"It's moody and dark. and I dig it"
Marcia Hines commenting on M A T T C O R B Y
your choice
Labels: somesay
i will remember
Time goes by fast
Got my memories
And they will last
I try to keep it simple
Cause I hate goodbyes
I try to keep it simple
By telling myself
I, I will remember you
And all of the things that we've gone through
There is so much I could say
But words get in the way
So, if we're not together
I will remember you
I will remember you
*Ryan Cabrera
Labels: somesay
still at Wells, for now.
it's 30 minutes after midnite.
been shuffling itunes for the saddest song man ever made.
these fingers finally gave in when it stops on Mr. A-Z's who needs shelter.
nyeh. gak nendang.
Urgently needed.
The saddest song in the entire universe.
to fill the void background in this life, as it happens now.
It's a heartbreak.
but in a different love tale.
emptiness persists.
change is life, so they said.
the wide open road ahead blindsided my sights..
thumpthumping heart rate.
keep on reminding in mind
change is life.
change is life, babe.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.
and jump you must.
27/10 the milestone.
nyeh. I hate being mushy.
stupid love songs might cure. the saddest song man ever made, Glenn's? =grin=
Labels: lifebugs , The damsel in distress
a paypal virgin got raped!*
Yes, it's yours truly.
A name-calling specifically said by a friend just this morning. First-timer using paypal funds just to buy a branded bag available only in the frickin uncle sam's land and end-up being scammed. Well, not entirely true yet since the dispute is still investigated.
Aah! menyebalkan!
the bag seems unworthy the trouble, now.
Labels: The damsel in distress
movers and shakers
moving house!
Ackk! time has come. leaving this place I called home.
after all the anxiety of looking for the next perfect home, it finally comes to this.
leaving the old behind and on to the new/different phase ahead.
A part of me feeling excited to find out whats the north side of Melbourne can offer me...
another, is finding it difficult to let go the comfortable now.
On that tram earlier tonight, I realized, the view from work to home will be completely anew. I'll be walking on the north side of the road. Life's been mostly spent on south east. Wonder how will things change? doki doki. -_-
too sentimental for such tiny matter?
on the up side!!
the new home is brighter and bigger than any home i've ever lived in! shud be good, then.
Happily Welcoming the city of Moreland.
Labels: the city , The damsel in distress
tentang film Indonesia
weekend kemarin nonton marathon film indonesia. Judulnya siiih "Indonesian Film Festival" yang diadain di Melbourne. Seperti menyenangkan, bukan? Well, dirangkum cukup dalam 3 kata saja. Tora dan Nico. selebihnya? hambar.
3 bersaudara, si film pembuka yang (seharusnya) inspiring menjadi komedi disaat2 yang crucial. cerita bertele2 dan terlalu draggy yang bikin penonton pengen ngebunuh si supporting actor (cakra) dan (supposedly) the leading actress (shera). Biar Rama (leading actor) cepet2 dapet pencerahan tentang arti hidup dan film cepet bubar! tamat. selesai. bahagia.. saya.
selentingan2 kecil yang (seharusnya) bertemakan "short films" terlihat sangat menganggu karena terlalu pendek dan ujug2 jadi nanggung. pointless. Lucu? ermm, tipikal gimmicks dan slapsticks terlihat.... errmm, kurang pintar?Yah well, sperti dibilang tadi.. puncak acara adalah Tora dan Nico. Although hats off to Tora dan deddy mizwar yang menggemparkan dunia capitol theater saat itu dengan versi nagabonar dan bonaganya mereka.
Sedangkan Nico dan adinia, mereka inspired me to go for a roadtrip jakarta - jogja anytime soon. pengen pengen pengen!!! roadtrip sendirian? gak seru!! Anyone?? yuk yuk yuk????
ceritanyaaa.. menganggu. the last sex scene between cousins? nggak banget. I bet they cut this scene di Indo kan? hehe we got the uncut version of it. 14 censored scenes in Indo cinemas easily got uncut here in Melbourne. Tenang tenang. gak penting. Lebih menghebohkan adegan first kissnya Rangga dan Cinta daripada sex scene Ambar dan Yusuf si sepupu. ;)
Sebenarnya, gue gak tau 3 hari untuk selamanya itu berceritakan tentang apa.
It's a trashy review. Yeah, well, I dont intend to do a review. just rambling thoughts. Cant be bothered to review from the storyline or cinematografi or whatever that teensy bits of movie production thingo. Point is, I just wanna trash the movies. Ha!
Labels: media junque
gimana kalo kalimat yang tertulis dirangkai dengan kata2 indah... tetapi, maknanya dangkal?
apa kita bisa ditipu dengan semua permainan kata2 itu?? atauuu.. terbuai dengan keindahannya?? kalo sperti itu ceritanya, yang bodoh siapa??
kadar penting nggaknya sebuah tulisan tergantung dari banyaknya si penulis mempunyai kemampuan baca yang tinggi, ergo, pengetahuan yang luas. apa iya???
Labels: Rambling nonsense