in almost a month

I've discovered:

- newborn babies have loooooong and complicated names.

- celebrity wannabes are getting younger and younger everyday!

- muziik Indo are so catchy, at first. dull the next. fit for one hit wonders!

- I'm seeing baby Afgan everywhere on screen! boi, your voice is to-die-for tapii, i'm feeling something off about you, hm, what?

- listened to sex discussion on radio menjelang BUKA PUASA! it's a turn off, really. what mindless person would put that session at THAT hour? i mean, seriously.

- Infotainment is proven a sickening virus for the brain.

- Jakarta traffic is a kill, old story. Tapii, if you know the tricks and what not, you could go places in half hour tops! crazy huh. my driver is the master on that!

- First time Ramadan at home after a long years away, I find TV shows are quite... sinful. I'm expecting ceramah, diskusi agama, ustadz direct call. You know, like the ole times. Now, we're presented with loud noises, loud people, sexy ladies, and stupid comments. How very Ramadhan are we, Indonesia? ((hahaha blagu!)

- oh oh it's imperative to say, gays in Indo are on spotlight! come out come out the closet, you. and of course not only gays that are psychopath ya. i'm just tellin'. (i'm so infotainment minded rite now.)

- Cooking ingredients from overseas are crazy expensive!

- people stare and I don't care.



Anonymous 2:25 PM  

- newborn babies have long and complicated names: yeapssss...dan sekarang namanya tend to ke bule-bulean gituh. ato gak nama yg diambil dari sinetro AAC. blech.

- musik indo are so catchy at first and dull the next: That's becos they brainwash us by playing it over and over di tipi or radio!

- infotainment is a proven sickening virus for the brain: udah lama kali nengggg..heheheh

- TV shows are quite sinful: Yeah, we should somasi those production houses. Isinya stripping sinetron yang sok-sok agamis tapi tetep aja bintang-bintangnya pake pakean seksi, ngomong kata-kata 'anonoh' alias gak okeh, trus banting-banting piring masih aja ade.

- Gay on spotlight: no comment. hihih.

schizilly 7:29 PM  

- TV shows are quite sinful: Yeah, we should somasi those production houses. Isinya stripping sinetron yang sok-sok agamis tapi tetep aja bintang-bintangnya pake pakean seksi, ngomong kata-kata 'anonoh' alias gak okeh, trus banting-banting piring masih aja ade.

>>> maksud gue sih acara2 tv pas sahur dir. dulu kan mana ada tuh gedombreng2 loud noises. skrg mana ada ceramah2, ilmu agama gitu. though sbnrnya gue jg jarang nonton, tapi kalo pas sahur adanya itu ya mau gak mau dengerin juga. lah skrg?? pagi2 orang dah pada brisik smua!

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