
I wanna do something. I want to help. I'm not a heartless human being. I'm ashamed of myself. I feel I've betrayed everyone. It seems to them that I'm just a high pitch somebody that cares nothing but herself. But I am not that person. I trully am not. Am too afraid. TOo afraid to come out of my shell. I do feel the ache deeply in my heart. AM ashamed of my own self. I feel sick of myself. I really want to help, i really do. Help me to overcome fear. I feel like am dancing above those helpless needs. Ya tuhan, aku mesti gimana? Gimana cara aku ngilangin ketakutan ini? Aku bukan orang itu Ya Allah. Aku bukan orang itu, tapi aku gak bisa membuktikannya. Aku malu. Aku feel am the lowest of the lowest person in the world. Aku seakan" menutup mata biarpun mataku sudah terbuka lebar. Tiap hari, setiap detik, dengan segala cara dan upaya membukakan mataku dengan semua kenyataan ini.. tapi maafkan aku karena mataku tetap terlihat tertutup. Tapi aku tidak menutup mataku. Pikiranku terlalu kuat untuk di terjang. Hatiku kalah. Ashamed I am of myself, and pain stroke me inside. Namun Kepalaku tetap memblokir rasa perhatianku. Aku kalah.
ya cuma itu yang bisa aku lakukan saat ini.


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A Blank Canvas, Ready to be painted. Contemplation at its best. A personal Journey...
