
Everyone around me is away for holiday. well, no surprise since it's summer, durh!
He said today "I'm going away this saturday." She said yesterday "you see me around much this week, but I'll be away starting next week for a month!".

ah, how exciting.
I want it too. going away..

thing is, i've taken my "holiday" treat a month early than theirs. Spending exactly 35 days in Jakarta-Bandung-Bali was it. and I want it more...

I had this crazy idea to cure my crave for traveling this summer is to pack my bags, go to travel agents, and jet-off the next day for Europe! As if I had the luxury.. :-(
the next best thing is to drive away the car next weekend for Sorrento or Brighton beach. somewhere close to home and don't rip-off our bank accounts in a blink of an eye like a euro-trip.
The second best thing is exploring Australia, from east coast to the west. uh, prolly too much. Just going up north from Victoria to Queensland is more than enough. I'm thinking, Goldcoast, Brissie, Barrier Reef, and stopover Sydney? Sounds like a plan.

I'm dying for a week-away trip, soon.
I need to see the beach. The gardens. The people holidaying. I need to see myself and my friends doing nothing but to leave our worries behind.

Why is everyone had to go away on summer?????
and now, I want that too!

It'd be best if the spontaneous euro-trip do come true. *tetep, ngarep!*
must. leave. city.
need. fresh. air.


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A Blank Canvas, Ready to be painted. Contemplation at its best. A personal Journey...
