on being in love.

tentang dia yg lagi jatuh cinta? sangatlah menarik.

ternyata lelaki sekomunis apapun otaknya, senarsis apapun sifatnya, sejahanam apapun tingkahnya.. tetep terkapar juga karena cinta. bahasa pun mendayu2 kemakan cinta.

and hes very blunt about it too.

It's a different view from here I see. That dark gloomy wall you've been trying hard to build, just cracked down with a flip of a hand. Thanks to your newfound love.

Jealousy knocks on my door.
It's not him. It's the feeling.

ah kamu.
it seems life's complete on your agenda.
are you not yet satisfied?
I wonder that.


fool's banquet 6:05 PM  

bow, gak takut blog lo ke baca doi?
eh, tapi dia gak nyadar juga ya. hehehe...

schizilly 10:42 PM  

gak ada yg tau juga who im refering to. 'cept you of course. it juga krn part of yg gue tulis udah gw tulis ke elo.. hehehe..

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A Blank Canvas, Ready to be painted. Contemplation at its best. A personal Journey...
