kata si mbak ini bisa2 gue obsesi sama si penulis populer itu. si mbak ini bilang gue ngidolain dia. dan emang betul, gue ngidolain dia! HAHA ngarep bisa dapet aja sdikit kemampuan dia.. in everything. dia udah bisa dibilang achieve banyak banget, dan umur dia segue!!
gimana gak salut skaligus ngiri kalo umur sgue, kerja belom lama, eeeh, naek pangkat!! halah.
iya bener neng, gue ngidolain dia banget! nyehehhee.. parah nih
jgn ampe kelewat batas aja kali ya?! parah. parah.
kalo ngliat dari muka doi, hmm dia kliatan over confident.. seems obnoxious, really. kinda intimidate me quite much. hehe padahal, cuma dari foto?! pff.. aneh. gue yg aneh. kenal juga nggak!!
yah.. begitulah.
udah nyebutin dia berkali2 disini. jadi reference, diomongin terus. dari awal ampe akhir. dari dulu ampe dia yg sekarang. hmm, stalker? nggak juga lah. sbenernya kata2 dia byk yg nyantol di gue. ergo, all the credit refer back to si penulis populer ini. althou never mention the name. haha.
Labels: Rambling nonsense , tentang seseorang
ternyata ya...
lebih enakan klo sminggu penuh dgn kerja.. biarpun shift juga cuma 3-4 hours per day. at least have something to do. yeah, whinging like madcow krn kecapean kmaren better than klo sminggu diisi dgn bengong2 wandering like stray cat di city gitu kan? tapi emang, badan rontok! haha beneran. capek. but at the end of the day, im quite satisfied wif what i do now. at least, itll give me time to think on what's next in line.
anyhoo.. the next 2 weeks i'd be having more spare days off work! feel pretty good about it thou. time to relax. haha thats why i so love casual jobs!! HAHA
have 2 days off tomoro and thurs. plan to go DFO tomorooo! yes yes. it's shopping time! although we aint celebratin xmas, but the offers in those shops are hard to resist. HAHA I know I dont need more clothes, or shoes, or bags, or anything else really. I know I'm just wasting the papers for shitless stuffs. it's always an excuse for us to shop to lift up our moods isnt it? you know, the retail therapy thing? HAHA what an excuse?!
got news from home. my dearest cousin gave birth to a baby boy!! meh.. have lots nephews and nieces now eh? pff.. seems AM THAT OLD yaaa?! i never meet most of them. cos im here when they were born. Saw piccies, but babies dont really goo me much when see them from picts. HAHA yeah, i'm not so motherly after all. *grin*
but i wanna see 'em. everyone kept saying "she's so big now" "She's so lucuuu, cuteee, tembem!" "he's like his daddy, putih tembem!" HAHA
serius ya, GAK KEBAYANG! =D
i remember babysit 2 of my youngest cousins dozen years ago. thats why i'm so close wif them. but not these newborns. I dont even know how they look like, really. I miss those kiddies so much! their cheeky and sometimes annoying antics. wif questions and nagging that sometimes non-stop. HAHA. bisa ngangenin juga ternyata makhluk2 cilik itu ya!
yowes ah.
it's my day offs tomorooo! now i have time to blog. =D
OC is on.. story's kinda drag.
Labels: The damsel in distress
the word has been haunting me for the past week.
It started on a blog
a question about the purpose in life "apa yang kita inginkan dalam hidup ini?"
berlanjut ke serial drama yg lagi gue tonton when the lead character asked herself this "What's My Dream?"
And today,
I read a book.
I opened the first page, and there it says "aware of our personal calling"
Yes, It's Coelho that says it.
"We don't all have the courage to confront our own dream"
dan langsung aja gue tersenyum2 sendiri realising, Gue banget! hehe
mungkin itu yang bugs me stelah kepikiran tentang smua ini.
Yah maybe the thought's been there for ages but my mind chose to locked it inside rather than saying it out loud.
Honestly, I'm no different to the blogger dude and that drama character.
The one question persists.
What do I want, what are my dreams?
As if having no dreams is like having no goal.
you're walking in zigzags without a clear destination.
when thinking hard is a must.
but all i see are only blurry smokes! not even options to cause any dilemmas.
the dreams not yet visible and time keeps on ticking.
Surely I cant stop on one spot and not moving til finding the dream now can I?
Since time keeps on going, so will life.
althou it'd be better if I see a vivid image although far ahead.
You know what, I kept telling myself that i'm a dreamer. Tapi, kok sekarang spertinya mimpi2 itu pointless ya? They seem insignificant.
Coelho juga bilang, there are obstacles.
Gue kayaknya can figure out what those are, tapi stlh dipikirin skali, dua kali, tiga kali.. they seem to be irrelevant.
Seneng kali ya those people who feel content wif their lives. Knowing what they want and what theyre good at. Prolly, theyre really living life.
nyeh. udah lah. pusing
Labels: lifebugs
signing my own death sentence
yep! the past two weeks seem like a month to me. for those not in the know.. yes, i was stupid enuf to take 2 jobs. VERY STUPID INDEEDY!
at first, i was too paranoid of boredom attack during summer and the first job din gimme that many shifts to fill in the spare days. ERGO, took the interview for the 2nd job, and yes.. nailed it smoothly!
kinda have the feeling that i mightve diggin my own grave! slave myself on labor work. pegel linu nyeri rontok2 bgini badaaaaaaaaaaaaaaann!
oh you know what, the 1st job actually had management changes so they add more rosters for all staffs! the higher managers are all changed and more strict. G-damn! i cant get the flexibility for work hours like it used to be. double-sheeeeeet! the new manager sorta forced me to work whenever she wanted me to work.
but any of this din really get me until yesterday when i have to work at 2 places in 1 day and MONDAY was a bloody nightmare to work. PEOPLE CONSTANTLY CAME TO SHOP ON MONDAY!! dont they know about WEEKEND SHOPPING DAY EH? 4 hours nonstop scanning their monthly groceries shopping, all those cartons of coke, litres of milk and juices! udah kyk barbelan aja di gymnya ade rai. YA TUHANKU!
dun get me wrong,
i have my doubts.
whether or not to continue working in two places at once like this.
i do have my doubts. cmon, it's me we're talking.
although these doubts keep buggin me constantly, but the newbie tag always gave me the reality check. I mean, I just started working for God sake?!
hopefully, I'll get used to all these in mere weeks. when my body starts to adjust with these changes in my daily routines and it wont ache ever again. haha!
truth is,
I dunno if I wanna keep doing this for months and months. need to get a proper job soon. i mean, whats the use having to slave myself for an extra 2 years of academic years to be a checkout service assistant? I dont need an extra 2 years for that, do I?!
but like I always kept in mind for a couple of years now,
I'm no quitter.
although all around tastes bitter. I will whinge (alot!), but wont quit.
just need to keep that in mind, once again i suppose.
Labels: The damsel in distress
what doesnt kill me makes me stronger.
gue pengen sperti dia ya. everyone, everything around him could take him down in mere minutes with all the things he's doing.. but still.. that makes him lot stronger to stand up and move forward.
he's very ambitious in living his life.
he's an optimist.
are those the ingredients to success?
you know, in life.
ah ngemeng doank sih gue.
udah brapa hari ini gue resah banget. tapi gak tau knapa..
mo cerita juga gak tau apa yang mesti diceritain.
gak jelas begini...
ah sudahlah!
climate change has been the hot topic these couple of days.
yeah, salju turun menjelang musim panas?
bushfire melalap abis sisi yang lain?
keatas dikit, badai.. hail... ngancurin rumah?
yang lain, tsunami and earthquake berbarengan?
dan mereka yang di tempat kompetisi, ber uh-ah ngeliat waves tinggi yang katanya keren banget itu!
pff.. gila memang.
Labels: Rambling nonsense
Achtung Achtung!
Minggu, 05 November 2006, 06:03:37
Rakyat Merdeka. Tentara nasional Indonsia (TNI) terus menyempurnakan pengamanan di Istana Bogor terkait kunjungan Presiden Amerika Serikat George W Bush ke Istana Bogor.
Berbagai ujicoba pengamanan terus dilakukan, termasuk skenario pengkondisian Kota Bogor saat Bush tiba di Kota Bogor.
Menurut rencana, saat Bush tiba di Bogor nanti berbagai frekuensi udara digital sengaja dihilangkan. Hilangnya saluran frekuensi udara telekomunikasi di sekitar lokasi persinggahan Bush selama 10 jam. Sudah barang tentu jaringan selular (handphone) dan digital lainnya seperti radio dan internet akan di-jamer (memblokade frekuensi sementara) sejak pukul 12.00 WIB.
Nah, khusus jaringan internet jika pengguna tetap memaksa menggunakannya akan mendapatkan risiko tinggi. Lalu lintas data tiba-tiba akan overload, tak menutup kemungkinan server bisa jebol. Sementara ujicoba pengamanan yang sudah dilakukan di antaranya menerbangkan helikopter Super Puma milik Angkatan Udara Halim Perdana Kusuma dan Atang Senjaya.
Sudah dua hari ini, helikopter yang dikabarkan berfungsi membawa tamu VVIP itu selalu mengitari Istana Bogor dan mencari lokasi landasan. Sementara kemarin, heli buatan Perancis itu sudah pada tahap ujicoba landasan.
Masyarakat Indonesia udah berkoar2 penuh esmosi dengan datengnya Bush. Kita, sdikit yang pintar dengan kata-kata. Kita lebih pintar main fisik daripada perang dengan kata. Disuruh berkomentar, yang keluar malah anjing.. taik.. bacot.. etc. keliatan kan status kita dimata dunia?
Kita selalu iri dengan orang yg punya kuasa lebih tinggi. tanpa mau berusaha to have good clean competition, to exceed them. yang ada? Ngemeng wae lah!
aparat2 pemerintah.. kalang kabut kebakaran jenggot wira wiri bogor jakarta. Datengnya Bush udah kayak datengnya Queen of England aja. tsk tsk. Semua kecanggihan2 yang diumpetin langsung dikeluarin dan di beberin ke public. duuhh, ternyata kita punya alat2 dan resources secanggih2 itu yaaa?!?
hihihi gw bener2 penasaran.
What will happen on that D day.
Labels: media junque
criminal minds
Aaron Hotch.
Labels: Moving feast , somesay
another stupid lovesong
Its one thing to ask why we break up
Have you ever
Wondered why it is we fall in love
Can you tell me
Do you know what it is you're looking for
What do we need
Can you tell me why I care
How is it that we hear
That voice that says i want you there
Thanks you've been fuel for thought
Now im more lonely than before
But thats okay i've just read and made another stupid love song
Thanks you've been fuel for thought
Now im more lonely than before
But thats okay i've just read and made another stupid love song
In a single moment you might be perfect
And sit
In a window of my life
But how much how much more will I get to see?
What would i strive to hide
Now there will be no compromise
So take it in your stride
I will leave you now with a smile
The song was played nonstop on radio. 3 years ago.
gue inget pertama kali denger lagu ini lagi shopping and that catchy tune "another stupid love song" caught my attention.
Went back home and started googling like mad! Asked my housemates at the time if theyve heard of it. pas udah nemu bajakannya (hehe, teteup!), it played nonstop as well in the wells house. hehehe..
jadi kangen.
lagunya biarpun tentang breakup. tapi it has its own way telling about breaking up. yep. breakup can lead you to becoming famous, amiel is just one example.
hey, di indonesia kita punya GLENN gitu loh?!?! hehehe
sayangnya, she's just another onehit wonder. Amiel just vanished to thin air. no one heard of her after that stupid lovesong.
tapi seneng juga stlh dengerin lagunya lagi..
buat temanku yg lagi patah hati dan mencari rebound (biarpun dia gak baca blog ini)... "just read and made another stupid love song" ya bok.
and who knows, you'll be another "Glenn" di indonesia? versi hardcore rock/punk mungkin? hihihi.. :p
{msg to Dee: hihihi know who im talkin bout kan?? the dude you've been avoiding on YM!! temen lu tuuuh! :p phew dont let him know about this bloggie aight! lol}
Labels: media junque
national gambling day!
yeah. for those who knows about Melburnian's culture, this coming tuesday is Melbourne Cup! a public holiday for some.
yep. none other than the horse racing day where its not just about the gambling, but also looking drop dead gorgeous on that green carpet.
yes yes. the hats are out. the chic and the fab are everywhere. drink, get drunk, go nuts. It's excused! hehe
I dont exactly know what it's all about. aside from the gorgeous looks and the gambling thing. What's the fuss wif melbourne cup? It's like the nation stops to take a glimpse of the race and all the glamorous fashionistas.
Heck, I do that too!
everywhere I look are those people wif their floral dresses and fancy hats. It's like, a party for everyone!!
although funny thing, some people might get so cynical about this event. I know that from their tone when speaking about this spring race. HAHA
jealous cos cant get in? Maybe.
I dont really mind about those people look super nice everywhere in the city (well,who wud?). but I really really really mind when they all drunk in midday or before 9 PM!
and today is the preliminary for that day!
everyone was already drunk. AND IT WAS ONLY 5 PM! Helllooo?!
Labels: media junque