t(w)eens & opportunities

Selama target marketnya Teens/Tweens (2T) any business you do will sell out, won't it? Temen gue pernah cerita tentang rencana dia bikin business sama her Hubby2B (call him: H2B) di Jakarta. Mereka udah mengkategorikan 3 hal yang people wouldn't care much on spending money.
1. Birth
2. Marriage
3. Death

I'm quite disagree, somehow. But couldn't find the right explanation. Except for death. Maybe yes, the family in grief wouldn't want any hassle to send-off their loved ones, but does it means cash-out everything you have?

Then, I look up his page. Let's call him TpG. Bisnis dia menggebrak dunia persilatan di jkt. Tapiii.. memang targetnya mostly untuk 2T. Makanya, as i said earlier, mungkin kalo targetnya 2T, they would cash-out loads for their interest, wouldn't they? Tapi iya, price and cost might be tricky. Not all in this market could spend excessively given the pocket money from parents are very differ. Parents income plays a role? TpG bisa aja menargetkan ke market yang berbeda given his broader knowledge. But he didn't. Mungkin dia melihat target yang sekarang cukup memuaskan bisnisnya?

Try this situation.
Given the baby booming in Jakarta now. I call it baby boom since the population's still growing and many young families with 1-2 children. Take aside the 2T market. Aren't these young families could become the new market? I was thinking of that. But apparently, the products wouldn't as likeable as the common/everyday goods (ie. clothing & accessories, entertainment, gadgets). For now, it's the outside appearance that matters. The inside? meh, if the shell's this beautiful, who would care bout the inside? (take general public's view, not the minority intellectuals).

Such common goods are vary in price. You get the cheap knock-offs everywhere. Hence with whatever income you're earning, you get to spend for these common goods. Theyre like.... necessities?

How about education?
The idea of birth, marriage, and death as business prospects is because people wouldn't think much about cashing-out on these 3 occasions.

When thinking education... we think, re-think, and re-rethink (hehe maksa) on many possibilities, contingencies, and abilities. They say, the very first lesson we received is from family. Then why not start there. Mixing family and education.

Thing is, stuck on the question - does parents' income play a role?

It seems very much so.
Hence how you target? to much higher society?

Only to struggle, will they buy or just passing by? Given the possibility that higher society doesn't necessarily become a part of that minority intellectuals, do they?

Then back to the conclusion on whether
2Ts are really better for business prospects?


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