
Thanks to J.Blunt.. I Quote "I Saw Your Face In A Crowded Place. I Don't Know What To Do. Cos I'll Never Be With You"

Bangun tidur udah berjam2 lalu. Tetep aja masih gelisah gundah gulana gak jelas. Eeh! pake ditambah si iPod bikin hati menyenye sama playlist sleep biadab itu. iya iya, lagu2 itu enak untuk nina-bobo. Tapi disaat begini.. weather diluar pun mendukung. James berlantun you're beautiful... Ugh! ngena banget!

berlanjut dgn Glenn. yak! Checkmate!

ternyata bener ya.
they (Ai No Uta) can easily annoyed your moods.
at one time, you'd feel overjoyed.
at another, you'd feel agitated.
then it came, the worst of all.. that thing.
the warm and fuzzy feeling.

Berawal dari J-Blunt. berlanjut ke G-Fredly.
ditutup dengan E-McCain.

lengkaplah sudah.
menyenyenyenyeee hari ini.



Anonymous 10:54 AM  

segitu parahnya neng???

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