2012 is around the corner..

Just few hours approaching to 2012.
Prophecy said it's the end of the world.

So what can we expect when the clock countdown to 00.00?
Are we still preparing any 2012 resolutions?

I do.
I didn't really remember the prophecy. So for this once, I envisioned my future plan, believing this could be it. The one that is proposed to me, for my future. InsyaAllah, that is.

Everything seems at its' place.
Having him in a different city.. has its course.
Having him in my life, has set a whole different perspective.

It would be time for me to deal with 'things', those I was escaping from.
The future I've never had in mind before.
It may not be exactly the future I'll walk through, but, envisioning it now as such is already a different story to my previous mindset.

I was't prepared for this, but now I know I'm ready for this.
To be with him, to be in a different city, to be in a completely different career.

Hold on, I'm not getting married. Nuoh! not yet.

Bismillah I'm walking towards the purpose that my family wants, especially my mum.
Maybe it's my life purpose. No matter how much I've refused to obey, at the end of the day, I know that I have to do this. I was meant to do this.

Bismillahirohmanirrohim, I surrender all thoughts and effort to You. Should this be the life purpose You gave me, I'll make my best effort to pursue what is given to me. Should this be the right course I'm supposed to walk on to, I'll walk this through with love and contentment. Finally, I've made peace (or towards that). InsyaAllah, with support from all my loved ones.

2012, another life chapter to be written.
Let's do this with all heart's content.

Aku, kamu.. dan dia.

When things got beserk and the other guy comes in to lighten the mood.

Just because he is the bestfriend and not the boyfriend.

Heart matters aint for the faint heart. I grew tired of tears.

Could the bestfriend become good boyfriend?
Maybe not.

Then there is us.

2011 is coming to its end.
Before we say farewell, a recap wouldnt be much harmful, would it?

2011 played a roller coaster emotion in my life. Learning all kinds of emotion. The closure on a dear loved one is the beginning of another enormous feeling i have never experienced before.

My plans... Ah, screw them.

2011.. is unexpectedly a year full of self-reflect.

I bid goodbye to melbourne this year. This time is for real. I chose jakarta, with all my heart's content.

I wont forget how it raised me.

is when him and I become us. An old friend coming out of the blue..
We still have a long road ahead. We're parted by different cities. We're 2 very different individuals. We live in a very opposite lives. Him and i to become us wasnt a smooth ride. But i'm very grateful that he wants to be by my side. Regardless.

Our story is just a baby. Tiny and fragile.
Hopefully, our prayers will bring us to a strong and mature lifelong journey. InsyaAllah, amin.

Thank you.
To have helped me to choose people over place.
I left my adolescence in melbourne. I will live my adulthood in indonesia. Happily, with all heart's content. InsyaAllah.

Hopefully, with him too.

Derawan, my story.

It took us 5 months planning this trip to Derawan. Busybees crew are myself, Natsu and Mel.
I have always wanted to go to Derawan, knowing only for its' Kakaban jellyfish.

Dragged my 2 traveling buddies, quite easily. :)
Then persuade 7 other friends and cousins to fill up the tour quota.

Initial idea was set on May.
We decided to go with a local Event Organizer called Zebaoth EO, lead by mas Ivan, to help us arrange everything during our 4D3N in Derawan. Since all 9 of us are female, yeah, we are so rempong with requests. :D

Story wouldn't be perfect without introducing the crew
Yours truly who initiated the idea ;)
Natsu and Mel, the duo who are easily persuaded to plan along the trip
Mba Ana and Uwie, my 2 aunty/cousins? :D
Icung! berhasil dibujuk dengan diiming2i kesombongan snorkling sama ubur2 ;)
Siska, Natsu's sister. Whom i believe was persuaded by her big sis to join.
Mia miau, whom failed going to wakatobi and chose derawan to cure dissapointment.
Last but not least, Tika. She joined us at the very very last minute, to swap ticket with Dira, who canceled the trip due to unexpected circumstance.

That Thursday, 20 October 2011. We took 1st Flight at 6.10 AM by Sriwijaya Air.
Perempuan-perempuan bermuka bantal satu persatu datang kerumah, planned was to leave for Airport together, dengan berbekalkan kue pukis untuk sarapan. Ehem.
1st Flight is more often than not on-time.

Baru juga transit di Balikpapan, gue udah buat kebodohan konyol. Dimarahin pramugari dan langsung turun pesawat tanpa bawa tas, dompet, blackberry(!). -__-
Funny thing about this transit was that we only walk around the airport from Arrival gate to Departure gate, to get on the same plane again!

Up in the air on the same flight, off we go to Tarakan.
Got picked up by Mas Ivan from Zebaoth EO.

Oh. We have another member to add up to 10 quota, so we could get bigger boat. By big, is this big.

Off we go to Pelabuhan.
Our boat 288 arrived and ready to take us to Derawan.

Nat, Icung and I sat behind the driver(err, what do you call a boat driver?) Selama perjalanan laut, kapal dihantam ombak, rasanya... tiada tara. If only my ass could scream...
Ternyata 3 jam perjalanan di laut, banyak kebodohan2 yang terjadi.

Salah satunya, si teman yang dengan polosnya pake Life Jacket layaknya Life vest pesawat terbang, bottom-up. :)) Kemudian di kursi belakang saya, cinta bersemi di boat 288. Ehem.

Jam 3 waktu setempat, Alhamdulillah kita sampai dengan selamat di Sari Water Cottages di Derawan. Where we are welcomed by Mr. Turtle!
Snorkling 1st day.

Coming to the end of 2011

and I'm broke.


After Melbourne on September.
Derawan on October.
And I've JUST decided for Gili on November.

Thinking Bali for December.

I might need life support from my Dad after this.

That's okay. Since I need to enjoy life.
Getting away from EVERYTHING.

Work. Love. Family. Reality.

Be with the sea and fresh air.
Away from routines.

To keep my sanity intact, my bank balance is crying.

She said

You can care without Love.
but you can't love without care.

I can so define whom the first and the latter.

Thanks to my Chinese twin!
You rawk.

On 15 September I wrote...

A peaceful and sweet closure

So here i am on a 109 tram going to an old friend's home.
2 days remain before i fly out to where i belong.
Home. In Jakarta.

Finally i can make peace with self on saying it. I've settled on where home is.
Melbourne was my happy adolescence, finding identity.
Jakarta is where i will settle my adulthood.
My mind, body and soul have in-sync this time round.

Melbourne will always have a special space locked in heart.
It's time to move on.

6 days wandering in melbourne, without purpose, is an eye opener.
I'm tired of being alone. Being minority. On having more effort to live.

Melbourne is a cold place. As i was.
3 years tamed me. I couldn't settle for ignorance or complete individuality.

Now, i'm ready to face a new life with all heart's content, in Jakarta.
Where home is and where i'm needed.

Goodbye melbourne. Thanks for a life changing experience of 7years.
You will always be a second home.
My bittersweet lover.

Giving, errr..., love a try?

But the questions persist.

What feelings I am feeling?
What will I be when loosing the other person? or THIS person?

I chose to walk it through.

Seeing things. Learning things. Feeling things.
That's allowed, right?

selfishness backfired.

So i'm home. in Jakarta that is.
Blogging this from work, because I'm so emotionally wrecked right now.

My 10 days getaway was full of selfishness. The thought of what brings
ME happiness. I thought it's common to think that, it's alright to
think that.
I went to Melbourne, contemplating and reliving my early 20s. Finally,
to decide I'm better off in Jakarta, with many considerations and
loving thoughts, insyaAllah.

But then, my 10 days getaway is backfired. I went home, here in
Jakarta, to have the talks.
1 with mum.
2 with him.
3 with superiors at work.

The talk with him was emotional.
This, I did not expect, at all.

I thought we could resolve everything, about us. about him and I. Me
and my selfishness maybe was too full-on for him to digest.
We had the talk.
He need space. I surrender to his request.

Now, I couldn't do my work. Blogging this to get him, the thoughts,
the guilt, out of my mind.
Things are more uncertain than it was before. Partly due to my
ignorance towards him.

My 10 days getaway was also for me to reflect on my feelings, I didn't
think of his.

My selfishness backfired and it ain't cool at all.
Things never run smooth according to what I want.
Not about this, not about him.

I should give him space, shouldn't I?

In the sky - between KL and Melbourne

Up in the sky. 4 hours to melbourne.
All i can think is my next trip to derawan and bandung with my friends.
And him.

Does my days in melbourne will be over this time round? The thought of it isnt as sad as before. Maybe my heart has finally decide but my mind are thinking the what ifs.

Im too afraid to let go melbourne, to let go my PR status. Then i wouldnt be able to find a quick getaway. Maybe i should face everything now and not a quick getaway fix?

My mind is wondering aimlessly, searching the best answer.

I'm heavy on my mum, my friends, my niece, and somehow him too.

If im settle for the people, what am i escaping now?

8 hours before melbourne

Waiting at lcct kuala lumpur for my budget airline to arrive and fly me to my second home.
Im having a seriously mixed feelings while waiting to board.

The one date ive been anxiously await since 9 months ago when i bought this ticket, has finally here. But the excitement kinda washed away. Things happened during 9 months.

Madre awoken me from a dream. Im lost finding home.
This will be my final answer. Whether i should be most satisfied with jakarta but where my loved ones are,
Or secure and peaceful with the city i love but afar from loved ones.

If a certain person able to make me stay in jakarta, i'll say yes to his nagging question.
Yes you, im thinking you and make certain of my feelings too.

This next 10 days is a devil's trap, but insyaallah this will give me answers to everything in mind.
Bismillah, im surrendering everything to You.

The flight is boarding.
I'll see you in 8 hours melbourne

Melbourne I'll see you VERY soon

You know what,

It will be exactly 2 years since last I step foot in Melbourne.
The last was October 2009.

Now, in mere 3 days, I'll be seeing you again.
Feelings run amuck.

It's like, seeing your old lover and wondering whether the feeling is still there.
Am I ready to fall in love again?
Will you able to make me head over heels again, Melbourne?

I'm excited but also scared.
Getting to you will be a life-changing decision for my future.

Yeah, feels like deciding for marriage, innit?

Adieu boy

Finally, thursday was the day to find all the answers. To open heart.
It was fine. Faint of heart was collapsing. I was surrendering.

Last night my eyes were open wide.
We live very different lives you and i. Of you asking me to leave my friends, is one impossible request for me to do.
I love who i am. I love my life. I love my friends.
You can't tell me otherwise.

Men will always be third in line after my mom and friends. You cant change that.

I thought my heart was surrendering to you, but the life you and i chose were heaven and earth.
I wasted time and shed pointless tears.

You weren't there for the past 10 years of my demonic years, nor knowing the stories of it.
Life changes me, you can't.

Last night, tears were our closure. At least from my end.
Adieu boy.

Chris Brown - With You


Last night while driving home from a KungFu Panda 2 session at the cinema, iTunes gave me Chris Brown - With You. I never noticed the lyric until last night.

Well, what can you do when driving alone late at night but singing your heart's out.
That's what I did.

Then on chorus, I just realized that this song is just one of men's bullshit.
It says like this..

Together baby,
There is nothing we won't do
'cause if I got you,
I don't need money,
I don't need cars,
Girl, you're my all

Please highlight on..
"I don't need money,
I don't need cars"

Well, what you think the ladies need?
We don't need only you. But those you said you don't need, well, we do.

I don't understand them kind - the opposite sex.

Lebaran is near

Ramadhan has gone by so fast!
Suddenly, lebaran only a week away. A meet-up i've been dreading to go is approaching. I speak none of it wishing he would forget.

Why do i dig my own grave? To think its Ramadhan's blessing is such a naive thought.

I wish time would slow down as my beating heart run faster. *sigh

Madre by Dee

"saya meninggalkan Melbourne. Menetap di kota yang saya hindari.
Rumah adalah tempat dimana saya dibutuhkan"

Sepenggal paragraf dari Madre karya Dee lestari. Sedikit saya ubah Bali dengan Melbourne. Hanya karena di kota itu saya menjadi "freelancer", seorang yang bebas layaknya seorang Tansen.

Tiket Melbourne sayapun sudah ditangan.

Bertubi-tubi pertanyaan yang sama dilontarkan oleh teman-teman baik.
"Apa yang menahanmu di Melbourne?" sekali lagi kutipan Madre yang saya ubah object yang dipertanyakan.
Tansen tidak bisa menjawab pertanyaan itu dengan pasti.
Saya pun...

Seperti tertohok ketika membaca kalimat terakhir dari kutipan diatas.
Saya tau saya dibutuhkan disini, lebih untuk menenangkan hati.

"rumah adalah tempat dimana saya dibutuhkan"
Apakah di kota ini? Yang saya selalu enggan untuk menempati.

Madre membuat saya berpikir kembali tujuan saya untuk menoleh ke masa lalu.

On being single

A tweet tickles me to blog this.

@TrinityTraveler RT-ed her follower that says this: 'temen saya fave T&T krn penulisnya single tp kok bisa ya enjoy life without being lonely'.

Trinity's respond was a simple, Ha?
I would too if I were her (Trinity).

I won't judge this person for saying so. I don't know her, she doesn't know me. But based on her tweet it got me self-reflect. I wasn't this content before, I'm still not fully content with life as a matter of fact. I'm getting there.

I'm also single.
For women, it's believed at certain age there will be a bridget jones syndrome. Single equals loneliness. It may be lonely sometimes, but I'm sure there are many things in life that can get us going and eventually dilutes the loneliness.

I'm sure in this person's concept, being lonely means no boyfriend. I think, by now Alhamdulillah I've succeed to get rid of that thought.

Companions are everywhere as long as we noticed them. Who knows, when time is on our side, some of them could become our bestest companions. Enjoy the companions around, those who can make you laugh and ignore Lonely.

Don't get me wrong, we need partner (boy/girlfriend). But why sook about it when that person does not come at the time we want them to come? Shouldn't we just noticed those who sat next to us, and enjoy their companions? Eventhough they may not be our love interest.

Isn't love, at the end of the day, means enjoy each other companions?

Maybe this is naïve have its say.
But, this comes from a twenty-something chick who knew Lonely just a tad too much, then ditched it by embracing every trivial happiness.

Too cliche?
Well, sometimes being cliche works.


Sms itu ga perlu ditungguin. Salah sendiri nomernya pake diilangin. Mau Sms juga ga bisa.

Nah, skrg gregetan salahin siapa hayo?

Curiosity killed the cat.
This cat says, meow.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2: The Final Closure

It finally arrives.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 the movie.

Personally, I wasn't to anxious to see the movie. All Harry Potter movies were never live up to readers' expectation. Script wise.

That Friday night, just after work, a friend and I gave a shot getting the tix. Since its' premiere, the tix were almost impossible to get on-spot. Fortunately, we got the right timing, good seats.

8.15 PM. Movie began.
It started off with Voldemort acquiring Elder wand, and go crazy toying with it.
Dobby's final closure was also shown at the beginning movie. Continuing where we left of since Deathly Hallows part 1.

The beginning movie has shown that evil has risen and deaths will be inevitable.

I was like... this is it. The final closure. The ending of Harry Potter, once and for all.
When the book 7 was released, the story end there. Harry Potter, does not end there yet.
The movie is still anxiously waited by millions of aficionados.

I wouldn't tell the story here, just because I've been mucked around by emotional roller coaster years ago here.

Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger are Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson.
We all watched them grew. Just as we felt Harry, Ron and Hermione grew.
We saw them as these 11 years old kids, who were innocent, cheeky, full of adventure. Now, we see them as 20-something adult, maturing in their own ways.

Back to fiction..
JK Rowling has written a very elaborate, very detail story towards each character within each scene. The movie script, failed to deliver just that. I understood that it is impossible to include every character written in the book into the movie. The movie is about Harry Potter, so it stick to him. Focuses on Harry's journey to find horcruxes and eventually kill Voldemort.

The epic climax of the book should be on Battle of Hogwarts.
The movie, failed enormously to deliver. I couldn't feel the suspense, the bravery, the devastating battle. It failed to muck my emotion much further. This should be the epic battle. The most emotional draining scene on this installment. It failed to deliver, just that.

It failed to show Fred.

It does however show Snape. The most heartbreaking scene.
Snape's fatherly love towards Harry, just because he loves Lily too much.
I couldn't imagine this scene when reading the book. On movie, it successfully brought tears to my eyes (seriously). My heart jumped when this scene took place.
This scene is, by far, outshines every other scenes he's made. Alan Rickman, you're gold!

This last installment of Harry Potter movie, is by far has the best execution. In terms of cinematography. Script wise, it succeeds to focus on Harry Potter. It should stands on a center point, that is Harry. This how we connect to the character and no other character can steal his thunder, not even Fred.

I wouldn't say the movie rates a 10, but 8 is good enough for a final closure.
This is the end.

Harry, Ron and Hermione have found peace in their world.
Daniel, Rupert and Emma move on to their new characters beyond Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

The end of every ending.
Bye Harry, Ron, Hermione.

tentang menulis

I was to translate title into English - on Writing.
That doesn't sound too good, so instead I use my native language Bahasa Indonesia. It sounds better, to my ears anyway.

I have that itch again, the itch to blog. To write.

I came across a tweet or a blog not long ago, mentioned about writing, specifically on 'How to begin to write'. Recently, writing becomes sexy for Indonesians. Everyone writes, or want to write.
For the latter audience, it only comes on the desire not on implementation (to actually do it).
I really need to find that post again, damn i forgot where I read it.

It basically said, to write, one need not be in front of computer/notebook. Jaman udah canggih, kawan! Those smartphones on your palm, make use of them.
And damn those words are very spot-on!

Back when my mobiles weren't smart, I make use of its' notepad to write. Then when I got Internet access, I retype them on blogs or other personal medium. I don't overthink what I wrote, because personally, my words are my memory lane. Exploring words on my personal journey. Now, years passed, re-read them is overwhelming.

Pictures may worth thousand words.
But words magnifies emotion. I choose words over visual at any given day.

I do believe that to write can be as simple as exploring your inner-self, contemplating self, releasing emotion, and further than that, study writing structure, expanding vocabulary, and knowing your audience.

For me, I chose the first over the latter. It's my vocabulary playground. My space to be dickinsonized. I'm most loyal to Blogspot, it gives me the full anonymity so I can be whomever I wish to be.

So those who WANT to write, Write. As easy as 1, 2, 3.
It doesn't have to be meaningful or word-y. Hey, mine is shit too.
But it's liberating.

On being thankful

Today I'm grateful for my friends.
I have 3 different crowds and a twin, each of them have their own characteristic.

My ex-housemates, for example, their personalities are so strong and complete opposite of me but we can blend in. They're strong opinionated women, who deserves to always be loved just because they always spread positive ions to the people around them. Seriousness to them is camouflaged by jokes and sarcasm. Two significant elements, since the past 7 years, I could never learn to do! Among them, I felt I'm the youngest (while in fact, I'm not). Them 2 crazy chicas are my drugs. I'm on high when they're nearby.

My sweet companions are those recently came around. My traveling buddies, my daily comforters. The 3 chicas came to my life from different timeline. 17, 14, and a mere 3 years ago we knew each other. Companionship becomes sweet, harmless, and fun. With them, small talk can never gets dry. Without them, days could become so dull. My sweet ladies are the icing on this grovelling routines.

The last but not least, the intellectual crowd. We started off as duo, then becomes triplet. Miss smarty chick and mister nice guy are my intellectuals trashcan. They're smart in their own ways, live through experiences. They're my rock to see face-to-face with the world. The duo missy and mister are my left and right pillars in life, holding me steady.

Sneaking in, my Chinese twin. We've been close friends since the initial survival in Melbourne. Back in the days, when we're finding our inner-self, we both contemplated over the same issue over and over. Who we are, what we want to do, those kinda stuff. I learn to speak up my mind and learn to show some emotions, all from her. Though we lived in same city now, we barely see each other that often. But communication never stops. Her speech can sometimes get so snappy, but they often true. She's my shopping buddy, my contemplating twin, my love advisor, whose maturing quite a lot since babygirl came along. To me, she always know how to advises me on stupid love. Though not once I follow her advice. haha!

I am most grateful for these eight dearest darling friends of mine. That's what they meant to me. Hopefully, I do have a significant place in their lives, even only play a minor role.

These eight companions in my life, are one of the reasons I wish to stuck in Jakarta, and be happy in this undesirable city.

A friend's quote I kept repeating: It's not the place, it's the people.
For now, people won over place.

I'm most thankful having them in my life.


I need a wand by now.
To get rid of you from my thoughts.

Is it the curiousity playing mind-games on me?

Were you just teasing?
Does your words only meant dry?
If they do, they hurt.

It started off as games.
Now I'm the one being played.
Karma backfired.

Hey, kamu!
You really are a waste of my thoughts and skipped heartbeats!

Expelliarmus! Expelliarmus!! Be gone.
Sshoo sshoo

Who doesn't love July

July, you have dropped the bomb on me but also you balanced it with many many splendid things.

This month, I have been yelled at, mocked at, screamed at.
Covered by pile of papers, bombarded with questionmarks from the above, shoved with new techy stuff and responsibilities.

That was work.

However, I am so blessed for having my great greatest buddies. They always know how to switch frowns and tears to massive laughter and sincerest smiles.
Getting away from Jakarta was always our escape from work stress. We went to Sawarna and Green Canyon. Beach and Sun burnt the heavy burden we store temporarily on our brain. The companion that are priceless.

Two unexpected news knocked on door.
An old friend coming out of the blue. Facebook connected us.
It started off as tease, innocent flirting, and a fun playful stress release. Or so I thought!
It turns out a complete double entendre.
I had to eat my own words. The old friend took my words far too seriously, he then dropped the bomb on me. My heart have been skipping few beats due to that. I should've not play with fire, but i keep on flaming fireworks. haha!
For now, I'm letting things as they go.

On a very very very exciting and happy news.
I'm going back to Melbourne!! Initially, just for 10 days. But we'll see how things to be while I'm there. Whether Melbourne is just a happy memory or a prospective future for me.
Just need to find best words and reasons to tell mum.

Apparently 9 months was a very long time. A LOT has happened during then.
Friends and Indonesia's nature exquisite have captured my love. It will be very difficult to leave them now. I thought this would be easy, since nothing here is for me to love. I was so wrong.

Due to this, Jakarta and Melbourne has equal chances. A 50-50 heart dilemma.
But I will decide this when I reach Melbourne in September. See if the city could make me head over heels once more.

July, I have vent out some anguish but it was dialed down by many many laughter. All thanks to my closest nicest craziest friends around me.

Alhamdulillah I've been reminded that Happiness do exist.

:) :) :) :)

Happy is understatement.
I'm beyond excited and I can only vent it out hereeeeee!!!!!!

Thank YOU!
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

For cryin' out loud!

You are definitely not for the faint of heart.
So stop mucking with it!
Fragile! Deal with care.

faint of heart.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!


In my line of work now, I dealt almost everyday with rich family. Be it native Indonesians, chinese indo, indian-indo, or foreigners all together. My company runs in service industry. Targeting to 'supposedly' sophisticated level of community and educated industry.

However, after meeting with many of rich kinds, I come to aware that most wealthy Indonesians are so spoilt, uneloquent with words, bad attitude, and very surprisingly so uneducated and unsophisticated bunch of walking LVs. We do run in service industry, but do not interpret us being ur slaves. The different gap between the white collars and sportmums/busy dads are too overwhelming, they thought they are the boss of us.

To my shocking believe, this suburban I'm currently placed in northern Jakarta, has enormous number of labor-y rich kinds. Why I said labor-y? They are non-corporate bunch of rich family and started off in trading industry. All kinds of trade. Not only the luxury items.

Therefore you can only imagine how disallocated I was (and AM!) to face these wealthy kinds. They are rich, no doubts. Billionaires, trillionaires that I'm sure. But the attitude and language are them blue-collar workers!

I'm sure they've been around the world. Met many westerners and interact with other -more sophisticated- cultures, but to my very surprise, they never implement or reflect that high-class attittude into theirs.

These kind of Indonesians, are the wealthy lower-class. If my ego lands on this office carpet, they def not my peeps. I'm more high-end than them bunch. They may have all the LVs, but I bring sophisticated and class.

Fck off bitches.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

Musikal Laskar Pelangi

Musikal Laskar Pelangi 2 July 2011
Teater Jakarta, TIM, Jakarta.

Following the big success on last year's show, MILES and Riri Riza, collaborated with Edwin Gutawa and Jay Subiakto, present yet another most sought after Musikal Laskar Pelangi.

It started on a bright sunny Saturday arvo. Got the tix ready, then my friend and I head for a 2 hours lunch! :)
Our tix was at Class II, means no allocated seat number. 30mins before the show starts, the good seats are almost all taken. But we got the middle seat, which has pretty decent view to the stage below.

There was a slight glitch at the beginning of show. 15 minutes after the show began, it needed to stop for the next 30minute-ish due to technical difficulties. We heard banging and some loud noises behind the curtain. God knows what.

By 3 O'clock, the show continues.

No doubt this production is full-on. From the music, the props, the concept, the casts, the dances, the ensembles, everything.
One crucial point lacking from where I sat, it's the story.

Perhaps, knowing the story from original book and movie, you may not find the musical... satisfying.

The book and movie were so alive, so vibrant, so child-like colors. So pelangi (rainbow). However, this musical... I can feel the political agenda that some of these artisants may have intended to insert. This, ergo, not fun.

The originality of Laskar Pelangi's story, the kids from a simple Gantong Village, has been mucked around by 'too creative' Jakarta production. The prologue and epilogue of Ikal seems too deep for a Laskar Pelangi story. They seem to define the entire musical. The political sense of golden days PT Timah and the end of it.

The music! Another crucial segment of a musical. I wasn't sure whether it's because Edwin Gutawa on the orchestra, but the music seems quite monotone, and veeery slow. Few times I almost fell asleep due to boredom. I woke up only when my eyes were presented by cheerful music and energetic dances of the Laskar Pelangi kids.

Bu Muslimah, seems to be the lead character in this musical. Dira Sugandi as Bu Mus, someone who is supposed to be very humble, looks very Jakartan (if you know what i mean). Ikal (or the assumed character of Andrea Hirata) is too blah so he stuck in the background. Mahar and Kucai are surprisingly took the stardom on stage! Even Lintang, who had several solo performances, could not outshines Mahar or Kucai's single performance. The vocal performances, on the other hand, I think we all can agree they are splendidly done. Dira Sugandi, despite of her passable act, her voice is without doubt the star of the night.

I'm most amused by the ensemble performances and Mahar's solo performance. That kiddo surely has talent for spotlight!

And! The silhouette screen is very Jay Subiakto don't you think? It's almost as if I'm seeing a music video shoot. I don't say it's bad, I reckon the screens played nicely into this musical. They fit with the music and scenes. They subtly help creating the stage fantasy.

Overall, Musikal Laskar Pelangi is a concept that I think Miles and Riri Riza try to educate audience about Indonesia through Art. I don't complain about this, but it may be not be the piece I'm expecting to see at the moment.

I don't mind more of Musical productions from Miles though. I can see that whatever piece they produce, it will always be maximum effort. You can see it from the end result.

Musikal Laskar Pelangi, I like. But maybe not for a second time. :)

Less than sign numeral 3

This is WHY I love you!!!!!!! :((

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!


Hey boy, I'm ignoring you just because he's around. I chose him, but still want you on the side.


Sangkala 9/10

Sangkala 9/10, Musical Theater presented by Abang-None Jakarta community.

I didn't expect much of this musical, since all casts are not stage performers, theatrical wise.
The script however inspired by Batavia's history. It goes back to 1740, when VOC played Hitler to Chinese immigrants in Batavia. They eliminate Chinese civilians in Batavia, just because they crowd the population at that time.
In this musical, insert a love story between native Indonesian (pribumi betawi) and a Chinese girl.

Script wise, it's very intriguing.
It's very unfortunate that Abang-None were cast for this promising story.

Dancing or Theatrical performance, as said earlier, is not a mere dancing for TV shows or concerts.
The energy is different and at the same time showing the character's emotion.

On top of that, the pronunciation has to be strong and clear.

I can feel the energy of lead casts in Sangkala 9/10. This, however, was not enough.
I was very disturbed by their vocals, then how could I enjoy the performance?

As expected, the "successful" entertainer from Abang-None are the most interesting characters on this musical. These casts are Indra bekti and Iwet ramadhan. They are entertainer as profession, therefore, it's a given that they showing off talent of attracting audience's attention.

Other than these two, there is a sand artist to illustrate the story on big screen. This dude, Fauzan, is excellent. A one man show and musical instruments would do the trick, rather than Sangkala's entire casts.

All in all, Sangkala 9/10...
is entertaining show, but not theatrical entertaining.

For a musical, it doesn't have strong dance and vocal.
For a theater performance, entertaining would be overrated.

It's another musical snob episode.

The Mirror Never Lies

So, my Saturday is full of cinematique arts today.

I was escaping home and there I was at TIM with 5 hours to kill before the main event - Sangkala 9/10 Musical Theater. Of which I'll comment on next post.

To kill this 5 idle hours, I drove around Gambir, Thamrin and Sarinah. Just because, I couldn't find my way back to TIM after withdrawing some cash on ATM nearby. Long story short, I was lost.

That killed about an hour idle time.

Enough time for this movie I'm about to watch at TIM XXI - The Mirror Never Lies.
The hype of this movie isn't extravagant. All I know that the movie was taken at Wakatobi. Small islands between Sulawesi and Papua? Correct me if i'm wrong, since I'm more often than not is geographically incorrect.

I had no expectation of this movie.
There I went inside the cinema.

To my surprise, the beginning movie showed the sponsors. It was from PEMDA (state government) and WWF. A collaboration I might never see again to produce Indonesian movie! My expectation just rose.

The introduction of movie sounds to be a very deep storyline. It started with a little girl holds a mirror hanging onto her neck - a memorable token from his fisherman dad, who's lost at sea. This story is about her. Her mom, her bestfriend Lumo, and her Jakartan guest Paman Tudo. It's not a love story of man and woman, but a girl's longing of her dad, and find closure.

In between, nature showing off its beauty on every scene. Stealing each casts' thunder to fame.

I couldn't stop to feel at awe watching Wakatobi. The underwater beauty, the ocean's magnificent color, the God's painted skies. Subhanallah, Wakatobi is really God's given heaven on earth. Untouched and pure.

Not only the place, but the people! They're very simple people, with minds encircle on family and fishing. You know the expensive resort out in Mediterranean, where guest cottages are built above clear green ocean? Wakatobi people live on top of those clear green ocean too! On their simple wooden houses and it doesn't cost thousands of $$$.

Just 2 comments on overall movie,
1. What happened to paman tudo? Since no ending is given to him, I began to wonder what's the purpose of his character?
2. I STRONGLY DISAGREE about leaving (or even the idea of dropping) the mirror into the sea. Showing it on big screen means we can trash anything into the sea! It doesn't really give positive message to audience. I understood the message behind it all, but storyline aside, the mirror could ruin the corals. We def don't want that to happen!

Mirror aside, I reckon we should have this movie to become part of Visit Indonesia campaign. That is, if Indonesian cultural department has any consideration to spread Indonesian tourism equally.

This movie is definitely a must see.
Very refreshing view to Jakartans' daily mess.

go go go get your tickets now!

Ali Topan the Musical

First of all, I admit I'm a musical snob. I don't know the technicalities to produce a musical, but I am an avid audience of musical theater.

I have watched a number of Musicals - popular and off-broadway/ish. I went mostly those in Melbourne, but I've been to a couple of musicals in Las Vegas.

That above, was not a snob moment.
The next line onwards will be (snob moments).

Ali Topan the Musical is the first musical theater I saw in Jakarta.
It is produced by Artswara, owned (or lead?) by Ari Tulang. Famous Indonesian choreographer.
Ali Topan is not an original script for this musical. It came from an old novel, famous on the late 70s-80s.

Brief of story, please see here http://buku.infogue.com/ali_topan_anak_jalanan
Pardon, it's only in Bahasa Indonesia.

I watched Ali Topan the Musical with my mum. It's said R 18+, strictly adult only. I was not aware of what the scenario would be. Some friends know I will watch it with mum. They went to the show before me and warned me of some explicit scenes that may raise awkwardness. You know, some things that you should not share with your parents. Ali Topan, they thought, is one of them.

I'm told that for a theater in Indonesia, the act is quite wild, vulgar, and explicit. I was a nervous-wreck to watch this with mum. Thinking, how wild could it get for Indonesian theater? Sex? Nudity? My mind goes from Equus, to Chicago, then Rent. I was ready to leave after intermission if it's even close to Equus.

Luckily, it's close to Rent.
So we stayed.

For anything publicly showed in Jakarta, Ali Topan the Musical yes indeed very controversial. For bravery and being original, that I respect, Ari Tulang.
However, I have some bitter comments about the Musical itself, in terms of what me as audience saw - music, vocal, act, props.

The above category, need something more edgy. Sorry, not for music. Music is fantastic!
Music shows the energy and emotion on scene, however, the casts could not intertwined with the music and bring it onto the stage. I couldn't feel the emotion, the gesture.

The most spectacular casts on this musical are not the lead casts, or their friends. But small supporting roles, such as Mbok Yem, Bibi Seksi, Ibu Surya, and one of the genk perek. They outshines the leading casts, though they only have small part, they bring out the character. I can feel their characters.

Ali Topan and Anna Karenina, what to say..
They have good voice, but not enough for Musical. Kikan's vocal is too distinct as Cokelat's lead singer and difficult to see her otherwise. Dendy's vocal for Ali Topan is too flat, I couldnt feel the emotion, the anger, the disappointment, the heartbreak. When I see theater, I want to see emotions through movement, gesture, since I couldn't see very well of your face expression. That's how it differs from TV acting. I couldn't see this stage performance from Dendy.

Face wise, Dendy is too clean-cut as rebel boy Ali Topan. I expect someone rugged, more manly.

The transgenders characters on stage, I know what these characters are there for. However, in Ali Topan the Musical they do not make the performance more artistic or comical.

The script is vulgar. The speech, but it did not make me uneasy or disturbed. Because, they don't express it well. With exception to the Tante Girang and Gula-Gula dancers! They bring the scene oh too well! I can see and feel how hungry these horny cougars are!! Bravo. Only one thing bugs me, the gula-gula dancers are just. too. gay. Whilst, they should be cougar eaters! You boys should be thanking the Tante Girang. They saved your performance and make it believable.
This scene, i was quite awkward towards mum.

However, the most anticipated scene. Intercourse Ali Topan and Anna Karenina. Yeah, they did it on a motorbike. Honestly, by all warnings I gotten from friends, I was expecting a lot more than just dry hump. Even for dry hump, Kikan and Dendy are not believable. By the end of it, I was, what? THAT'S IT?!
This was, not at all awkward wif mum.

One thing I always anticipate when going to theater is that the stage props. I'm always amazed by how they put effort not just on performance, but also things that audience many not considered. That is, stage decor.

For a stage theater, Ali Topan the Musical sat in bottom three (stealing Idol words). They have very minimal props! They also count on projectors and screens to create the fantasy. That's not stage performance!!! If i thought this what Indonesia can present for its theater, I would be very tolerable. But I've been to Teater Koma and they have spectacular stage decor! They built every detail they need to create the imagination. I don't want you producers to built the image for me, let me create those on my own, by your decor, by your casts, by your music, by your lighting, by your performance.

I have to say, though, Ali Topan the Musical is good effort to raise public knowledge of Theater Musical. But to me, Ali Topan the Musical is just like watching SCTV Award on TV with better vocals.

I am a musical snob.
and I don't love Ali Topan the Musical.

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

The journey started 28 March and ends 2 April, 2011.

This was for US Education training, in short, work thing.
I won't say much about it, who would wanna make a journal about work?

Instead, I'll write about Phnom Penh, the city, the culture, the people.
There would be many missing out on this story, just because I only spent few hours out of 6 days there. But here is what I saw...

The city landscape is much more proper than Jakarta. They have many beautiful clean green gardens. Although traffic is crazier than Jakarta, but lacking population may yet endangered pedestrians (if any). Most of them are on wheels, be it cars, motorbikes, or tuk-tuks (or locals said rhenmo).

Don't get me started on cars. Cambodians (or locally said, Khmer) love to drive huge SUVs or Jeep, and they're not the cheap ones. On tourist areas, I saw many Hummer and Lexus (Toyota gak level ya bok?).

Whilst, on the commoners side, they don't have public transports as buses or train or anything like mikrolet. They have Tuk-Tuks. Even these Tuk-Tuks are not commonly ride by the locals. My colleague and I had this conversation, and we assume that locals who ride tuk-tuks are those mums or elderly, or those who goes to Pasar (market) often. Just as we, Indonesians, rode Becak. You won't see youngsters or even white-collars rode Becak as transport. This generation prefer to drive, on motorbikes or taxis. Although in Indonesia we still go by buses, train or mikrolet for transportation; of those Khmer doesn't have.

The tourist area in Phnom Penh are not many. I reckon you can explore the city in 1 day that would cover all. Out of those some, I can only cover: Sisowath Quay, russian market, sihanouk blvd, sothearos blvd, and diamond island.

(cityview from Nagaworld Hotel level 12)

Confused on what souvenir and traditional food we can bring home, I ask our local colleague for some tips. Surprisingly, they couldn't even think of what to buy. Except for Silk and handmade crafts.

One also wonders, what are their main food? is it rice, or noodle, or bread? Our local friends could not answer as well.
Although on street hawkers we saw many barbecue place, sandwiches place (with baguette!!), and sweetened fruits on jars (manisan buah). We didnt taste any of street hawkers food, just because I'm unaware of what the meat and what ingredients they put. They smell awful too sometimes, pardon, like urine.

We were surprised that they drive on the left (as American and French do?). I have to say, most of them. Because I saw some cars have right-side drivers. So, mix? This adds to no traffic lights at some tourist area, equals confusion. They, however, have lots and lots roundabouts! Crossing roads in Phnom Penh frustrates me, what's worse, we don't know which side to look! So that adds the adrenalin rush.

Walking can be an adventure itself in Phnom Penh. For farther area, we took Tuk-Tuk. It's almost like Delman but on motorbike. We went to Russian market by Tuk-Tuk from Nagaworld Hotel, took us $6 for 6 people! I'm not sure if it's cheap or not.

Oh right, they use twin currencies. You can mix your US$ currency with their local Riel. Say for example, you bought food for US$3.50, you can give your $3 and .50c in Riel (thats about 2000 Riel). For change smaller than $1, they will always give you in Riel. For Indonesian, having Riel would be easy. They don't have cents. Riel is only 100, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000.
I'm amazed by their cash registers! They have 2 currencies applied in the machine. But what's more mind-boggling is that the locals can calculate easy in their mind the mixes between US$ and Riel!! For someone lousy at math, this I find very amusing. :p

So Cambodia for me is very interesting in their on way. Pardon my conclusion, but I find it doesn't have a sense of direction, given everything of twos (the currencies, the roads). Culturally speaking, they have rich culture, but they don't explore and promote it. They only have their silk. Handcrafts and stones are also two most sought souvenirs, but as Indonesian, we have those too. Also, traditional food, what are theirs? Locals don't even know.

In such a way, Indonesian are more developed compared to Khmer. However, in other ways, in much more simplicity, Khmer are "nicer" than Indonesian. Places are moderately clean (at least for tourists area). So just because they have very clean and green gardens, Phnom Penh has more pluses than Jakarta in my checklist. Oh! and the way Khmer lives. I find most amusing was that they all (by all I meant, youngsters, kids, parents, elderly, everyone!) still hangout doing nothing at riverfront, or garden, or empty field. They play sports, they run around, they dance, they chat. They still socialize in simple ways! Blimey. I have extreme appreciation to Khmer in this manner. I mean, to compare to Indonesian, Jakartans specifically, people won't socialize unless there are cafes, restaurants, or movie event nearby! Especially families. Where would you see mom, dad and tots or babies play on gardens, run around? Not in jakarta they don't!

I'm already planning to go back for a real holiday this time.
and not forgetting SIEM REAP! :)

Jakarta, driving and traffic

Driving in jakarta is mad yo! Drivers are so impatient and ignorant. They care nothing but their own safety, if that! The major point for them is how to get off this traffic fast enough. Fuck this. Fuck you, jakarta!


Alhamdulillah. I'll be going there this end of march, for work thing.
Which is quite exciting. Although, some plans need to be diverted.

Yeah, planning was never part of my life, why start now.


Trying not to regret what has happened in the past. Everything that happened.
Taking all of it as blessing.

The journey was not easy, nor smooth.
Tears, laughter, depression, smiles, glum. Among million other emotions I've been through.

I'm grateful for all things I've experienced.
The people I met, the journey I went, The foolishness I made.

I'm most lazy person on earth, that's the truth.
One to experienced these many exhilarating life, is very overwhelming.

Life is a plan. Every move has been set-up according to what I have in mind.
However, my life was not according to plan. None of it was.
And that sometimes frustrating.

But when I look back to whatever has happened, that I went through,
I know I've lived a glass half-full. In my own way.
In my own sadness, sorrow, neurotic ways.

I can't change who I was or who I've become.
When in my early twenties, I was still soul-searching. Alone, in Melbourne.
Now in late twenties, I know who I am. Surrounded by people, in Jakarta.

I've come so far, been through many emotional roller-coaster.
and all that was me seeking own identity.

Alhamdulillah, I'm now up and about. Confident to see eye-to-eye with the world.


Simple Life

“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”


6 months..

Sabar Gusti, ya Allah berikan hambamu sabar..
Niat saya baik.
Semoga semua dapat berjalan sesuai rencana.

Bismillahirrohmanirrohim, saya pasrahkan semua padaMu ya Allah. Saya pasrah, saya ikhlas.

Ya allah saya mau pulang to a place where I don't have to wander and feel belong... Bismillah..
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!


Have I always been trapped in anger?

I need to stop being angry at everything. At anything.

I'm preserving the past in present and not moving forward, that I am.

Should I leave?
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

Out of nature!

It got me thinking, my promotion to handle an entire branch is so out of nature! Its ridiculous.

I don't know what my boss was thinking!

Its a jump I didn't expect! Its been a month on this new role, yet I haven't found my rhtyhm. Everything begins to turn to chaos.

Soon, my boss' boss will snap her claws onto me. I hate confrontation but that's what I have to do.

I'm forced to be smart about office politics and whatnot, without prior experiences of such.

Everything that I do is always not in proper order and not according to my plans. Of course my path I'm on now is better than my plans, but then, I'm not prepared for this. I'm no easy adapter ya know!

So much for keeping positive this new year. I've snapped about 80% of everyday to almost everyone around me. How's that for positive!
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

I remember

Memories flashing back as I hear Maksim Mrvica plays his still waters.

And Elphaba and glinda defying their gravities.

I remember...
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

About Me

My photo
A Blank Canvas, Ready to be painted. Contemplation at its best. A personal Journey...
