Life is free

Tiba2 teringat lagu ini..
a band that -most likely- went platinum only in Indonesia, is actually british.
they went big years ago, when i was in Junior or Senior High, cant remember. but in those days.
Maybe the sudden reminisce of the band due to some old pictures found on my yahoo photos. Miss my cousin so much. She and I were almost inseparable back then, when she was home. Looking at those pictures reminds me that life goes on.

While thinking of her, I remember Arkarna. She loved that band, and so do I.
the band is no longer exist. I wonder where are they now?
Ollie Jacobs has a bit of squeky voice for this music. Maybe its the catchy tune that I loved?

Jadi kangen lagu2 "lama" gue.
kangen lagu2 lama, ato kangen masa2 lalu?
hff, i sure am living in the past.

Ollie, thanks for the memory.


Anonymous 6:53 PM  

well, at least you're free from those 'menye-menye' songs, aren't you??
sekarang gue yang kena virus menye-menye..

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