beli yuk beliii...

sebentar lagi gue mo pindahan rumah..
gue baru nyadar, selama ini apt gue tuh dindingnya slalu sepi. gak ada yang menarik untuk dipandang.
gak pernah gue pajang apa2... karena takut bakal ngerusak si dinding dan berhubung apt2nya bukan punya gue jadi dindingnya harus putih polos bersih seperti awal gue masuk. this leads to me being paranoid of something (anything!) touches the wall! i once hang a photo with a bluetag, which this sticky thing with blue colour but easily removed. the thing left marks on the wall when the photo fell on its own. jadi kesimpulannya, udah gak lengket, false advertising, dan ngotor2in dinding gue!!!

setelah inspeksi2 rumah kemaren... ternyata banyak juga orang2 yang pajang poster dan lain lain di dinding mereka!! ergo, i think, ah bodo lah ya! ntar apt barunya di kasi sesuatu yang agak oke gitu biar rumah gak bosenin banget.

gue inget di ruang tamu temen gue ada poster-framed audrey hepburn. it looks great on her living room. i then consider on getting one. kalo audrey hepburn doang sih banyak ya dimana2. jadi gak pusing.

tapi abis liat blog om gue yang sok2an naro hasil popart-an dia bergaya warholian, gue jadi mikir -- KNP GAK NARO ANDY WARHOL AJA???????????
sesorean tadi iseng browsing cari2 poster andy warhol.
ternyata ya bok! MAHAL jreng!

I like this one

dan ini cuma poster!!
lumayan gede sih: 60x 60cm art print on high quality paper


another option, slightly cheaper one, is of the beatles.

keren kan keren kan???
size: (width: 84cm x height: 59cm)=(width:33 inch x height: 23 inch)
paper: Printed on photo matte paper - fade resistant inks

ini lbh lebar dari yg tadi dan lbh murah.. tapi belinya di ebay sih and auction. so it could be on higher price if anyone else also bid.

kalo si temen sarannya beli yg warhol. she said its more sophisticated dan pastinya lbh keren. hmm agree. tapi masih stuck on price. =D

you know what i actually did after?
daripada mentog di harga, mending cari something yg lebih affordable but less artsy. I then hop-on to.... IKEA's website! LOL
they have quite a collection of wall decoration, painting, posters and all sorts. they're not bad. just, ordinary.

well, option is this
ordinary but affordable.
sophisticated but costs extra.

pilih mana?

better yet, anyone kind enough to wrap it up for me as birthday gift????? tiga minggu lagi loohhh ;) ;)

wakakkakakaa ngarepp!!!!

bantuin pilihin aja deh..
ada options yg lain juga sih

pilih yang mana hayooo???? =)


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A Blank Canvas, Ready to be painted. Contemplation at its best. A personal Journey...
