teryata jakarta itu indah.

something interesting i discover today.

an african guy noticed my 'too ethnic' name and asked if it's an Indonesian name. I said yes.

Was about to ask how did he know but don't want to make too much of a chit-chat today.
turns out he was the one who keep on talking.

I get curious when he asked me which part of Jakarta I live, Jakarta Barat, or Selatan?
Say Wha? How did know selatan, barat, pusat, timur????
Now I'm intrigued.

We ended up talking for quite abit.
that's how I found out how much he like Jakarta.
quite unsual isnt it?

I mean, if you hear someone love Bali. yeah, no big deal, really.

and this person say he likes that chaotic city?! while i would know some people who desperately want to get out of the city once in a while. wakakka... you know who you are. ;)

The idea that the city is bizarrely lin tune with the metropolitan lifestyle is exhilirating for him. The habit of eating out and having fancy places around the city (ie malls) are very enjoyable. I find that... surprising.

Don't get me wrong, I never hate the city, but never quite lovin' it too.

We ended up talking about Jakarta and the food..
He loves soto ayam.
kampret! jadi pengen...
and I told him about the newest & 'classiest' mall in the city called senayan city.
no surprise, he's quite familiar with senayan as well. (not the mall)

It's the first time I ever hear someone fancy Jakarta. Do you know what people usually respond when they hear Jakarta?
"oh. *pause*"
"very crowded isnt it?"
"i'm scared to go around over there. afraid of being mugged or anything." (true story. my bruneian ex-housemate said this once).

never they elaborate on liking our habit of eating out and our serious addiction to malls.

this is a quite bizarre discovery.
It is where Jakartan meets African in Australia


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A Blank Canvas, Ready to be painted. Contemplation at its best. A personal Journey...
