mind.
But they did cost me. and I spent a whole lot for it.
well spent? uhm, good enuf.
Now i know what uncle sam really look like and how sushi supposed to taste like. LOL
you know what, uncle sam really knows how to make a girl so damn curious. the time difference is a kill. bah.
japan is another story.
the eccentricity is what makes it gorgeous.
I feel nothing while walking times square but my eyes froze when I looked down at shibuya's crosspaths.
2 weeks in Jakarta was spent meeting up with men in white coat. they fix up too many coctails for me to take. I wonder if one another could clash and break me? hehe. nevermind.
i still dont wanna be here.
maybe its a sign.
you know, that i shudnt be staying here alot longer than i always thought I wud be?
or maybe its just be being a spoiled brat, like always.
back to the old routines. it totally sucks. but what u can do?
besides routines, there are two new things on agenda.
thing is, I dunno when to do them right. hmm.
ASAP is better. soon.
I'll keep you posted and break the news aloud.
hehe apa siih?!?! :P
ps: just day 1 and im reminded of Jet. Jet's coming home. theyre touring downunder. and i missed the tix sales. =(
the geelong boys are comingggggggg!
Labels: The damsel in distress