
udah denger beritanya for a while now. but i always thot this free hugs campaign thing was originally from NYC!! dunno why, i always thot it was made by some dude in the chaotic city life in NYC. but NO! it's an original downunder! made in sydney, pitt street mall to be exact! hmm, like bourke mall but with loads more crowds? :p

Thanks to youtube, what was once a simple innocent act of free hugs.. it now becomes a worldwide campaign.

He said

Everyone has problems and for sure mine haven't compared. But to see someone who was once frowning, smile even for a moment, is worth it every time.

From then on, the freehugging became inspirational to people all over the world!
In this age of social disconnectivity and lack of human contact, the effects of the Free Hugs campaign became phenomenal.

Suddenly, I remembered the movie "Pay It Forward" starring Haley Joel Osment, Kevin Spacey, Helen Hunt. "Sometimes The Simplest Idea Can Make The Biggest Difference"

After watching the free hugs campaign in youtube, i kept wondering... apa mungkin ini bisa dilakuin di Jakarta?? Kota yang penuh curiga satu dengan yg lain. Since kita gak punya public space sperti sydney punya pitt street, mungkin gak di mall2 gitu ada orang di jakarta yang put a massive sign that sez "FREE HUGS" (or translated: PELUK GRATIS? hmm kok agak2 gimana gitu ya? LOL). Mungkin gak ada orang yg nyamperin dia and actually give sincere hugs. not to rob his/her pocket. ato worse, "grepe2" gak jelas? Duh! moral moraaall! tapi MUNGKIN gak sih ada orang yg beneran give sincere hugs to whoever yg pasang sign itu? say, di sembarang mall di indo. Be it PS, PIM, ato sampe Metropolitan Bekasi?

Gue ngebayanginnya,
first, people stare at him/her constantly. mikir, ni orang gila apa ya? ih mo ngapain sih?
kedua! "nyehehehe, peluk ahh.. -ganteng/cantik? -dompetnya tebel?"
ketiga, klo pun sukses dan beneran massive crowds appreciate the initial intention of freehugging, gue yakin.. gak berapa lama bakalan masuk tivi dan protes sana sini bakalan berkicau. *maaf* tapi pasti ada protes dari pihak religi2 yang mungkin kurang sreg dengan hugging bukan sesama muhrim. *skali lagi maaf*

Tapi it'd be surprising if someone can actually pull this off di jakarta.
It's gonna be shocking for sure. hehe..
I love the original idea though.
hmff terlalu komersil. Karena si "Juan Mann" udah terlalu terkenal, tapi hopefully his sincerity still in place just as he first started 2 years ago.

----- hugssss


Nothing is more difficult and therefore
more precious, then to be able to decide.


end of a journey, beginning of another..

stelah 20 taun sekolah, sekolah, tugas, exams.. akhirnya slesai. today's the last day of my postgrad degree. stlh telat 1 smester krn males.. hehe.. akhirnya beres tuntas kehidupan akademik gue.
tapi kok sedih ya?
sekarang smuanya serba gamang
gue mesti ngelangkah kemana sekarang ya?

sering denger kan ada orang2 yang ambil a year off doing whatever s/he pleases. Go abroad, get some work, or just dozed off on booze and smokes, or whatever. As they said, the world is your oyster.. and that one year off is just about the ryte time to do it.

question now is, should i take a year off, doing nothing?
well not exactly doing nothing, but nothing significant. getting some casual earnings, here and there. a year off without responsibility and burden on my shoulders.

Tapi tapi tapi...

why today come so early?

Maybe I'll go travelling for a year,
finding myself or start a career.
Maybe I'll move back home and pay off my loans,
working nine to five answering phones.
I don't want to get up, just let me lie in,
leave me alone, I'm a twenty something.

Maybe I'll just fall in love that could solve it all,
philosophers say that that's enough,
there surely must be more.

Friday, I'm in L...L....L???

It's friday. It's raining. Suddenly feel like singin in the rain. Fiddling iTunes. Scroll the wheel from playlist to playlist.

I'm serenaded by Jamie.

What a glorious feeling
I'm happy again

I'll walk down the lane
With a happy refrain
I'm singing in the rain

Daba do... do do do do
Do da do.


konsepnya keren.
and i contributed a fun image there.

-- this is what i get after browsing for target market selection, eh?

tentang seseorang

kenapa sih orang itu gak nyadar that dia being pushy? nyebelin, tauk?!?! all this time, i still bite my tongue not to yell anything rude to you. considering elo few years my senior and honestly you dont seem to realize that you annoy people, esp. ME! i always try to be nice, but yesterday i had enuf. lo bisa plonga-plongo sa'karepmu, i leave you with only simple words. "udah ya, bye"

and again, with the plonga-plongomu yang terliat slalu misplaced!

My cuz met you once. I think she can handle you better than I do. =D It's tiring talking to you. sometimes I can be the queen of basa-basi, like most perempuan2 jawa diajarkan. but I cant even have a nice chat over coffee with you for an hour! My eyes kept looking out the cafe, watching people pass by. My mind desperately sending telephatic messages to any of them to rescue me. Jahat? Bodo!

Although meetings are casual. tapi di dunia maya ini aku gak bisa lari. lari kemana? appear offline cuma merugikan gue. lagipula, gw jg gak bisa cut this person off my circle. my bestie's family friend. imagine that!

Ugh! wish that dia leave me with all those pushy requests!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH if i can say it to this person's face. kamu ngganggu tau gak!


sekali lagi, gw terbius sama fairytales di k-drama. memalukan! aib! klo si teman yang bilang.

itunes penuh dengan lagu2 yang liriknya gak gue ngerti. tapi satu kata yang slalu muncul di lirik2 lagu itu.. sarang

di indonesia kita punya yovie dan glenn dengan lirik2 cintanya. Kebayang kan gimana semua wanita di pelosok indonesia nangis sesunggrukan, bermimpi ke awang2 hanya denger untaian lirik2 indah mereka tentang cinta.

iya, sarang.

segitu uneasynya gue denger lagu yovie dan glenn. tapi saat kata2 itu gak jelas artinya di telinga gue, lagu2 tentang sarang gak pernah terlepas dari iPod dan iTunes gue. 24/7. sarang keeps on playing repeatedly til they becomes broken records to my ears.

yah sperti si temen bilang, virus korea efeknya dasyaat! lol
aib aib aib! :P

business development seminar

went to the business development seminar held by network 21 yesterday. It's not exactly what i expected. They talked alot about the business, about dreams, about you can achieve it if you just believe. Often we stand up from our seats and applause. applause to recognize the success of many people among us. Success for their believe, their efforts in making the business grow. Among those recognitions, most of them are still students. very young students.
I applaud them. They think further ahead from the binge drinking, binge clubbing and many others that most of uni students are well-known for.

I won't prejudged what network 21 is doing. It has good concept, but what i've gathered from meeting last night.. It works the opposite way of any corporate world. The main contribution to the business is the people skills. It sells its' people. People is the main ingredients. the amway products are just the sidedish. It grows enormously cos when you think about it, how many people in this world? in this city alone? 2 million at most? it's a networking business. People are part of the networking. they are the network. So you get what I mean.

Honestly, I felt really uncomfortable during the seminar. At first, i'm locked in to what the speaker says... an hour later.. i feel i'm in a church or a cult of somekind. I feel very uneasy in the situation. But it's my first time to ever join a seminar as such. Do other business seminars works in similar ways? If it is some kind of motivational seminar, i aint feel motivated. I feel I'm being preached. I feel they're brainwash me with this theorem that they all deeply believe. It's good that people are passionate in achieving their highest dreams. but i'm not that character in the crowd. It's not about overcoming fear nor being skeptical, but maybe my simple mind keep on telling me to taste the dirt before running into a quick fix. How bad the dirt may taste, at least I know whats going on out there. As now, i'm floating on air knowing nothing.

satu yang gue gak ngerti, kenapa selama seminar kita dicecer sama foto2 kesuksesannya si mitch sala. yang pergi ke USA berkali2 serasa ngesot ke pasar aja? Nginep di disney suite bak nya seorang terkenal? bersenang2 di chateau eropa layaknya imperial household? berkunjung ke seorang "teman" di hollywood, bertetanggaan dengan usher si rapper terkenal. What's the point? I know, you share to us that you've achieved more than you ever dreamt of. Tapi, kenapa? buat apa?

As I said, I wont prejudged. I just feel uneasy with your business development program. I'm, stupidly enough, too proud of being the one person that I am. Maybe it's what you called closed minded. Well, perhaps I am.

the Walt

never ever I have fun during a lecture. Last night was an exception. A guest lecturer from Walt Disney Australia came to our branding lecture. It was very interesting to know the history about the Disney empire and the branding mechanism they did to be that powerful in the world. It started down from a vision of one man to finally become the fundamental heritage of today's unbeatable brand in the entertainment industry. Also I come to know that miramax and abc are owned by Disney corporate and pulp fiction is DISNEY's highest grossing cinematic production! surprise, surprise.

What most interesting is that Disney has this technique to keep their animation characters alive for all generations. Whenever they have a product coming out in the market, they'll do huge push marketing. They'll market it in so many ways just to get it out there. After some period of time, say - a year, the product will be taken from the shelves and locked it back safely in "the vault" for the next 7 years to re-appear for future generation. This is their idea to keep the character - the brand - alive for all generations. I'm in awe!

The disney theme park main street is a flasback of Walt's hometown in Chicago back in the 1920s. The beginning of Disney company was build based on Walt's visions and creativity. His characters grows in all of us. Although his visions are prolly create fairy tales thats quite contrary to whats real out there. I mean, not every common girl sitting next to a dusty chimney would eventually transform into a princess at the end of the day, now would she? :p but it never fails to bring that warm and fuzzy feeling.

enough fairy tales.
and now.. im faced to a reality where I have to write about that frickin Telstra's corporate culture! tsk

Robert Kiyosaki

Three times I've been approached to join network 21. A networking endorse Robert Kiyosaki's infamous concept. Everyone who've heard of it must be crazy not to get tempted. The idea of passive income. the conformist becomes non-conformist. To think out of the box. A leader not manager.

The concept is easily hone in by ambitious people. people whose ideals are not "just to pay the rent". I've been approached to understand that dreams of yours, are feasible to achieve while you're young. I said to myself, they talk to the wrong crowd! pfft. Dont get me wrong, the passive income really interests me. It's just the network 21 that don't grow on me yet. although has no interest to make myself open minded to the networking :)

I've been approached twice, vigorously, to join network 21. Then she said something that made me think. she said, maybe they see you as a potential. maybe they see you as a business woman. I squint a little and start to question, Am I?

Again, my conscience pinch me and say once more "they're talking to the wrong crowd". Although, honestly, it does lift up the motivation to make reality of that hidden dream. hehe. whatever that is :)

I read articles about what leadership really is. I reckon Robert Kiyosaki's concept is to break into a leader's mind. Don't be follower. Be the leader.
and thats where the passive income walks in.
It says, skills are minimal. I reckon it means physical skills are limited, but mental skills are whats important. So emotional intelligence is the key?

Does talent has a role in the matter?

I reckon, Kiyosaki's concept seems a quick fix to a prosperous life.. but keeping an open mind to it, we'd see it educates us to be the leader. To think like a leader. but the two questions above are the twister.

Oh well, it's just my 2 cents.

again, i'm open minded to the concept, not N21 :)

kingdom of couture

Lauren Weisberger, famous for her "the devil wears prada" chic lit, move to mainstream by bringing along meryl streep and anne hathaway. It's a no brainer meryl streep nails the evil in the devil. Although the story for big screen is toned down to fulfil tinseltown's ideals.

Some critics say, the evil is not yet the devil. since the devil should be this hard-feeling being, but the miranda priesley in big screen is more likely a headstrong woman hide in a devil's mask. Yes, The devil, is still humane. Quite contrary to whats told in the book. the devil, is only the evil being.

but don't we all like to know that every cloud has a silver lining? that lining is a fine line between a woman and the devil. And that is, miranda priesley.

Although the devil wears prada is a story about Andy sachs - the blossoming brainy fresh-grad who is making an entrance into the fashion industry. However, Meryl streep's Miranda who steal the screen. It is, of course, a movie about the devil wears prada. And, Miranda is the devil.

Personally, the devil wears prada the movie is a visualisation to the kingdom of couture. All labels, no exception!
it's the socialite's closet, exposed!

One would die of envy after 1.5 hours being bombarded with collages of those chic and sleek.

I, too, want to be the devil wears PRADA! ;)


"Thinking is easy, acting difficult, and to
put one's thoughts into action, the most
difficult thing in the world."

love and war

National Gallery of Victoria presents:

Winter masterpiece - Picasso Love and War.

Today, Melbourne says good bye to Picasso.
Although I've seen what I need to see in the exhibition, but there is one thing I yet to do during the Picasso event.
That is, take pics on the entrance! =D

I always have to be a part of anything weird or significant in this city. Must.
To be presented as memorabilia in future times. Priceless moments. Scrapbook of life.

and I might miss this one promenade event in melbourne to be documented. *sigh*
due to lackness of fun of that person close to me. huhuuu


learn new word.
seems odd to me, but apparently it's common.

i surely lack of vocabulary.

according to the free dictionary,

Noun1.bastardisation - an act that debases or corrupts
degradation, debasement - changing to a lower state (a less respected state)

do I look THAT old?

ok I'm 23.
but someone actually thought that I'm older than 23!
and that's a compliment?
heck! I aint look OLDER than 23, am I?
is there such thing a "quarter life crisis"?
although the quarter life is not yet reached. so what then?

so FYI people... I AM TWENTY THREE! Not OLDER!
gak terima gw dianggep lebih tua.

being independent

as women thesedays become more and more independent.
we don't really concern on what our parents have to say.
i do that as well..

but does being independent means we listen to our inner voice itself and ignore others?
is being independent means giving the ability to be self-righteous?
is being independent means being a selfish human being?
is being independent means we decide our own life, our own destiny and not caring for our loved ones concerns?

I know you're an independent woman.
don't leave us, don't leave them, don't leave...
at least... don't runaway.
not to the land of the unknown.
i don't know what else to say, nor do.
what must I do?
I, myself, stranded in a foreign land and not have the strength to hold you stay.
only the wise words to be told but your anger demolish the last courage I have.

clear up your mind. don't leave in anger.
regret is what you may find.

don't go.

About Me

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A Blank Canvas, Ready to be painted. Contemplation at its best. A personal Journey...
