Since I have too much of idle time, hence dvds are here to comfort me.
Rent!The movie is based on broadway musical of the same title, Rent. I knew I'd regret missing out on Rent broadway last time I went to NYC. I've had the thought since I got to LA - that was a week prior NYC. and yet, when I reached the east coast.. I had no chance at all to catch any of the broadway shows. Padahal Rent wasnt that expensive to watch. *sigh*
My friend's mum once said that whenever you're overseas just pursue whatever the heart wants. cos when you're back to your homeland, you wudnt want to feel regret.
Well, she's right.
Of course, at the time she was talking about shopping. LOL. That Mum and daughter pair are quite a shopaholic, so to her point of view, you wouldnt want to miss out on the goodies in overseas.
to my point of view, I missed out on quite a bit of shows in Las Vegas and NYC. :sad: I thought I could see one of Cirque Du Soleil's show in vegas, Wicked, Phantom of the Opera on Broadway, and of course, Rent! :Sob:
Few weeks ago I watched this episode of Ugly Betty. She mentioned Wicked. and I read this blog, which also mentioned how great Wicked is. damn. Nyesel banget!
And I know, it takes ages -or worse, never!- for these shows to appear in Melbourne. Gah, dissapointing.
Well, we do have Miss Saigon in theatre this year. and Phantom too. I'll watch the latter but not Saigon. They said it's fantabulous show, but it doesnt interest me.
huhuuu.. I wanna go NYC lagiiii !!!!!!!! man, it's not too much about the money. but the travel time. I cudnt bear on a plane for such long hours! Ah, andaikan aku punya doraemon...
Anyway, I rent Rent (ha!) :p at ezy on tuesday.
You know, to cure my curiousity for that broadway musical.
It's pretty good. I reckon, it's a bit of Grease - you know, the millenium type of grease. hehe. maksa ya? :) Thou it touched not only romantic affair, but also other matters that surprisingly become so common in the world for these past years. AIDS, same-sex partners, and drugs are to name a few. They said its the bohemian life of newyorkers. how they survive just to pay the rent.
The story is not new from any other movies, but the music are sugoii. Me likey! ;)
I wish I can go to NYC again, and watch it live. Wonder if it's still on? the show, I mean.
Anyhoo, the DVD version is already pretty good. Rent it. ^_^
oh, my favorite lyric from Rent:
"I think they meant it
When they said you can't buy love
Now I know you can rent it
A new lease you are, my love,
On life"
Angel and Tom Collins sung it.
uh, cinta!
Satu lagiii..
Hard CandyI've been dying to watch this movie since it was on Nova months ago!
But for some reason I cudnt find time to watch it on nova. hm..
Anyway, DVD is good enough.
I thought this movie would somewhat be disturbing. But surprisingly, its not.
Although I still dont know who the girl is and whats her connection with the dude. The tagline and synopsis are great. They'll mislead you on whats really happening in the movie. There's only one scene I find it quite disturbing. Thats when the girl chopped off the dude's balls. Man, she sure knows how to do surgery without practice eh? :grin: Nah, they din really show how the process went, which cud be totally creepy! but you'll still feel somewhat,uhm, uneasy(?) watching that scene.
All in all, the movie is different. Sorta the reverse on what child abduction is all about. The tagline itself says "Strangers should never talk to Little Girl..."
Oh! its a good thing I watched it on DVD, then I get to read subtitles. Haha. Quotes are pretty... uhm, twisted.
take this for one,
Jeff Kohlver: I'd say, "Help... a teenager cut my balls off. Call the police." =D
Oh well, just watch. you'll know what i'm talking about.
afterwards, can someone tell me Whats this hayley girl relationship to the dude? I'm confused in that part.
Sisa waktu idle saya..
Korean Dramas are my guilty pleasure.
*halah* :P
La vie boheme
Friday, June 22, 2007
Labels: Moving feast
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