Narcissism off the chart!

so get this.
Chic magazine published the article "Tak Kenal Maka Tak Sayang" by sandra karina, which really say about knowing thy coworkers better! one of the two tips the author suggested is knowing their personalities off their personal websites, eg. blog. hff who wouldve thought.

This where the interesting part kicks in.
and I quote "Mereka yang mengisi situs pribadinya dengan tulisan yang sedikit kaku dan terkesan misterius, itu artinya introvert atau terutup. Sedangkan mereka yang extrovert, biasanya suka berbagi pengalaman pribadi lewat isi tulisannya, biasanya tentang cinta dan karier. Bagi mereka yang mengisi situsnya dengan tulisan lucu dan bisa mengocok perut, plus desain situsnya juga berbau kartun dan animasi, biasanya humoris, senang tertawa, dan friendly".

whatever personality you have, including the introverts, narcissistic self is flying off the hook with blogs. You can call it freedom or self-exploitation, your choice.

Hey, guess which one am i? :)


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A Blank Canvas, Ready to be painted. Contemplation at its best. A personal Journey...
