Hot Now

"I create illusory worlds - it's not escapism, it's processing reality to make it a little more fun and a little more liveable."


What's Hot Now?
InStyle says MIKA. I say MIKA. You say?
damn you bitches, It's MIKA 'course!

I dont care if hes gay. Well, the looks and his dancing give that away. He reminds me of a past memory. Lucu, Love Today is on Myspace playlist too. You like him, don't you? since you both are much alike. he he. I'm creating my own illusory world too, you know. Worse comes to worst, delusion is what it may bring. HAHA.

Ah, "Wha-ever". The trademark.


Anonymous 2:05 PM  

wah jeng, saya engga ngefans MIKA tuh.. tapi Grace Kelly-nya lumayan juga..

Anonymous 2:07 PM  

o iya.. jawab yang kamu tanyain..

lomba blog itu diselenggarain salah satu Univ. di Semarang..

prosesnya panjang.. jadi liat aja di

hehe.. *sori ya.. males jelasinnya..

About Me

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A Blank Canvas, Ready to be painted. Contemplation at its best. A personal Journey...
